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International #921
/Tirol/ ehemals /deutsch/
Socially conservative
I had fun in Mexico. The enchiladas and tacos were so good :3
What happens here?
If your city doesn't have a port it's pretty much a non-city
Europeans don't have Italian restaurants
So the Scottish people finally got their revenge
It's winter in Australia
Are hapa girlfriends the final redpill?
Euros unironically believe that 1 billion is 1 with 12 zeros
Pay reparations
Yesterday I went outside for 20 minutes and today I’m red as a lobster and my skin burns
Why does Finns look so different from practically anyone else
"Do you consider yourself as citizen of the World?"
Why are Americans like this?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Drumpf... this ends now
We wuz viKANGZ n shieet
Georgia - land of medieval savagery
Pedobear... now THAT was a meme
What is the most popular brand of cars in your country?
Why do Americans do this?
Is it even possible to like the jews?
Is it true that italians cook their spaghetti for less than 20 minutes?
What other boards do you visit besides Jow Forums?
Little medlets keep spamming dumb memes
/cum/ + frens
The big 4 of Europe, ranked by multiple criteria
Sverigetråden- Marabou upplagan
European cities
What happens here?
What's the price of freedom?
Post typical schools from your country. Pic: Roihuvuori primary school
R8 them from most likeable to least likeable
Girl sends me a picture of her legs and painted toe nails
I love Japan because it produces very good high tech products. In my opinion the Made in Japan is the best in the world
I’m a burger in Milan right now. What’s with Europe’s obsession with graffiti...
/fr/ - le fil de la France
/fr/ - le francofil francophone
Why are Russians not welcomed by almost all 1st world countries?
This is the new generation of Spaniards
Why do wh*toids drink so much alchool? Don't you know it's haram and bad for your health?
Generalplan Ost
French user,is that your new flag?
Be Israeli
Do you enjoy the English language? What do you like/dislike about it? Was it difficult for you to learn...
/sino/ - 中文
Thanks, America
Which european country has the best capital city?
Rhodesia. Think about it
TFW eating delicious burrito and chili soup, delivered by UBER Eats
The Finnish Gods
What does Jow Forums think about white men becoming girls?
Are they white??????????
Why do bongs have an inferiority complex toward them?
/Levant/ aka /Sham/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Did Asians evolve from Dravidians (Indians) which evolved from East Africans which evolved from Central African...
Have acne
How should this country be renamed?
Tick tock tick tock tick
Americans will defend this
This confuses, enrages and bankrupts the European
Kurva anyátok
Wake up
Pic related still thinks they matter
What is the equivalent of Jow Forums and leddit in your home country?
Which major city do you believe to be the most aesthetic?
Why do Americans on Jow Forums always act like such autistic humourless spergs?
Your country
I'm gay
Remember when this bitch praised a human rights abuser (kim jung un)? why did Jow Forums love her so much...
Is Jow Forums, and Jow Forums where foreigners go after they get bullied off of Jow Forums?
Centre of European Art and Culture stretching back for centuries
What's your opinion on beavers?
The most famous persons by nationality
What language(s) do they use to communicate with each other? For example...
She sounds very socially awkward and autistic, could this beautiful goblina be one of us?
Pakistani stabbed to death in China for having a Chinese gf
Which race are the most fiercest look on this planet?To me it is Spanish
I support a federalised Europe
Everyday before sleeping i like to imagine myself as a cute girl
I'm a white man
In Japan, teenage girls are raped, tortured, murdered, and stuffed into concrete drums. If the cops find the bodies...
I usually hate westerners but I like them every time I meet a non-white person who thinks for some reason I'm better...
Ask anything!
ITT: American culture
When are goverments going to implement government-provided gf's?
/Hilo Latino/
Without using google, guess which states are the """""whitest"""", and whist states are the most Amerindian ones...
America forbad us to dismantle Germany for all the atrocities they did
Anyone in Canada or Europe willing to open an account for me? I'll pay BTC
Amerindian ethnostate
There will be two high-income economies in Central America in our lifetime
Do you love your ancestors?
What's the fattest you've ever been?
/v4/ + friends
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends:
Take DNA test
Well Jow Forums should they? You're not a Islamophobe are you?
Why are they so numerous, while they are the ugliest race?
To any South Africans, is SA as bad as Jow Forumstards make it out to be, in terms of violence and crime?
Norwegian women are for ________?
/brit/ + friends
Can't renounce argaytinian citizenship
Rotten military stuff of Japanese imperial army on Russian kuril Island
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレド
How "Japanese" do Japanese Brazilians have to be to immigrate to Japan...
Fuck Western women. I'm getting a sweet and loving Eastern European wife
White Americans LITERALLY cannot stop fucking mexicans
10% of population owns 90% of financial wealth
Int! I present you the most beautiful garage of whole Russia!
Ugly borders
Culture Pals - /cp/
Superpower by 2050
Opinions on a donkeyfucker game?
White people will go extinct in your lifetime
Upper-middle-class brazilian party in Rio de Janegro
"I'm intelligent but lazy."
British people are demons. look at this shit
How racist are your nation's people?
'Dump Trump': Views from the London marches
What's stopping you from living the Danish Dream?
Something edition
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Jow Forums challenge
Could this mixed brazilian pass as a local in your contry??
I bought elevated shoes (+7 cm), I will still be a manlet but at least a taller manlet
Cum To Egypt
Do you love Brazilian diaspora? Yeah you do, I know you do, you fuck our poor women that are desperate for a better life
Sverigetråden - Emoji upplagan
Do you want to start a new life abroad?
You can only post ITT if you’re from the shittiest part of your country
Your opinion
Based pinoshit helicopter rides
Does multiculturalism work in your country?
I drew the world from memory, what do you think, and can you do better?
Wikipedia your town/city
Fuck Scotland
/ita/ - il filo
1. Your country
What gamer are you?
In the Trans-Baikal Territory near the village of Chara there is a real desert. It's a sea of sand...
Do you appreciate African-American culture in your country?
Would you unironically racemix?
Culture Pals - /cp/
So user where are we off to?
1-Your country
/brit/ - Proud patron of the Communist Party of China
1. Your country
Why do gay / lesbian people define themselves by their sexual inclination?
Austismus TEST
Mexico is live leak narco tier
Post the view outside your window
The Soviet Union was always in the wrong and it's a good thing that the USA won the Cold War
Be me Leb-user
No longer khv guys i kissed a girl on the lips in my dreams yesterday and it felt so fucking real it's not like i know...
Which is the best ex-yugo country? For me, Is Serbia
Is Trump right about European culture being changed/destroyed?
/SPH/ ehemals /Deutsch/ ehemals /Nachtschicht/
Is this the future of N. Korea?
You wake up in Duluth, Minnesota
Are UK and USA still friends?
Sverigetråden - Manskultingsupplagan
Wubba lubba dub dub edition
Which country do you respect
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
Jow Forums on June 1st, 1944
Do kids in your cunt also watch porn in break between classes in primary school...
Post pictures you took in your country
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
/brit/ - the british culture general
Lula da Silva
The temporary president of Spain plans on giving 2 years of jail to "Franco supporters"
Dutch tourist assasinated in Spain by anti-tourist group
What is best county to get goblino gf?
Who was in the wrong here?
Britbongs paid 35k for this
Uma dericia
Read the comments
Do Northern Europeans with black hair get seen as foreigners?
Morrowind, now that's a game!
Finnish soldiers annex your country, what will YOU do?
Just got back from Britain
Recado para bolivianos, venezolanos y peruanos: PAREN de venir a Brasil, mierda. Ya llega
Weirdest food you ever ate
Say something wrong about my country
What are North European pussies like...
The world would be a better place if the following nations were nuked off the face of the earth with no retaliations...
What are Italian-Americans up to these days?
Kann mir jemand helfen bitte? Ich will einen Online-Shop für importierte Lebensmittel eröffnen...
A burgerican posted this picture
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest-upplagan
I believe that the people in the UK - Scotland, Ireland, as you know I have property in Ireland...
The absolute state
This is your future gf
My reaction when france posts in my thread
Thoughts on Hitler's art?
Run into theses guys. Talk for 30min with them, got the book and a rendez-vous at the "church"
This fucking whore should be jailed or deported to Canada...
1. Your cunt
Apologize for him, Swedes
What's your personal level of nationalism?
Why did we give them their own parliament?
Stop calling me a mutt
Why are poor people and Americans so nationalists?
Wish this country didn’t exist desu
Tfw Volga Québécois
/kiki/ ehemals /deutsch/
Post big-ass statues from around the world
Kurva anyátok
Why did Mexicans do this
What u eat now?
Weather Today
Monthly average (net) wages in Europe
Larp as the pinnacle of human evolution on internet
I want to be an Eunuch for a Russian BULL
We turning Crimea into a desert lol
/fr/ le fil de la France
Why is there a lot of Portuguese in France? How are they treated?
ITT: post tinder profiles from your cunt
Why are his hands so fucking HUGE?
Centre of European Art and Culture stretching back for centuries
Is this the holy trinity of corruption?
Which country has the most beautiful women?
I want to hear your beautiful accents Jow Forums
It's too fucking hot
In my language, this is a he
Why do people always claim they're as terrible as the Japanese posters when its only Japanese posters flaming out of...
Is Japanese Culture now part of Western Culture?
Italian women:
Why did the Ottoman Empire and Spain fall off so hard, so fast...
Do you hate Russia?
/balk/ - H I T edition
If you unironically use this software you need to kill yourself ASAP
Why don't these islands belong to Tunisia? They are both Arabic, no?
Don't talk about me or my muttness ever again
This is half finnish/russian
What do bydlo/lowlifes/homeless dudes in your cunt drink?
The wives of the Nato's member presidents (or prime ministers)
Hunger Games
I fixed the world
Sverigetråden - Globala Uppvärmnings-upplagan
What are some of the biggest mistakes your country has made?
Hilo latino /lat/
Am I (((one of the chosen ones)))?
Have you ever played a cock battle ?
When this man is dead will Russia finally join the human race...
/Sino/ - 中文
This kills the beaver
Finnish twinks
/ita/ - il filo
He is my best bro, say something nice to him
Why is Israel allowed to have a border wall?
Europeans don’t have Mexican restaurants
How do Bulgarians deal with their high Turk population?
Psychiatry and psychiatrists in your country
So when the USA is being removed from Europe...
/romance/ - Romance language general
What’s the deal with Russia?
WTF I hate Iceland now
What's his problem?
Should I pop this cunt?
Tfw the creator of the UNA VELA song/meme shot a guy 3 times in the head yesterday and is now in prison
Faces of Jow Forums
Post ur cunt's Air Force
/Kaiserreich/ ehemals /deutsch/
How often your country gets represented videojames?
This terrifies the American
Why don't you teach English abroad, user? It would be the perfect job for you! You really need to get out of your room...
How do you call this in your country?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
/fr/ - Le fil de la France
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレド
Everything legalized
/cum/ + frens
Ask someone who is 22 and still in highschool ANYTHING
Why do bongs have an inferiority complex toward them?
Okay, what the actual fuck happens here?
Spain, Royal Spanish Academy threatens to quit if feminists are allowed to review the Constituion
What does it take to have them leave Europe forever and never have to deal with them again?
Does anybody still believe that Ukraine could join EU?
EU backs Bulgaria's first step towards joining euro
Why do Swedes call Finns China-swedes
Your cunt
>American infrastructure
Soon brothers
Post your national dish
Why are zoomers like this?
You know it's the right thing to do
Is this legal in your country?
What's happening with the Turkish economy?
/Éire/--An bhfuil cead agam dul go dtí an leithreas--Eagrán
Sverigetråden - Annie Lööf
Born white, the most attractive race on earth
1. Your pizda
My fellow icelanders of int. Can I pass as an icelander?
This is where we all came from, Jow Forums, a woman's vagina
1. your country
Just a daily reminder
Is France the pride of Europe?
Yep, euro it's not a g*rman scheme
/fr/ - Le fil de la francophonie
Why can't most Europeans into entrepreneurship?
1. Cunt
Do russians still wear these?
America has become a joke
Cheap food
Fuck this Lachlan cunt, he's ruining the reputation of Australians on Jow Forums
Why do whites stink?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2019
There's a city called Turku in Finland
What professions get a lot of respect in your country?
Japanese man visits Fukushima
Trump: I will discuss with Putin that the suspension of NATO military training
What's the country you hate the most?
Why wh*to*d do this?
Why are White girls so racist against Asian guys?
Socially Awkward Millennials Claim They’re ‘Spiritually Finnish
How thots dress up in festival
What nationality of bf do you want?
Why do people PAY money to give their DNA to a large company?
We seek the f*rsties that you fear the most. We chase the nightmares that haunt your cowardly dreams...
Kurva anyátok
2 of the most richest country in Asia
Tell me about Berbers
Your country's Miss thread)
Why the fuck do so many white girls like black men (I know that the vast majority don’t but there’s still a lot of...
Hello Korea
Any koreans here?
Why whites love slant eyed girls?
Young Finnish girls are at the top of suicide statistics
It's another Asian identity power hour on Jow Forums
How do we make Japan less racist?
Explicitly gay threads get deleted but /ausnz/ is permitted to exist despite being entirely composed of gayposting...
1) Your national animal(s)
Are slanted eye really ugly? Everyone make fun of us for it ;_;
Australia isn't full and thus why more lebs and wogs should go there
Nipponbros. What are your feelings on foreigners who stay in japan...
/brit/ tekashi69 edition
The average Mexican has a substantial proportion of Amerindian ancestry yet they do not identify as indigenous and they...
Is it true that young girls in Japan are kidnapped and forced into porn?
Strange coin i have
Post photos of your country's leader and Trump from the NATO Summit
Mfw I just learned that americans literally drive to places that are 100m far from their houses because the simply act...
Her Majesty doesn't rule directly, but how much power do you think the Queen wields behind closed doors?
Would Jow Forums date a 4/10 girl?
He's kinda right
1) Country
Do northern europeans with brown eyes have their identity questioned?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレド
Average brazilian on Jow Forums
/deutsch/ Völkische Frühschicht
At what age did you realize nationalism was a meme and Globalism is the only way for humanity to evolve and reach the...
Name a country you don't know literally anything about
Are you a racist, Jow Forums
Greece is one counrty away from Syria
Hilo latino
Korean women are for ______?
How do we unify North America?
Bant with an american
Europe has rapefugees
Thoughts on my sister's room?
1.your cunt
What did Croatia mean by this?
Why is wine more popular than beer in some countries? Why have wine when you can have beer?
Who is the most butthurt country in your continent?
Do you ever wish you were blonde?
How old were you when you lost your virginity?
The demographics of Toronto, Ontario...
Why are they nice to everyone but finland?
WTF is wrong with America?
Who do you Brits consider your best ally, America, Europe, or some other state/group of states?
/fr/ - Le francofil francophone de France et d'ailleurs
1) Hello are you asian guy living in USA, Australia or Canada?
Why are people so opposed to a multipolar world?
Sverigetråden - Germanska morgonupplagan
Spanish girls are for ____________
Guess what country she is from
Macedonia is joining NATO
What are Jews like in real life? I've never met one
Could she pass as a local in ur cunt?
Im gonna wife a girl like this
Is she supposed to be hot?
1. Country
I got this qt this morning, dubs get to decide his name Jow Forums
What have your people contributed to modern music
Mfw Wales is a country for literally no reason
Drawfagg here
I asked a girl on a date and she said yes!!
Jews and East Asians have a higher intelligence, Africans have higher sports, physical and sexual abilities...
/Sino/ - 中文
Hey user! do you have a webcam?
Why are german women so masculine?
How is the average lunch in your country? here this is the most common lunch in the country
When she whispers a Semitic language in my ear
Do you guys have any idea how much we would dominate soccer if our country cared about it?
/ITA/ il filo
This is out national female football team
Why is this swedish shit so expensive?
1. your cunt
Why are they so mean online?
The Killers, Nelly Furtado, System of a Down, Eminem, now THAT was music
What are your thoughts on the people in the UK protesting against Trump?
Sverigetråden - Strandupplagan
Did you know that Guatemala is on the cusp of becoming the first Latin American country with more Protestants than...
1. your cunt
Why is English the dominant language?
Jow Forums Minecraft Server revived
I fixed the world map
Is Avril Lavigne the most iconic girl from 2000's?
Who was better?
Mom walks passed room
Do you live in the best part of you country?
Nips should simplify Japanese so I can learn it
Say how to fix Ukraine... in 3 words or less
My reaction when france posts in my thread
Daily reminder that you'll die one day
Is this allowed is your country?
What does this photo do with you?
Arr rook same
What are 30 year old boomers like in your country?
Wow French people are so tolerant and diverse!
What do you know about Lithuania?
What are your native phenotypes?
When did it all go wrong?
Is your anus pink or brown?
Why does France need to use so many black people to win in football?
Why Did Walmart Leave Germany?
Being loved must feel really great
How come there's no BLACKED porn coming out of this shithole or other parts of Africa where there are Whites?
You can't renounce argentinian citizenship
/fr/ - le francofil
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
American intellectuals
How many times per day do you mention the Netherlands?
Why aren't they the same country?
Canadian education
/deutsch/ - große Fische
/deutsch/ - Geilausgabe
What is your countries version of blackpool?
Please just stop bullying England
Do you want to find love in Italy?
Why is Mexico so bad? It has resources, a good trade location, population...
Europeans of Jow Forums how white would you say your country is?
Russian rap
How much does a prostitute cost in your country?
Jews want to destroy this
Slow people at markeds
Koreans, how popular are pro gamers among the general public?
You're cunt?
Be a man Jow Forums
ITT: Jow Forums in 1645
Be 18 years old american
Are there any other nations that wish the Soviet Union still existed beside Russians and Serbs?
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
What's it like to live here?
/amerimutt general/
Gentlemen, I have fixed Europe
/deutsch/ - Pidser-Ausgabe (glutenfrei)
/v4/ + friends
Were Scots always so badass?
I fixed the world
What are personalities in each of your country's regions like?
UN Report: America is 3rd World
What do you think of these peculiar people, and their brief recorded history?
What does Jow Forums know about the Crimean War?
/esp/ - hilo español/fil espanyol
If you take off the scum from the South, they are really nice and hospitable
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレド
In 1895 Argentina Had the World’s Highest GDP Per Capita: What Went Wrong?
Has anybody ever seen this documentary?
Which country (not your own) do you respect the most?
Where do all those "Women studies" graduates even work at?
Hokkaido Thread / 北海道スレッド
Trips decides which country we bully today
We are short
Summer comes
Westerners want to ban this
You're on your farm and this guy expropriates your stolen land and redistributes it to its rightful...
Are Croats Slavic or Germanic?
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
I absolutely hate gay people and find them disgusting but if anyone is to stand up for rights as a hebephile it’s...
You are given access to nuclear weaponry and are allowed to nuke 7 countries
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
/Schwul/ ehemals /Deutsch/
Always was
Sardinians aren't Italian or European
/isr/ באבא סאלי edition
I got McDonald's breakfast haha
/fr/ le fil de la France
You will never know how it feels to be hated and openly disregarded because of your flag
How do we stop Europeans from going extinct?
It barely took them 70 years to go back to their old ways
Why do the blue countries hate us?
Sverigetråden - Skärseldenvärme
How fucking stupid is this guy
Let's go
/ITA/ il filo
/ITA/ - il filo
How easy is it to get a chocolate gf in your country?
/deutsch/er demokratischer faden
Finland is waiting for Trump and Putin and is in full psychosis mode
Innocent Thai children
Pic related is my sister
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/whaling/ general
Why doesn't Finland take this fucking piece of land?!?! It's so obvious it belongs to its territory
/rzeczpospolita polska/
Tfw not italian
Donald Trump is RIGHT
What exactly ARE Estonians? Finns? Slavs? Something else?
Do you believe in god?
Anglo men are ugl-
Do Americans seriously do this? Throw their food waste down the sink?
Mfw w*Men get a free whooper if they order from a drive-through at any Burger King restaurant
Culture Pals /cp/
What are spanish women like?
Post nice nature pics of your country
Expect it to be destroyed by Russians
Be American dorist
What's finland like if you're poor?
I want to live in Utah, any American anons here from Utah?
Italia #1
I wish I was born in in a cold mountainou town in America. I wish I was born in Utah
A first worlder
What is the big deal about being white ????
We have Dante’s Divine Comedy, Japan has Genji Monogatari, China has A Journey to the West...
M*slim hands typed this
Can boys be girls in your country?
What's your favorite region of Europe?
Who was in the wrong here?
Is there a country that's ever been BTFO'ed this hard?
/fr/ - le fil de la France civilisatrice
When Europe built most of its houses
There are people here who don't love France
/brit/ *wasted hours by arcade fire comes on*
Jow Forums I need your advice
White, blue eyes, brown hair
Why is Croatia such a wonder of a nation?
Have you ever interacted with an American face to face irl?
Rolled a 1 irl lads
Stupid work sends me on a business trip to Germany
Would pedestrians in your country walk past an unconscious, bleeding person, without helping?
Gas line deal between Germany and Russia?
Kurva anyátok
That pedo Aussie
It's so fucking cold. Someone send help
I went out of my way to quantify my vocabulary size
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship