Hierarchy of the British Isles edition
listening to music and talking about this
>most of protesters have already gone home
the founder of crimes of brits isn't even proper irish lol, he's London "Irish"
ahhh fuck off man you mopey old woman
>cool wine aunt
scottish should be at the absolute rag end
what crisps does /brit/ like
had some salted veggie ones today, pretty peng
god isnt real you fucking idiots
28 years old and I'd kill for a 20k job
My life is entirely fucked
got a grad job at a large firm in canary wharf, not doing too badly
feedback on my squat form lads
>i listen to music and think about things
This Novichok smell funny to you, mate?
when i'm sixty four ruins sgt peppers
what a waste of a track
don't really get why people are protesting trump not like it's going to change anything
paprika pringles
birmingham has more green spaces than london
Why are their flags on fire?
your own fault mate
1st - Neek/jobsworth/autist
2:1 - The chad degree - capable, but sociable
2:2 - Negligent degenerate
3rd/pass - brainlet
fail - no-hoper
cool nigger aunt
on 24k
yank equivalent is on $85k
Feel like absolute shit just want her back
how do I get back my attention span so I can watch a 2 hour film without having to do it in two sittings
probably should stop smoking weed right?
1. NikNaks Hot N Spicy
2. Skips Prawn Cocktail
3. Tyrrells Vegetable Crisps
4. Walkers Salt and Vinegar
5. Monster Much Pickler Onion
6. Walkers Prawn Cocktail
ugh silly boys
He’s going to bomb Westminster like a good lad
Wine nigger cunt
most of it's settlements are bleak shitholes - PASS
grim delete your account
would desu
>on holiday in england
>see this shit by a nice seaside prom
I see the Orwellian nightmare state is alive and well in britain. Why do you let your govt get away with shit like this?
john no :'(
If you make less than $75k at 28, you're a turborunt
Don’t forget to vote Tory again user
business idea: tell fake cringe stories on /brit/ about putting a deoderant can in my bumhole to become a cult /brit/ meme
where is Mann?
the irish are properly obsessed with Britain
>on 38k
>American equivalent (that does less valuable work) is on $138k
aaaah fucking yes
Would mog 99% of you in real life
>no monster munch
not one for niknaks but thats a good list mate
ah yes, the "I've been on titty skittles for 3 months" hairdo
yeah mental that its like 1984 u literally cant even wank in the prtivacy of ur own home w/ out GOVERMENT seein.....sad
he should've completely shut down the company as he resigned. that would've been legendary
Literal child
Gearoid Macconmara
@crimesofbrits / victim of the Irish potato famine
shall either have moved to the us or shall have offed myself by the next election la
I wouldn't mind cctv everywhere if it led to 0 crime
Aunt cool wine
>public backlashes at him for saying nigger
>alright no pizza from the horrible racists ever again then
would've been great
pooing on in quiet desperation is the nigger way
the time has come
the poo is over
thought i'd something more to gay
are you at the point yet where you don't enjoy anything apart from smoking weed?
wtf i love papa johns pizza
It's tiny and I know virtually nothing about it
Scotland's GDP per capita is bigger than England's and more than double Northern Irelands
did he eat bobby sands' food
lol someone post it
What role will you have after the revolution, comrade?
Cool aunt wine
That's what she said!
I'm not sure I heard that story right
>kyrie jenner is 100 million short of becoming a billionaire and fans are already starting crowdfunding campains to help her reach that mark
again, I can't have heard that right
no but i'm getting there
probably raided ian paisleys cupboard
theyre both fat nonces
vicki gf
the gf braided me a bracelet and i've been wearing it for a month
it's already sunbleached and sweat-stained
Are you a brainlet or just lazy? Learn to code. You don't need a degree if you're good.
Dominos > Papa Johns = Pizza Hut
yeah but enough about your penis in the eyes of women lmaoooooooooooo dis white boi shook
so what
if you stop smoking you'll be back to normal in about 1-2 weeks
is Handmaids Tale worth a watch?
only 2 seasons innit
she took a better beating than he did
steel jaw shaniqua
seems excessive
She wants a man from ________
Business idea: Set up a patreon to become the first billionaire from shitposting on Jow Forums
how do you pronounce that name
irish is strange
santas workers need to unionise so they get elf insurance
what do you do lads
Thought 'naaahhh he ain't gonna deck that old mama' but then he fucking did hahahajajjajajahahhaahhahahahahahahhahahahajahahahshahhahaha
>learn to code
what's the story? And I don't mean just "lol niggers" I mean I genuinely want to know why he went on a punching spree like that