The most famous persons by nationality.
The most famous persons by nationality
homer is from illinois dumbass
This map is retarded.
Do you just know that Germans wanted to kill him because he lived in Germany?
>Be Russian
>Biggest nation in Europe
>Biggest area
>A lot of resources
>Most famous person that was born on "your" land is German
Aren't Russians are most useless nation?
It shows origin of birth
I refuse to believe that fucking Kant is more famous than Lenin
Wheres Tesla?
>Einstein is german
>no tesla
>wilde is irish
probably Maria Sharapova is more famous than Kant
>all those nordic literally who's
ABBA signers and founder of IKEA
Linnaeus came up with the scientific naming system for animals and other life forms, and named a whole shitload of them
It's Ingvard Kamprad.
I get some of it, but how can you not know Linnaeus? Did your mother not read H.C. Andersen to you as a child?
Yes, i love his solo
Linnaeus as said.
And Hans Chrisitan Andersen is a well known writer
Alfred Nobel
How is it not Stalin?
Western turkey was all Greek settlements in Homer's time, he may have been from Anatolia, I honestly have no idea
>that Belgium
Stalin was Georgian
>shakespeare is more famous than ed sheeran
who are these "intellectuals" kidding?
Stalin from Finland.
Oops, ty
>Not Hitler
>Not Putin
>all the jews in the map
Yeah, fuck off
Is William Shakespeare even favous to non english speakers?
>not jews
Classic Russia with Kant
>>Not Hitler
I'm retarded
we have superman. you guys have boring artists/authors/politicians.
>This faggot doesn't know who Snorri Sturluson is
>Giuseppe Tartini
but at least they are really famous jews, who the fuck knows trotsky irl? Most people don't even know Ukraine is a thing.
>who the fuck knows trotsky irl
You won't believe it... the entire SJW mass praise him because Trotsky was an original SJW.
And why the fuck is it saying Kant is Russia? Kant is barely known by most people and I'm quite sure he wasn't Russian.
how is italy not caesar?
What about America?
This map just gets worse and worse the more I look at it
omg..! I don't believe how stupid u can be ...!
Кaнт лoх :---DDDDD
Probably Lincoln, Jackson or Elvis
Stop looking on it! You destroying map!
Neat. Franklin as well maybe, he discovered electrical power.
I don't think any of the Founding Fathers are really that well known outside of America
nice b8 m8
Trotsky was a commie neocon. Alternatively, neocons are Liberal tankies. Also you're retarded
Absolutely ROARING at Germany. So much for "master race" when your most well known person wasn't even German lmao
based :DD
>Homer in roach
>Attila in Hungarian
They have their share of important people, to be fair. Bismarck, Nietzsche, Bach...
Einstein just happens to have extra meme status, aside from his actual importance.
>Origin of birth
no, who is Snoring Stupidson?
or putin.
Snorri Sturluson[1] (Icelandic: [ˈsnɔrJ ˈstʏrtlʏsɔn]; 1179 – 23 September 1241) was an Icelandic historian, poet, and politician. He was elected twice as lawspeaker to the Icelandic parliament, the Althing. He was the author of the Prose Edda or Younger Edda, which consists of Gylfaginning ("the fooling of Gylfi"), a narrative of Norse mythology, the Skáldskaparmál, a book of poetic language, and the Háttatal, a list of verse forms. He was also the author of the Heimskringla, a history of the Norwegian kings that begins with legendary material in Ynglinga saga and moves through to early medieval Scandinavian history.[2] For stylistic and methodological reasons, Snorri is often taken to be the author of Egil's saga.
Snorri Sturluson's writings provide information and indications concerning persons and events influencing the peoples inhabiting North Europe during periods for which relevant information is scarce: thus, for example, he can be used to illuminate relations between England and Scandinavia during the 10th and 11th centuries.[14] Snorri is considered a figure of enduring importance[15] in this regard,[16] Halvdan Koht describing his work as "surpassing anything else that the Middle Ages have left us of historical literature".[17] He also provided an early account of the discovery of Vinland.[18]
napoleon wasn't even french lol
You mean Gaius Julius Caesar you island-jew. Leornardo da Vinci was an actual genius, Julius Caesar led to the demise of the Roman Republic.
Ronald McDonald or Santa Claus (the Coca Cola one, not the nordic original)
he is more famous though. also watch that racism mate.
Kant was Prussian.
When he was writing his philosophy in Königsberg, Russia was still a feudal society.
Nope, I'd say it's rather a tie between Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo Galilei. In any case far more important than a despot like Julius Caesar.
>watch that rascism mate
Or what?
>albert einstein
come on it's fucking hitler
Take a second look at Austria
>Napoleone di Buonaparte
the fuck?
>English education
It says Justinian I for Macedonia, right?
But wtf does it say for Serbia, can't read it.
>He doesn't know who Linnaeus is
Did you fail your highschool biology classes or something
Constantine I
Although I'd argue nowadays people are more familiar with Slobodan Milosevic
Hitler is in Austria
the image shows region today of birthplace of the person then
Educate yourself, he was Russian.
Homer didnt speak fucking turkish
We wuz Emperors. Das rite!
>justinian I
>not aleksandar da greit
monkeydonians on suicide watch
> Picasso
Italian surname, from liguria
> Bonaparte
Same as above
Top of the top.
What a fucking retarded map.
Trotsky was not Ukrainian. And Kant was not Russian just because Russia owns Königsberg now.
Kafka (diaspora)
etc pp
stay in yo lane brown boy
Not Pewdiepie?
>kant is Russian
>diocletian is Croatian
Neocons are literally trotskyists.
H.C. Andersen wrote shit like the little mermaid, the little match girl, the emperor's new clothes, the nightingale and the snow queen.
>Or what?
it's not nice.
your comment just shows how people here have it out for us and look for things to shit on us for while ignoring other countries like you did with Kant being in Russia
if the map would be about rocket scientists and shown the world wide map we would be roaring at you
OP said by nationality tho
Rule #125: OP is faggot.
>most famous "french" person wasn't even french
Norway should be Munch. Sweden should be Nobel.
Fuck off you fruit
Amazing how the concept of nationality eludes most people itt
so much pent up rage austria user. what's going on big guy?
Einstein was German, no matter how hard the Nazis persecuted his religion. His last words he spoke in America are unknown because he said them in German and the nurse didn't know that language.
I hate your "country", sister worked there for 3 years and told me a story about her coworker who, despite having been diagnosed with cancer, had to work until he dropped dead. Like literally dropped dead. Guy wasn't even a portuguese but a Brit but apparently Jersey only hands out social security to those who were born there. Also everything on your shitty island is expensive as hell due to every fucking douchebag parking their money in Jersey because it's a tax haven.
Atilla wasn't Hungarian. Huns and Hungary aren't the same.
>Jersey only hands out social security to those who were born there
the states (gov) still provide foreigners with housing if they have kids and social security as long as they pay into it. my parents are mainlanders, and they get social security benefits (they pay into it). don't know where you got that idea?
Iceland: /
Ireland: Bono
UK: Newton
Netherlands: Vincent Van Gogh
Belgium: Charlemagne
France: Yannick Noah (according to the French)
Switzerland: Le Corbusier
Spain: Picasso
Portugal: Vasco de Gama
Norway: Munch
Sweden: Alfred Nobel
Denmark: Andersen
Germany: Hitler
Austria: Mozart
Italy: Leonardo Da Vinci
Poland: Marie Curie
Czech Republic: /
Slavakia: Adriana Karembeu
Hungary: Orban
Slovenia: /
Croatia: /
Bosnia: /
Serbia: Tito
Albania: /
Fyrom: /
Finland: /
Russia: Youri Gagarine
Estonia: /
Latvia: /
Lithuania: /
Belarus: I certainly know some that I mistake for Russians
Ukraine: Prokoviev
Romania: Dracula
Bulgaria: /
Turkey: Suleiman
Cyprus: Diam's (sorry Cyprus)
Well your island has certainly opened my eyes how many countries are pure 3rd world shitholes (including GB). Right now my neocon government is trying to cuck worker's rights and social security/health care into britbong standards.
Oy vey
>3rd world
absolutely laughable. things are great here. can't be that bad if almost half the population are british born. we are quite generous to give foreigners housing and accommodate them. what more do you want?
>doesnt know linneaus and HCA
the other three are relatively unknown though, although I may have seen the finnish name somewhere before