What professions get a lot of respect in your country?

I was having an interesting conversation with a co-worker from Mexico the other day. I said that my sister was planning to be a doctor, and that I thought she should just become a NP with a doctorate instead (doctor-level salary with half the work) due to the ridiculous standards of most medical schools, and that she's probably only trying to do that because of the prestige of being a doctor. He said that, in Mexico, the most respected people are doctors, teachers, and firefighters, but that unlike in America, police and lawyers are hated. This had me thinking, are there any professions romanticized or demonized in your country that aren't in others?

Here in the USA for example we have an unusual complex about farmers. There's an extremely romantic image of them in pop culture that often barely relates to who they actually are in reality (read, upper middle class businessmen running automated/immigrant-tended farms and spending half their time in business negotiations). We also have the famous military worship, where everyone who served in the US Armed Forces is massively respected and expected to be "thanked for their service". Even if they were a janitor.

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Nurses are demonised here in Australia. But I'm trying to change people's perception of them.

Military is definitely worshiped here. Doctors are put on a pedestal. Anyone who works with disabled people is seen as a good person. Police are simultaneously lived by the right and hated by the left.

The King is basically Jesus.
Dentists are the highest paying profession, so people think they are highly achieved people.
Farmers don't get a lot of respect, but they are considered the stereotypical Dutch people. Part of our national identity.
Soldiers are considered little children, who need to be protected against violence.
Teachers and police get little respect, because Dutch people have trouble with authority.

Politicians aren't respected either. The Prime Minister isn't like the president of the USA for example. If the Prime Minister would die people would just raise their shoulders and replace him.

>Dentists are the highest paying profession, so people think they are highly achieved people.
That's weird because here dentists are generally seen as 'lesser' compared to lawyers and 'real' doctors, despite earning more than most. Also there's a perception that they all conspire to rip people off.

Well, ever person in the Netherlands has a dental insurance and goes to the dentist twice a year.
Doctors on the other hand are considered people who just fuck around and don't really know what they are doing.

Does he really think we like lawyers? Many people have a false belief that you can make a lot of money being a lawyer but other than that we hate them. Police we like the idea of but dislike individually

Lawyers get way too much respect for their piss easy education.
Farmers are glorified welfare leeches

>Soldiers are considered little children, who need to be protected against violence.
How? Aren't their job is to engage in violence to protect citizens?


Anybody need this sign?

nurses are seen as doctors slaves here and they earn a lot less.

the most respected is public notary

also military are seen like parasites / dumb ppl

Are nurses seen as the doctor's concubine?

Med workers >>
Scientists, Professors >
Teachers, Engineers, Workers of culture >
Milita, Government workers, Office clerks >>
Police and mcdonalds workers

Doctors, people who work in the pharmaceutical industry, programmers, and financeers are probably some of the most highly regarded jobs you can get here

lmao literally kids jobs with 0 respect


just fund out anglos and reated probabiy dont knw what a notary is

"Countries with a legal system based on Napoleonic law utilise notaries public to perform certain functions that solicitors carry out in English law."

Boring clerk work here, literally office-clerks-tier.

Programmers are some of the highest earners here. Also, I live in a rural area where they are viewed as gods

Do you live in India?

>ng clerk work here, literally office-clerks-tier.
probabily but they get paid a LOT

F*rst world problems

Here our police is at least somewhat respected, while members of the military are seen as either lazy fucks or sadists who like to bully conscripts to feel good about themselves.

>while members of the military are seen as either lazy fucks or sadists who like to bully conscripts to feel good about themselves


military/security/law enforcement, medicine (mostly doctors), religion (as long as it's christian)

India tier

dentists and doctors here too

weird that

also weird how other euros see soldiers as lazy or stupid but not here

here it's not as extreme as america, they're just seen as somewhere in the middle, maybe slightly positively

Online pharmaceutical peddler.

a lot of small towns have dead economies, the people from there that go into trades tend to work elsewhere but still live in the community and bring money in, but if you become a professional you stay in the city and are considered good as dead

realtors are really starting to be hated, people get their license and just cold call the entire phonebook in some cities

teachers aren't respected here, to the point that both kids and parents mistreat them, sometimes physically. That is due to cultural degradation and flaws in the education system that make people perceive school as uselss, but a high number of unprepared public teachers is to blame too.

Doctors were respected as gods and basked with gifts but recently people started to think they have the truth in their own hands so you can understand how low in the hierarchy is going to be a nurse.

We don't look down on them. We are just overprotective of them. 2 casualties can lead to questions in parliament and the government scratching its head how this could've happened to our boys.

Doctor and nothing else.

The perception exists because a lot of them do. I remember one time I tried switching dentists and suddenly went from having decent teeth to needing a dozen fillings the same time I got the X-ray done.


heard carabinieri are hated?
like blacks hating cops level hate

>We also have the famous military worship, where everyone who served in the US Armed Forces is massively respected and expected to be "thanked for their service". Even if they were a janitor.

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Doctors aren't respected here. There's a counter culture about how nurses supposedly are the ones that do all the work, so generally they get it better.

But generally speaking: engineers, any kind of doctorates, investigators are respected tho generally not paid well. Business related professionals are usually seen in a grey light, respected but hated. Education depends on the person, but generally not respected unless it's uni level. Law enforcement, politics and lawyers unliked and disrepected.

t.argie btw

In china your salary is the only thing that matters. The higher the income the higher the respect, regardless of what you do or if you inherited wealth.
Through college I worked at a wet homeless shelter (for homeless addicts/alcoholics, most shelters are dry) in America and people assumed I'm some kind of saint. Here they'd think I'm the same as a McDonalds cashier who earns marginally above minimum wage.


Mexico has a complex where the army is respected as people who get shit down while the police are seen as the scum of the Earth (because they often are).
t. expat

1. Murderer
2. Alcoholic
3. Firefighter

Engineering(If you're in a top tier company only)
Software(If you're in the shit service companies you won't have respect)
Grade A and certain Grade B bureaucratic positions.

What's the diff

Most respected are professional criminals.
Most disrespected are police. Having a relative in the police is considered to be a huge disgrace.

People with doctorates in STEM fields get a lot of respect.
Medical doctors are alternatively respected and hated, depending on whether they're on another one of their annual pay strikes or not.
Police aren't respected at all, they're mostly seen as undereducated bullies that found a way to channel their agression.
On the other hand, we have a system of voluntary firemanship that has almost replaced professional firefighters. Those dudes are really respected and talking shit about them at a party in the countryside can get you fucked up.

In general, it's more about pity than respect, people here are highly socialist, so they always go on about factory workers and farmers that are honest workers, getting exploited by the capitalists and the state while working minimal wage.

Loved: Engineering especially o&g, medical doctors, palm oil farmers, pilots, military, police
Demonised: Govt servants, lawyers, land brokers, palm oil company, businessman

priests (really depends in my family (chrisitan) we mostly shit on them, but older people like them)