Do kids in your cunt also watch porn in break between classes in primary school...

Do kids in your cunt also watch porn in break between classes in primary school? We watched porn every break in the tablets the school itself lend to us and the teacher didn't even bother to say anything because we'd just resume when she walked away XD
Looking back the whole tablets thing was one huge corruption, all state decisions here are made to enrich private companies.

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Do kids in your cunt also make the same thread multiple times per day?

>watched porn on tablets in primary
B& this underage kike

I had a Nokia 3310 in the 9th grade and it had just come out.

Nigga I'm 37. When I was a kid we had to work to get porn.

>Now that was a porn

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First-gen ipads released eight years ago.

Fucking kill me

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Back in my days only two guys had laptops (no other devices showed porn in acceptable quality). They would sit in front and play gay/scat porn during classes.

If you could score one of those back in my days, you were the king of the hill in midschool.

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>king of the hill in midschool
Stuck 10 "high quality" jpegs in a floppy and I was god for that day.
I also remember everyone in disbelief when I said I downloaded the latest Limp Bizkit album in only an hour.

I was a teen when they were released

gog damn

When I was in my last year it was 2005, GBA advance was the most advanced shit for us. I was interested on hentai though, used to buy anime magazines and fap to them from time to time, but it wasn't a priority.

my 10 y/o sister discovered my hentai stash when i was 12

What happened next?

i told her not to touch my shit again, what do you expect you fucking pedo?

Oh I wondered if she told your parents or some other drama like that lol

Kids these days. I had to steal my uncle's Playboy stash or sneak watching his Laserdisc porn collection he's out.

How old are you?

back in my days we didn't have tablets at schools. we had flip phones instead and I used to watch school rumble in that tiny screen.

>Laserdisc porn
Absolutely, positively, unmistakably and undeniably patrician.

>at school
Sure you're old enough to post here?

Guess that answers my question.

Oh putain