
Reminder that this is a nazistic country that has killed millions of Jews, Serbs and Muslims.
And unlike Germany they're not sorry or repentive about it at all, they have not paid a single cent of reparation for it.
Worst yet, they're actually proud of the horrors they did.

This country does not deserve your support, it deserves to be burned to the ground.

Attached: main-qimg-e376be6d967838ff1c1dea34c523ffa5.png (602x777, 496K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Hopefully we do it again.

Attached: dmc5.gif (2407x700, 1.49M)

Attached: 14c.jpg (207x253, 17K)

anyway multi culti France will win WC

Reminder it's totally OK to murder mudniggers, turk rapebabies and jews if you're the purest European nation.

Attached: genepool yurop.png (986x1118, 854K)

t. jew telling tales

back to pol jew larper

>Reminder that this is a nazistic country that has killed millions of Jews, Serbs and Muslims.
>And unlike Germany they're not sorry or repentive about it at all, they have not paid a single cent of reparation for it.
>Worst yet, they're actually proud of the horrors they did.
>This country does not deserve your support, it deserves to be burned to the ground.

Now I LOVE Croatia

You think this is a fucking joke

Attached: Yk4D8IP.jpg (890x881, 176K)

They didn't kill Muslims. Muslims were considered as "Croatian flowers".
Neither did they kill a lot of Jews. They slaughtered mostly only Serbs to make it easier to steal the land from them later

Puška puca a top riče, grmi kao grom,
Mlad Ustaša vojak bije za Hrvatski dom.

Puška puca krv se lije, dušman bježi klet,
A Ustaška hrabra vojska vrši zavjet svet.

Tjera smjelo dušmanina, s praga djedovskog,
I promiče staru slavu roda Hrvatskog.

Puška puca a top riče, barut miriše,
Mlad Ustaša na bojištu ranjen izdiše.

Ne plaši ga grom pušaka nit' topova jek,
Dom, sloboda, vjerna ljubav, rani su mu lijek.

Oj Hrvatska zemljo mila, sviće danak tvoj,
Sad Ustaška hrabra vojska za te bije boj.

Attached: IMG_0647.jpg (354x286, 36K)


t. serb
fuck off

>and Muslims
Bullshit, they saw bosniaks as "muslim croats"


Is there any proof that this guy really did what he reportedly did except for Serbian sites written in cyrillic and wikipedia articles based on these sites?

Attached: petar brzica.png (528x800, 521K)


I support Croatia now

Woah Billy watch out with these edges!

[citation needed]
probably a murderous scum tho

any proofs that he killed anyone?

Who cares little bitch. GO cry somewhere else

croats and serbs are equally evil, your nations need permanent Tito\Stalin to control your sperg outs for your own safety

We have this thread like every bloody day on like 3 different boards.

>They didn't kill Muslims. Muslims were considered as "Croatian flowers".
True, NDH were also faggots who gave all of our coastline to Italy you know, from being an autistic puppet state and all.

>Neither did they kill a lot of Jews.
But they did there are literally no kikes left in Croatia.

>They slaughtered mostly only Serbs to make it easier to steal the land from them later.
Hello Milorad.

Bravo Croatia

That sounds great, we all need to be doing that if we want to survive the next 100 years


Have Serbs did the same? I heard Serbs were nazis too pls redpill

Bravo Croatia

Croatia please, you don't need to try and convince me to support your country against the French tomorrow, you're already the last European team left in the world cup.

чeтники в тoчнocти тaкиe жe людoeды, кaк ycтaши
хopвaтия\cepбия = yкpaинa\пoльшa т.e двa гoвнa c двинyтoй нa пoчвe peлигии, нaции и зeмeль кpышeй

Almost every state in eastern Europe was a nazi puppet that includes both Croatia and Serbia.
Nice diggits.

some serbs and croats were on hitler's side others were partizans who were against nazis

Attached: 1523131470494.jpg (670x447, 52K)

>Reminder that this is a nazistic country that has killed millions of Jews, Serbs and Muslims.



you mean commies

you're gonna get some LARP answers from autists but tbqh no one really cares even IRL

it's the past

Cпacибo, я пoдoзpeвaл. A вce чeтники нa Aдикa paбoтaли? Hy т.e. oни были пpям тpy-нaци, зa нeмцeв и пpoтив кoммyниcтa Tитo и CCCP?

These 2 guys on left and right

зa нeмцeв из них мeньшинcтвo былo, oни ближe к apмии кpaйoвoй пo cвoим дeйcтвиям были

Croatians were also partisans. The first partisan squad was founded in Sisak.
You go shitting on Croatia every day. What's the point of that?

>all of our coastline to Italy

Attached: IMG_2551.png (300x278, 65K)

Based Croatia needs to take home the cup

Attached: 1527227584637.jpg (440x582, 65K)

The pleasant meetings

Attached: saradnja-cetnika-i-ustasa.jpg (724x420, 73K)

they probably slaughtered each other after this photo was taken

>removes dirty kebab
The absolute state

I like how even Himmler thought the Ustashe was way too brutal.

The dream, simple as

Attached: RHBIH.jpg (575x431, 68K)


Just imagine how poor and shit that state would be.


you almost had it you just went a little overboard with that one

by the end they were running together and getting mass murdered by the partisans

it was a realy realy veird war, like one of those games where someone shuffles three cups and a ball, realy the whole thing with nazi germany trying to conquer the world or whatever, that was just a good exuse and opportunity for balkans to do their thing