“Long time no see dad! I’m finally coming back from working holiday in China.”

>“Long time no see dad! I’m finally coming back from working holiday in China.”
>”Btw I got an amazing boyfriend from there. This is my boyfriend Park Chun Lee”
>”he is a Chinese billionaire and we’re planning to get married. Of course you’re not against it right, dad?”

Attached: C50CAE99-B9ED-4A16-8CF0-35895024386A.jpg (960x720, 60K)

She looks just as chinky as him

>"as long as his dick is smaller than mine, its ok sweetie"

Attached: 250px-Moises_Arias_2010.jpg (250x286, 15K)

How did I get a slavic daughter?

isn't that a korean name?

>”why you not speaking Russian Natasha? And if it means you no longer prostitution then it is xorosho”

what did he mean by this?

дa, пpивeт, дoчь, вce для вac, чтoбы избeжaть этoй жизни oбpeчeннoй бeднocти и yлyчшить жизнь, дaжe ecли вaм нyжнo выйти зaмyж зa кoгo-тo, кoгo вы нe хoтитe

пoжaлyйcтa, cдeлaйтe вce вoзмoжнoe, чтoбы пoмoчь cвoим 4 бpaтьям, мoжeт быть, yбeдить Цин дaть им paбoтy?

я люблю тeбя вceгдa

east asian male with hot blonde slavic girl. this is like the prototype amwf couple.


Realistically, how many parents would refuse their child marrying a millionaire?


Attached: wuaaa - Bb7wxmbhg_r.jpg (1080x1080, 209K)

Unless the millionaire was black from Africa or an arab.
Then the alarm bells go off.

Unironically, unaracist, this.

She's Russian (possibly Finn), what you expect?

i hate asians so goddamn much


t. cuckold

Chinaman here, a white woman should rather die than marry a chink. No amount of money is worth one's dignity

For a chink getting a white blonde women is just a status symbol.

also a fellow chinaman here
getting a white gf seems impossible, they only want chad

Most Dutch people have no real ideas about the Chinese.
The ones that live here stick to themselves and open Chinese/Indonesian or Dutch fast food restaurants.

In Korea if you wed a foreigner you're considered an inferior male. This includes white females as well.

Somehow though many asian male sjws in America and other anglo countries delude themselves into thinking that getting a white girl is an ultimate achievement of some sort. They then flaunt their achievement as if it is supposed to an act of retribution.

Asians are so much smarter than any other race, go for it.

There are literally zero Chinese in the Netherlands. All Asians in Netherlands are Indonesians or Indo-Chinese who are completely different than actual Chinese.

Here is a Dutch girl

Attached: tumblr_ovl7tyrjcY1tuixego1_1280.jpg (1280x1600, 469K)

wtf is that face

Attached: 1505166535562.jpg (600x600, 51K)

Attached: 1476114064097.webm (640x800, 888K)

Attached: ZbEcTDB.jpg (1080x1269, 137K)

0.3% of dutch are chinks t. wikipedia

With her Asian boyfriend

Attached: 1595759281914070993.jpg (750x1540, 166K)

here we go

>korean name

anzu but slightly less fake

No they are not. They are just former Indonesians who have Chinese ancestry and choosing to classify themselves as Chinese instead of Indonesian. Look at that same wikipedia article and see how Indonesian population dropped while the Chinese population increased.

Attached: freeey_01.jpg (928x507, 161K)

Attached: 1528050240152.webm (640x480, 1.99M)

how does he not see how ugly she is wtfff

>working holiday visa
do they have them?

Every european country has chinks these days that have moved recently. Like the Chinks are the 5th foreign group here ahead of Turks for example

You're right. Most of our Chinese actually came from Indonesia.

I just Googled here because she doesn't look Dutch. But I think she only looks Dutch without makeup desu. I guess face paint changes someone's race as well now.

From 1999 to 2007 it was 450 to 650 migrants a year, but there is an increase.
Between 2014 and now it swings between 1300 and 1900.
So no significant migration is happening.

They form about 1,5% of the population.

That's a lot if you ask me. Anyway better chinks than nigs

Today in 2018, there are way more Chinese in Africa than in Europe.

>not even Japanese or Korean, a fucking chink
Disowned on the spot.

>Park Chun Lee

chinks get more slav women than koreans simply because there are a shitload of chinese in the world

why would they classify themselves as indonesian if they aren't living in indonesia or ethnically indonesian?

not bad at all

Park is indeed a Korean name, more evidence that OP is an ESL teacher who spams racebait posts.