Mythologic creature

briefly explain a mythological creature from your country.

pic: headless-mule
a woman was cursed by its sins (she had sex with a priest) and turned into this creature.

Attached: Brazilian_folklore_by_Sinoca.jpg (500x375, 54K)

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what happened to the priest?

Pombero: literally a small depraved mutt. He kidnap and rape bad girls.

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you question is typical from the nowdays political correctness, it's completely out of the scope of the fable.

anyways, you can assume she was the sole responsible for enticing the priest into sinning.

it's always a brazilian who creates this post
while i wait for the Jersey Devil explanation,
pic: "moon shatter"
one of the seven sons of the guarani people's devil with a celestial daughter of God (yeah, guarani god had a wife and kids)
not the youngest but the tiniest. yep pretty much white and blonde, likes wildhoney and to kidnap kids for who-knows-what with the aid of his golden cane, which has paralyzing properties
basically he was created by our grandmas as a cautionary tale against going outside while siesta time

got sent back to the Vatican like Milingo

nice cultura appropiation there mate

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the home depot beaner. they lurk outside of home depots, tricking unsuspecting gringos into pay them to do shitty half assed labor

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Pombero: called the "Night Lord", just some lost soul which is VERY hairy (therefore doesn't leave footprints) that engages in mild sociopathy such as throwing rocks to people's roofs, killing their chicken, making the cattle sick and startling lone people on the road at night. can be friendlied (and even captured) when an offer of tobacco and sugarcane whisky is left at some tree
Kurupi: called the "Afternoon Lord", that's the one that rapes "bad girls" that dare going out in the siesta. it has a dick so long that it uses as lasso. tentacle rape guarani style. it's also one of the seen sons of the guarani's people devil with a celestial daugther of God


Jerrsey Devil
There's several variations, the one I remember is a woman gets pregnant for the thirteenth time and curses her baby out of frustration. The baby is born normal, but transforms into a demonic creature that kills everyone before fleeing. La creatura...

Thats the lamest spook story i've ever heard.

a webo k-bron tu no?

can't be lamer than "the lady by the road" which seems to be universal
in every culture there's story of a woman in white dress that hitchs a ride and turns out to be a ghost

>Iku Turso

Big ass ancient seamonster/demigod, father of plagues, in some sources a god of war.

Pretty cthuluesque desu.

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a little devil like creatures that cover the moon with coat of iron causing lunar eclipse

a bird like creatures that eat iron, they eat the iron covering the moon releasing it to glow again

el pitufo enrique (Henry the manlet, or smurf maybe)

Wanders through the countryside and terrorizes folks, breaks stuff, and targets mostly taxi drivers and policemen

Origins are unknown

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>cover the moon with coat of iron causing lunar eclipse
in here the natives thought it was a giant jaguar who ate the moon

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> brazilian bigfoot

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Mothman. Supposedly a humanoid with wings that people see down in West Virginia. I saw a giant bird down there but it wasn't humanoid. I suppose the 'giant winged creatures' all kinda sound like Native Americans' thunderbird.

Lil naked violinist twink. Lures you with his music and drowns you before shooting deep web pornography.


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Yamata no Orochi
8-headed giant snake

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btw tell me about this

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This is a Yokai that was created by the authors of shonen magazines published from 1960 - 1970.

Most of our stuff is pan-scandinavian, so there's lots to pick and choose from. Here's a famous one :^)

The crook ('kraken')

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