Was life better in the Soviet Union or in modern-day Russia?
Was life better in the Soviet Union or in modern-day Russia?
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1960-1982 were the best times
Still good since 2002 tho
Americans are fucking silly if they actually believe that guy. I assume it's just cynically motivated revisionism on your part though.
t. russian parents
It had way less crime and alcoholism. This is something factual.
undoubtely soviet russia
but they didnt apreciate it because they couldnt expirance something else
>Russia is so great his parents moved to Canada
only after the destalinization process was the soviet union good. stalin was literally hitler
>russia is so great
What were we discussing? The Russian federation? No.
>only after the destalinization process was the soviet union good
what do you mean by this post? the soviet union was better under stalin's rule?
Stalin basically created Soviet culture. It wasn't clearly defined until the 1930s.
There's some truth to that. The USSR was dog shit post-Civil War due to the Russian aristocracy not giving much of a damn to make life better all around.
They didn't have mass executions after Stalin's time, but if you think it was ever a livable country...okay.
hence the destalinization process. the leaders of post-stalin USSR recognised the detrimental effects of the autocratic rule and cult of personality surrounding stalin.
could you elaborate on this? russian civil war ended in 1922, stalin died in 1953.
It was always a very gray, depressing place with hardly anything to buy in stores, low quality of life, nonstop political propaganda, people not being allowed to emigrate, the KGB snooping on you all day every day, etc.
>low quality of life, nonstop political propaganda, people not being allowed to emigrate
this doesn't happen in the USA?
>the KGB snooping on you all day every day
not true
>the leaders of post-stalin USSR recognised the detrimental effects of the autocratic rule and cult of personality surrounding stalin
Wha...you think the place became a democracy and personality cults disappeared?
>this doesn't happen in the USA?
No, do you think it does?
>low quality of life
>nonstop political propaganda
Yeah sorry to break it to ya burger
nope, and this shows why stalin is a horrible example of socialist rule, he created permanent marks on russian culture and society, very diminishing ones. the leaders post-stalin recognised this and, unsuccessfully, attempted to dismantle this hierarchy created by stalin. unfortunately it was too engrained, just like with china and mao, or even modern day nazis and hitler. it's hard to lift those scars.
it absolutely does
Khrushchev denounced Stalin's personality cult only to have one gradually form around himself. Then a personality cult formed around Brezhnev.
Modern day Russia isn't that different than West Europe or especially US in terms of "freedom" and social stability. The real problem is still relatively little wages. Not a problem on Eastern Russia tho, West Russia is a complete shithole.
>Modern day Russia isn't that different than West Europe or especially US in terms of "freedom" and social stability.
Y'know, I really don't like Putin and I wish we had a different pres...
>Modern day Russia isn't that different than West Europe or especially US in terms of "freedom" and social stability
>Some journalists and Russian opposition leaders argue that there is now a cult of personality around Vladimir Putin (see also Putinism). Currently, one-fourth of the Russian population believes that a cult of personality reminiscent of Soviet Union-era leaders has developed around Vladimir Putin, while another thirty percent believed that there were increasing signs of a personality cult surrounding Putin. Evidence of this includes food products named after him.[77] Other evidence of Putin's personality cult includes the existence of the Army of Putin, his own female fan club [78] as well as his involvement in action man publicity stunts.[77] According to the United States Government-funded Radio Free Europe, in December 2015, a Russian youth group by the name of "Network" published a book titled "World-Changing Words: Key quotes of Vladimir Putin", which has been compared to Mao Zedong's Little Red Book.[79]
they eat this shit up
If you were an average Ivan you had no access nothing but the essentials or you had to buy them from black market.
Something bananas and oranges and other "exotic fruits" were rare or non-existent even in big cities like st peterburg . Vodka was cheap :D and women
Party nomenklatura meanwhile lived in luxury and had access to anything they wanted.
That would be the very top only. Regular nomenklatura's luxury was just having food and cars.
I read about how in Stalin's time, they had dinners with fine cognac and caviar and fresh fruits and roasted meat and baked goodies while the masses had like one potato in the entire store.
modern day Russia is better than Soviet Union, but early 00s up to 10 were better than current days
>early 00s were better
Early 00s were 90s light with average wage around 100$
Stalinism era is the pinnacle of Eastern Europe