Why do gay / lesbian people define themselves by their sexual inclination?

Why they do define themselves like this, instead of putting the accent on their personalities? By doing this, I understand they are seeing themselves exactly in the way homophobia defines them, a group "just" and mainly characterized by their sexual need or inclination. thus giving substantially credit to the latter. Isn't sexuality only a infinitesimal part of a personality? So why just centering all on "gay pride", on requests centering always sexuality?
I am puzzled.

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Why is this thread on Jow Forums and not /lgbt/?

The ones that define themselves by it are the most visible. The ones who don't define themselves by it are least visible.

i'm too scared to tell anyone that i'm gay

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because it is an international problem and rightly it does NOT concern lgbt but the whole society. If I am asking this, why would I ask the ones that are doing (by using lgbt) exactly what I do not understand.

>let me tell you about how you should behave

straightrons must go extinct

Bisexuals also don't really feel the need to make it a big part of their personality. Its mostly an LGT thing

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> nobody "tells" you how to behave.
But this answer is part of what I do not understand.
>why do you perceive that anybody does ask you anything?

desu i'm bi and i consider it a big part of my identity even though i dress/act completely straight. the source there even says just less than half of bi people consider it at least somewhat important.

but I AM bi, shitlord

Why do white people like to define themselves as white people?

But most say "not at all" vs. less than a quarter of lesbians and even more say "somewhat" then "very".

Its as big a part of your identity as you want it to be.

Your tone in your post suggested otherwise, since OP only mentioned gay/lesbian (who are monosexual shits barely different than straights) and yet you greentexted him as "let me tell you about how you should behave". So which is it?

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agreed upon that sexuality is a big part of our lives (mainly), but that does not mean I have to "define" my personality via the appurtenance of a flavor group nor that I have to isolate myself in a "lgbt" definition that is a) outdated (I have seen so many variations that I doubt about the very existence of a "normal" sexuality.) b) also doing a counterpart to the "normal". That is my point: there is no difference in how an individual should be perceived. So why they define themselves as "they" if the right definition would be part of society thus "us" ?

"White people" isn't a real identity outside of North America tbhwy

in Afrika they are defined pink....

realistically i make it a big part so gay people know i'm interested in them and i imagine gay people do it for the same reason as well as for togetherness etc

and i guess bi people do it less since we can date straight so it's not AS essential to make it known your sexuality is not the default

So for the sake of "communication" you hold upright a form of mental segregation invented by who "perceives" themselves as a majority? I mean there are social media of all kind. But that does not grant the necessity of raising the impression (and arguably you do) that you are a "separate or special group.

i mean being into sports is a huge part of my identity too, and i do that so other people who like sports know they can talk to me about it. but it's not like i see society in terms of sport likers and sport haters. some people fuck guys, some people fuck girls, some people fuck both and some fuck neither and i don't care which of these you do.

Because we're all LGBT+, we share the same fight

They group together as homosexuals because they are invariably placed into groups by society and by joining with one another they can become more powerful and defend themselves against mistreatment.


this is what the intuition of a heterosexual is when he she and sometimes it watching this from "outside". But this is then exactly creating the confirmation of segregation one would like to avoid, no? This is the part that puzzles me most.

I'm bi and I don't do this.

They choose to group together, true. However, whether they do so or not, they are still grouped together against their will. Even if they go out of their way to distance themselves from other homosexuals, if they really want to do everything in their power to not be viewed in that light, they still will be by society. And so they instead accept the grouping together of homosexuals, or at least play into it, so that they can gain strength in numbers. Strength that will then let them oppose unjust treatment they face as homosexuals.

Now the good question would be if one of the former poster was right and the lgbt movement behaving in this way is not a majority but only a very visible minority inside a much greater group of gay/lesbian,bi people. So in this case you would raise implicitly a "j'accuse" against them as they impose a public image on you that you do not share...and by the very toke the majority of people concerned do not share.

I would argue that you may be more efficient in shaping society by you need in not exposing you as "separate group" see even "segregated group". I know a person, lesbian (I am male) that, instead of defining me as an individual, defined me just by her sexual inclination. A somewhat disappointing, but also reveling experience about what I see as a communication and representation issue. Instead of trust, distrust, instead of trusting in yourself as a valuable person, instead reducing yourself as "group" thus considering the other as forcefully opposed? And no, this is, albeit I do not understand it, a quite common attitude.

How are they going to fight right for the group when they aren't labelling themselves as such?

Fight for the general society to accept/recognize the normal existence of people with different sexual orientation or identity than most other people

>instead reducing yourself as "group"
That isn't the case though. As a group, they become more powerful. They aren't trying to cause change on an individual level, but on a societal level. By showing themselves as individual homosexuals to other individuals they become powerless to affect things in a broader scope. As a group, a political movement, they have more power and can be taken seriously than otherwise. They can demand change, rather than simply appealing to people to treat them how they ask to be treated, out of kindness.

I think it's just a loud attention seeking minority who does this. It's kind of ironic that these kinds of people are the reason why I'm still in the closet.

by making clear that they shall not be seen as a group and that singling out people just for their sexual preference is dead wrong? By insisting of just being a citizen and not a "member of a special group". I know that seems to be counter-intuitive to the concept of fighting, but for the very reason I am also totally doubtful about he "efficiency" of "positive discrimination". I see it going right in the opposite direction whether the incorrect and in-existing argument of race or the incorrect definition of "diversity" when it comes to sexual preferences.
The orientation I see is: fight. The orientation I would have expected is: I claim my obvious rights.

no, I am actually understanding it quite well, as you seem to have the same perception as me only seeing the thing from the other side. But we share the perception. So communication has an issue here.

Spoken like a true dumbass, you do realize biphobia among LGs is as bad as it is among heteros right?

>date straight

Male-female =/= "straight"

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Ok. this is my point, you may be annoyed but my argument is: they are NOT LGBT. They are just normal. All are normal with very few pathological exceptions hurting others. But it is right the "they are LGBT" part that I am not understanding. It is, IMO, a wrong label, a brand mark that I perceive people are inflicting unnecessarily on themselves. Or is it a cultural thing that is more born out of a fashion?

They are also fighting for rights like trans-sexual people should be treated in the same way as they are the sex they desire to become, and homosexual people want their relationship to be recognized and share the same right as heterosexual couples. These are impossible to achieve when they aren't actively fighting for them

LGBT is a meme group and a meme culture. People fall for it because in theory they imagine this group will be greater than the sum of its parts.
In practice, it gives power only to LG. They use BT numbers to up their stats so they can get more grantbux ($$$$) they refuse to share with bisexuals. Its very complicated but there you go.

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>All are normal with very few pathological exceptions hurting others.
is prone to misunderstanding, so before there is some accident, the correct phrasing wanted to be: "all humans with all shades of sexuality are normal." Not that it is perceived wrongly, thank you.

ok, this begins to make sense to me. However it does not explain the behavior of may homosexuals I have known when it comes how they relate to what they perceive as "heterosexuals" thus as "the others". That instead is not yet in our equation.

This is a message they want to and do try to bring forth but obviously the society is rejecting this

but isn't it by doing this, exactly a way to foster the image the homophobic part of society wants to convey? Or am I a "white fly" as they say in Italy to perceive it, quite strongly, like this?

Its complicated but basically they are retards.

It is true that many homosexual individuals does not understand bisexual/transsexual/or even other minority groups. And even lesbian and gays aren't on the same ship some times. But the goal in widening gender and sexual acceptance of the society is still the same.

well, I would not call it that way but they use sexuality to exclusively define their value which is the point of departure. As they are much more but they do not seem to understand it, and especially that it is exactly this the key to acceptance IMO.

See .

"Widening gender and sexual acceptance" (whatever the fuck that entails) has almost entirely gone to LG and only trickle down to B at best. LGs are as biphobic as straight people are. Saying LGBT can widen acceptance for BT is like saying SBT will widen acceptance for BT. No it damn well won't.

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If most of the society accepted homosexual individuals then there are little reason for them to reject bisexual individuals, unlike homosexual individuals which seems to have some reasons to do so.

Why do whites love to pretend to be gay

if I understand you right, you seem to see the same as me, that is segregation and substantially the repetition of the very same errors they do criticize society for. All boxes. And also quite some appropriation if you think about it, because, who "authorized" them to speak for the all. Not that this would be a major problem if they would not have the prerogative of exclusivity of representation.

Do they? I had the impression that a) it has nothing to do with pigmentation and b) they pretend to be 18 when they want to go to the disco (as they cannot bring the "is it because I am black" thingy). But I did not see any tendency of racial profiling.

Well blacks and Hispanics don't do it, no matter where I go, be it online or in real life if they're accused of being gay all but whites deny it and whites instead go on about how gay they are

What I mean is that, look at issues currently fight by those people.
Like antidiscrimination movements. They want to secure themselves not to be fired when their sexual identify were found.
Like legal recognition of homosexual partners. So that they would have same status, and be allowed into place like jail or funeral or hospital or immigration or inheritance that would otherwise only be allowed for married couples or family
Like for transexual individual to access facility in the sex that they identify to.
All of these wouldn't work if they didn't identify as such to fight for it

Lol, now that is more a political and societal thing. In latin countries homosexuality is still much more pressured then e.g. in the states were it has become a meme, as people do shroud waving every day. Besides why would you "accuse" somebody of his sexuality. And if we are here about things that are not normal: did you notice the mental deformation that associates being gay with "being politically left". I would not subscribe to this and I would claim instead that this is part of an undue appropriation that people undergo.

there you have a point but sometimes it is not clear why they have to ask for segregation (third toilet). A transgender toilet would be simply all toilets could be: sexually neutral. Depends on how you build them whether this is "safe". Many of these "fights" seem to be lead by a need to do "proclamation" and not by real felt necessity, withdrawing in the meantime the energy from real problems. I do not say they should not fight. I say they should not define themselves via their sexual orientation. There is a big difference. You can be hetero and fight for homosexual rights. And here it comes, tendency is that e.g. people would deny exactly this possibility, and, if not enough, from

Some comparatively more open-minded Chinese people do the same. But only non-gay do that as that's a joke and thus can be seen as an insult. And many people who do it as a joke would in turn be scared when they're told by an actual gay people that they love them (Note: This is not personal experience, but just from what I was told)

Will go offline as it is deep night here. As I do not know if this thread is going to be archived (no idea how /int works on Jow Forums) I just thank everybody for the exchange and insight. Jow Forums proves to be a valuable source of discussion. Surprised me somewhat but only somewhat. C.U.

Well, once you formed a group, you cannot expect everyone to act cleanly and neatly straight forward to a same target and there will always have different individuals that have different opinion, no matter if they are wise or not.
As for third type of toilets, in many facilities there are already some gender-neutral toilets that are used by individual with problem in gender identity. However, most of the time they're labelled as toilet for disabled person, thus they might think other people could connect their mental status with the name of those toilets and thus to say something that would be perceived as bad about their condition. Therefore those individual would want those toilets to be named as such instead.

last note: just name them "toilets" and you go around the hassle, no? xiexie nin. zaijian

see you.


People who have nothing else interesting about them will pick up on random shit that they themselves can't even help and act like it's a special quality. See Varg for an example.

It's a form of group protection from a society that wishes them to disappear and fights against their integration. There is safety in numbers, and defining themselves in this way allows them to receive the recognition and support of others like them. As they are further integrated and accepted in society the need to define identity by sexuality will decrease. I've noticed personally that LGBT people that grow up in an accepting environment are less likely than others to define themselves as strongly by their sexuality.
It probably will not go away entirely, as it's also a way of identifying potential sexual and romantic partners

Reminder that the T doesn't belong with the LGB.
We don't want to be associated with these suicidal drugsters.

This is one of the reasons I hate prides. If people want to have normal lives that they already have, then why do you still have prides in advanced countries? Most of them have the same rights for gay people too.
We're never gonna be fully accepted to society because the prides get more and more retarted every year. People who find themselves gay go there and see that gay people act like faggots so they also start acting like faggots because it's cool and that's how it apparently goes.
Instead of living normal lives, we're only ever gonna get special treatment because most gay people are faggots.

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Also, /lgbt/ is filled with trannies. It's not an ideal place to discuss these kind of things.
Pic related hides 70% of all threads.

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Shit, wrong post