shrine of gibs me dat edition
yank-tier thread
watched the gf get dressed and do her makeup and hair today
fascinating creatures these "fe-males"
Stupid ENGLISH bastards
uhh can we cool it with the anti-semitic posts thanks
he should have been president
I want to sex Emma Watson’s holes.
sorry mate
wonder what my life will be like next world cup
on week 3 of couch to 5k lads
world class
why do jocks hate brexit?
he honestly should've done better during the '08 and '12 elections
he had decently high support across party lines
I am in Brussels, but always thinking about our farmers. Soy beans fell 50% from 2012 to my election. Farmers have done poorly for 15 years. Other countries’ trade barriers and tariffs have been destroying their businesses. I will open...
hehara majmudine i ovde te svi kuliraju
just shit the bed in pure rage
he's right the jews literally killed jesus
Just woke up from a 5 hour coma lads, is football still coming home?
Edinburgh is an English city dedicated to the anglo-saxon King of Northumbria Edwin (Edwinsburg is the original name (Burg is Old English for castle/town)), the lowlands are English soil occupied by the oppressive h*Ghlanders. The actions of Lowlanders Don't count and are NOT representative of real sc*Ts who hate hate HATE civilisation (England).
But the im sorry for slavery guy isnt white?
don't think ill still be a virgin 2bh
will still be posting here though
I aspire to be a house-husband who writes novels in his spare time when not cooking, cleaning, gardening, or looking after the kids
These are all edited images. Still funny.
with all the MGTOW and incels either living on the dole or working minimum wage jobs, will the gender wage gap finally close and people stop whining about it?
taking the rest of the week off /brit/ to look for jobs and hone my psychologist gimmick
idyllic life
>that one Irish fella who inexplicably has something against Wales
I've seen him before
lowland scots are descendants of northumbrian saxons, literally just yorkshiremen with different accents, snowflake cunts
im an 11st9lb hot sexy ottermode twink
bought the weedman a present
i feel genuinely sorry for you lads. you got some nice atmosphere in youre cunt as you thought it would come home.
you have probably pretty good chances at the euros in 2 years.
cleaning is absolute shit and I'd rather toil than clean my house all day
wish they'd invent androids that can fully clean a house already
am same weight but obese
I'm a 16st, 5'6, and built like the michelin man
why have you saved this
no because 1 male CEO cancels out like a thousand dole dossers
it's why the metric for the """wage gap""" is so utterly retarded
thought that was some kind of chicken broth at first
however upon closer inspection it appears to be a picture of sue
>the lads take loads of pictures at the pub of us all during the game
>they all look /hm/
>zoom in on me and yet again I look horrifically ugly
as if my night couldn't get worse
wish someone would acid attack me so at least I have an excuse
don't know who any of these people are
Who are we supporting in the final, Croats right?
I'm Welsh you mong. I'm trying to make the redditposting twat, who keeps acting like some bitter Jock, stop pretending he's some Welsh purebred anti-colonisation nationalist when he's as English as you can be.
Bloody beach stealing Slavs
>cleaning is absolute shit
nah nah nah nah
you're clearly doing it wrong
I love cleaning
it's so creative, peaceful and zen-like
and you don't clean the entire house every day
you just do a little bit where necessary
croatia since they've never won before
no dont stay
its gets tiring being the only non-virgin flagger
actually it's pretty smart
if you dont clean the entire house every day you're a bent paki and a poof
Just inhaled 6 slices of Papa John's lads
move to scotland - heard there''s plenty of ugly people there
do you gentlemen distinguish eastern european accents? can you recognize between polish romanian lithuanian etc.?
Ireland will be depopulated and reorganised into the Greater Welsh Reich
How was it? Were you totally unfit or what?
alri lad
wow, this might be the single worst general on Jow Forums, and that says a lot
remind me again what the purpose of coming to an international board to have a general where you converse in the board's main language is
>you have penis
>this guy has penis
>this guy is rich
>therefore you are rich
i don't think she is the sister of that idiot
*I lean in*
*chair snaps*
not sure what you're trying to say
Soft and concerned
can't remember whether i've had a wank today
think i'll risk one either way
might finance a boomermobile
she literally is
Just got fired. Life is hell. It's just neverending torture.
I get this with yard work, specifically hedge trimming, string trimming and lawn mowing
have never seen a pic of them together
The unionists are at it again lads
what do we do now that we've returned back to earth
feels as if there wasn't a time before this
i can tell a russian because they sound like they are labouring when they speak english
talk to sussex
he cant be a virgin cos his flag has got sex in it
full english brexit
no im not that unfit just never consistently done exercise in my life so though it would be prudent to build my cardio up slowly
been a breeze so far
I'd shag her
love that jf vermin can't crack this general just because it's not filled with virgin freak anime gayposting