
What is dead my never die edition

>What language are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Find people to train your language with!

Learning resources:
First and foremost check the Jow Forums Wiki. (feel free to contribuite

4chanint.wikia.com/wiki/The_Official_Jow Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Check pastebin.com/ACEmVqua for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides.

/Lang/ is currently short on those image guides, so if you can pitch in to help create one for a given language, don't hesitate to do so!

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:

Google Drive folder with books for all kinds of languages:
drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B9QDHej9UGAdcDhWVEllMzJBSEk# (Links to the other folders, apparently it was taken down from the original drive)

Attached: nordic langs.jpg (1150x1626, 541K)

pity bump
c'mon /lang/hams where are you


Attached: 1531384628906.jpg (932x718, 184K)

I know English and Spanish what language can I learn in a year of college study to baby to talk to native 4channers

Since they're so similar should someone start with Swedish because it has the most learning resources?

At what age do children in Russia learn that cursive? If I was a teacher and had to decipher 100 schoolchildren a day all writing like that I would fucking die.

Attached: 1521929034205.jpg (620x670, 94K)

Maybe Italian or Swedish if you wanna go for something different. Italian should be especially easy since you know Spanish . French would take some effort.

Probably Italian or Portuguese

I already feel like I get Italian to be honest it's so similar to Spanish I want something slightly more novel I guess. I'm not sure if I want to stay romance language . How is Swedish an option ? I don't think that class is even offered anyway

What is it like to visit a country as a foreigner and talk to them in their language? Do they think it is charming? Like in Eastern Europe or Asia, where they expect you to speak English to them

> asia

I understood that they expect visitors do be able to say a couple phrases. "thank you" ... that kind of thing. Highly hypocritical for I would be hardpressed to find a japanese tourist who can say "dankjewel" in Amsterdam.

I've learning a bit of french. From what I notice most words sound like their spanish/english counterparts or their roots. Also, I found interesting how Mettre á jour=put up to date=update.

They don't, really.
That said, learning the "thank yous" and "hellos" takes a whooping 5 minutes and goes a long way everywhere, be it Asia or Europe.

It was cute learning that you, lithuania and belarus all have the same word for thank you

What an absolut swedish/other subhuman propaganda.

Any recommendations for a low level Swedish textbook like Deutsch Heute? Ignore my last post


Those are LGBT poop languages made for people who poop pee

finland isn't nordic language so that image is stupid
also, finland isn't nordic country

Yea it’s called Pee Peeute then you learn Peedish

Anyone else learning Thai?
I just started two days ago and I'm learning it with German now :v

Attached: Idioma_tailandés.png (324x297, 7K)

First Google image result for "Nordic countries". Is this the same thing as how the UK thinks it isn't European?

Attached: location-nordic-council.png (728x424, 269K)

That’s a pee panfishes don’t hgdghHJHSZHAHHAKAKZJMnnaj

Old Norse was the original germanic language

We both know the artist is swedish and implying Finnish being gibberish instead Finno-ugric just proves my point.

Nordic? More like nordick or gaydic or even gaydick


Old Poorse was the original Scatdinavian language. Scat means poop.

Finland is only nordic language, rest are germanics that doesnt even belong here.

Norgay speaks a Scatdinavian language

we are ""nordic"" only because of our location. if finland was located somewhere else, then we wouldn't be nordic

If northern germanics would locate somwhere else they wouldnt be "nordic"

You are nordic because we white people came and domesticated you

This. Finns are Nordic not Scandinavian, because they're not Germanic or on the Scandinavian peninsula.


Only true northerns if you ask the truth

Attached: Haplogrupo_N_(ADN-Y).png (953x551, 65K)

yes they would. this is what all TRUE nords have in common: language, genetics, history, culture and old norse religion

So its just basicly germanics meeting finnics at culture and religion side, language still remaned pretty much same.



I think it depends. From when I went to Lithuania, when I began saying things I was encouraged more to learn plus I got freebies and 20% discount in a Bose shop buying headphones, given a box of treats for giving a picture to a family with a Lithuanian message to them on it, given free accomodation in *two* places on my last visit...it was nice. Too nice even.


Finally, a good OP pic

>not posting the better version

Attached: Nordic Languages.jpg (720x1018, 151K)

>this resolution


Translation challenge

>Police officers wear blue uniforms.
>How do you find his new novel?
>Won't you have some tea?
>Tom said Mary thought John might not need to do that again.
>Tom is older than your father

normies get out
>We have a lot of rain in June.
>When I was little I had a car door slammed shut on my hand. I still remember it quite vividly.
>He said he was not there yesterday; however, many people saw him there.
>Cats are good pets, for they are clean and are not noisy.
>I currently have 4 windows open up… and I don’t know why.

I don't have some shitty meme for "hard"
>To see things in black and white is to see the basics, and I would recommend to any designer of gardens that he go out and look at his work by the light of the moon.
>Understand this law and you will then know, beyond room for the slightest doubt, that you are constantly punishing yourself for every wrong you commit and rewarding yourself for every act of constructive conduct in which you indulge.
>It is easier to do a job right than to explain why you didn't.

the creator of SSSS is literally a fucking Finn

Attached: 411.jpg (1250x906, 325K)

Attached: 196.jpg (1250x1762, 1.27M)

Die Polizei trägt blaue Uniformen
Wie hast du seinen neuen Roman gefunden?
Willst du keinen Tee trinken?
Tom sagte, dass Mary dachte, dass Tom das vielleicht nicht mehr machen müsste (this is not easy and I'm the one who posted the damn thing)
Tom is älter als dein Vater

Hier regnet es oft im Juli
Als ich jung war, schlug mir eine Autotür auf die Hand?
Er sagte, dass er gestern nicht da war, aber viele Leute haben ihn dort gesehen
Katze sind gute Haustiere weil sie sauber und leise sind
Momentan habe ich vier Fenster geöffnet... und ich weiß nicht warum

Dinge auf schwarz und weiß sehen, ist die Basis*, und ich würde einem Gartenarchitekten* empfehlen, dass er nach draußen geht und seine Arbeit im Mondlicht zu betrachten*
Es ist einfacher, eine Arbeit richtig zu machen, als zu erklären, warum man es nicht getan hat

Had to google asterisks

Poliiseilla on sininen univormut
Mitä mieltä olet romaanista?
Haluatko teetä?
Tom on vanhempi kuin isäsi

Meillä on paljon sateita kesäkuussa
Kissat ovat hyviä lemmikkejä, koska ne ovat puhtaita eikä liian paljon melua
Olen avannut neljä ikkunaa... mutta en tiedä miksi


Obviously the second Tom in the 4th one should be John. Also once again forgot the second part of the car one
>und ich erinnere mich gut

Poliser bära blå uniformer*
Hur hittade du hans nya roman? (would usually use sina but there's no gender-specific pronoun otherwise)
Vill du inte ha te?
Tom sa Maria tyckte* att John kankse inte skulle behöva göra det igen
Tom är åldre än din far

Det regnar ofta i Juli
När jag var ung slog* jag min hand i en bildörr
Han såg* igår att han inte var där, men många sa att han var där
Katter är bra husdjur eftersom de är rena och tysta*
För närvarande* har jag fyra fönster öppna... och jag vet inte varför

Again had to google asterisks

*Poliser bär blå/blåa uniformer
*Vill du ha te? ("Won't you" doesn't translate well into Swedish)
*Tom sa att Maria tyckte att John kanske inte skulle behöva göra det igen
*Tom är äldre än din far

*Vi får mycket regn i Juli
*När jag var liten så klämde jag handen i en bildörr. Jag minns det fortfarande tydligt.

No min for the car door one?

Han sa att han inte var där igår, fastän det var många som såg honom där

Ser du saker i svart och vit så ser du också grunden. Jag föreslår att alla trädgårdsmästare går ut och tittar på deras verk i månens sken
Lär dig om denna lag så kommer du förstå, utan någon tvekan, att du straffar dig själv för varje misstag och belönar dig själv för varje konstruktiva handling som du tillåter dig själv.
Det är enklare att göra ett jobb än att förklara varför du inte gjorde det

Yes you are right, "min hand" is more correct because it specifies what hand I am talking about.

I'm too used to casual Swedish, it's different from proper Swedish you know?

Well for what it's worth I'd rather have my text natural-looking as opposed to too formal

>Police officers wear blue uniforms.
>How do you find his new novel?
>Won't you have some tea?
>Tom said Mary thought John might not need to do that again.
>Tom is older than your father

>We have a lot of rain in June.
>When I was little I had a car door slammed shut on my hand. I still remember it quite vividly.
>He said he was not there yesterday; however, many people saw him there.
>Cats are good pets, for they are clean and are not noisy.
>I currently have 4 windows open up… and I don’t know why.

>To see things in black and white is to see the basics, and I would recommend to any designer of gardens that he go out and look at his work by the light of the moon.
>Understand this law and you will then know, beyond room for the slightest doubt, that you are constantly punishing yourself for every wrong you commit and rewarding yourself for every act of constructive conduct in which you indulge.
>It is easier to do a job right than to explain why you didn't.

I'm basically from Sweden's version of Alabama, so I probably shouldn't be the one teaching you Swedish

思いっきり should be (いまでも) はっきり覚えいている

I sincerely doubt anywhere in Sweden is bad as Alabama

Attached: utvald-raggare-1200x631-c.jpg (1200x628, 138K)

I stand by my statement. The entire state is third-world infrastructure and real life, morbidly obese Jow Forumstards

That's not too far off. Värmland is infamous for moonshine, drugs, white trash, rural communities and incest

Attached: 82b03417278_1280_722.jpg (1280x722, 391K)

Your white trash isn't morbidly obese or nearly as nationalistic (despite constantly REEEEing about the government) from what I can tell. Also the area in that picture looks reasonably nice, here's what the southeast looks like

Attached: al-017_nb_app_cr-014_01[1].jpg (640x503, 72K)

...okay yeah, maybe we aren't quite like Alabama lol

But my point is that we speak differently from "normal" Swedish. The closer you get to the Norwegian border the more we sound like them too.

Yeah I get you, I also envy northern European city planning as opposed to our garbage

I don't think there is any "planning". The town I live in has existed here since the Viking age

I mean in general, just every manmade aspect of the countries look better than burger equivalents

>Police officers wear blue uniforms.
Cảnh sát viên mặc đồng phục màu xanh nước biển.

>How do you find his new novel?
Kiếm quyển sách của anh làm thế nào?

>Won't you have some tea?
Uống nước trà không?

>Tom said Mary thought John might not need to do that again.
Tom nói Mary suy nghĩ John có thể không cần làm đó một lần nữa.

>Tom is older than your father
Tom (thì) lớn hơn ba ̣(của) cháu.

>normies get out
>We have a lot of rain in June.
Có nhiều mưa trong tháng sáu.

>When I was little I had a car door slammed shut on my hand. I still remember it quite vividly.
Khi tôi con trẻ tôi có một cái cửa xe đóng sầm trên bàn tay tôi. Tôi có duợc nhớ đó rõ ràng .

>He said he was not there yesterday; however, many people saw him there.
Anh nói hôm qua anh không ở đó nhưng mà có nhiều người thấy anh ở đó.

>Cats are good pets, for they are clean and are not noisy.
Mèo là thú nuôi tốt vì mèo có sạch và không om sòm.

>I currently have 4 windows open up… and I don’t know why.
Tôi có bốm window open (mở rồi?)... và tôi không biết tại sao.

Attached: 1509190954433.jpg (1920x1080, 217K)

Give it time. We've had a huge headstart on you

are you actually stupid


your population has doubled since 1900, and increased by 400% since 1800
yet you're saying that no urban planning has occurred in your country?

No idea

I doubt it given society has shifted from building out from a nice city center to soulless grids. I'd fucking love to live somewhere that looked even half as nice as this but burger cities are afraid of plants and water

Attached: amsterdam.jpg (4032x2268, 3.03M)

Or here. I know I'm cherrypicking but even the more residential, less-impressive looking areas still beats ours, plus you're still within walking/biking distance of these nice ones anyway

Attached: stockholm.jpg (4032x2268, 3.56M)


Swedish city planning is grid based dude. Zoom into any city, I tell you.

My point was even the grid areas look a lot nicer

And that you still have better city centers to go to

Well yeah, they're built when the king was in power and went for beautiful architecture. Socialist ruined all our cities though. There's disgusting tumour houses from the 60s and 70s where beautiful town squares used to be.
Slot of houses got stripped of their facades too. Look up grand hotel Stockholm. It recently got one of its old facades back.

Attached: Karlstad vs Dallas.png (755x744, 1.4M)

Now turn off satellite view

no u


Attached: IMG_4680.jpg (202x283, 61K)

Attached: 1514003221297.jpg (625x828, 175K)

>literally a fucking Finn
Fenno-Swede* you retard. They're not Finns

What happened with the "fenno-swedes are just Finns with Swedish last names who larp as Swedes"

can i learn spanish by watching tv in spanish with english subtitles

i already speak french and live in arizona which helps

Watch spanish tv with spanish subtitles for ultra language gains.




Italian? Do they have a fun chan? I need to learn a language in a year or I die

German is a good mix of consistent grammar/pronunciation, useful and sounding nice

fuck DFW city planning, especially in Dallas.
I deal with planning and mapping in the area a lot, everything to the north and east of Dallas is just copy paste, those blots in the intersections of "neighborhoods" are the same wal-mart, walgreens, and maybe an academy sporting goods and chinese food place as far as the eye can see and they still keep fucking going.
It's a monster of modernity that I wish would stop.

Fuck city. Can we go there

which dialect of croatian do i learn
muh ancestry is from the adriatic islands
which islands do they speak čakavian or štokavian; the wikipedia article is vague

Attached: IMG_1926.png (600x600, 23K)

>Kiếm quyển sách của anh làm thế nào?
Sao bạn kiếm được cuốn sách của anh ấy.

>Tom nói Mary suy nghĩ John có thể không cần làm đó một lần nữa.
Tom nói Mary nghĩ rằng John không cần làm điều đó nữa.

>Khi tôi con trẻ tôi có một cái cửa xe đóng sầm trên bàn tay tôi. Tôi có duợc nhớ đó rõ ràng .
Hồi tôi còn nhỏ tôi bị cửa xe kẹp trúng tay. Tôi vẫn nhớ khá rõ.

You are pretty decent user, keep it up.

There are already fuck all resources for štokavian(standard) Croatian, i seriously doubt you could find anything that teaches the čakavian dialect. The family members you want to speak Serbo-croatian to also most likely understand štokavian because that's what they're taught in school. You're probably best off if you learn štokavian and pick up čakavian words from your family as you go.