European cities...
European cities
...American cities
Which is better?
why charlotte and boston got so many "non straight direction" roads?
My guess is because they're older
Try to get from A to B and then tell me
Rome is the best
Why don't leftists show rage over Cairo secretly being a Nazi city?
>an american city that isn't just an autistic grid
Moscow has a lot of circles. How do they take them into account?
>city street network orientation
Can you at least explain what the fuck this means OP?
Fuckin hell
Wow, never realised what citylets American cities were before.
they probably start from each intersection/traffic light area
so that part on the top-right would be considered going northwest or whatever
Eбaть ты тyпoй. Cyмapнaя пpoтяжённocть дopoг в oпpeдeлённoм нaпpaвлeнии пpoпopциoнaльнa длинe cтoлбикa нa pиcyнкe.
He y тeбя cпpaшивaл, пидop
Seems to me that the more filled-out the orientation plot is, the less of an unwalkable shithole it is. Grids are designed around cars.
t. lives in a + grid on the american chart. Please nuke us. Also, is Moscow /aesthetic/?
yurop streets have better optionality
how do i read this? more filled circles mean more fucked up streets?
The United States grid system is superior
I can't figure it out either
>Hong Kong
>Mexico City
>Rio de Janeiro
Barcelona has a grid system and it's so so horrible to walk around, it sucks to have to wait 2 minutes to cross the road every time you walk a block
Based Moscow
I dont get this
That’s because you are walking retard. Get a car like the rest of the world
Me either my brainlet friend. Someone explain pls
This. Boston's roads were built on top of the paths cows took to market and is a notorious nightmare to drive in.
Americans are the only people that drive everywhere, and besides you must spend half your life at traffic lights because you don't have roundabouts either
Fuck off with the commie shit
Very low quality bait tbqh senpai
cager runt
I guess it represents the relative amount of streets in different orientations.
So: strict north-south AND east-west grid of streets shows as cross.
I may be wrong.
Rome, Paris, Moscow and Seoul are the ideal street network orientation. American cities's street network orientation is like a farm.
>all roads lead to Rome
p fucking neat desu.
There are sections of my city that do not have sidewalks. The side of the road is a mix of broken down cement/asphault, dirt, weeds, and mud, with lots of trash and broken glass thrown in, also things like shreds from tires and other cager refuse. It's not so much that as attempting to cross the street in high, busy, aggressive traffic with no pedestrian infrastructure such as a ped light or crosswalk. Cars don't know to watch for peds there (yes that is their line of thought) so it's highly likely you'll get hit. An opportune time to cross is never provided, cars are always crossing or turning in, so you need to play frogger to get across.
Don't go down alleyways here. That's where hobos and criminals hang out because it's "out of the light". Smells like piss and trash, can be dangerous, very unpleasant at best.
>crossing over someone's lawn gets you shot?
I know yuuropoors are autistic but yes, if you're on someone else's property the assumption is that you're a criminal and you may be shot. In rural areas here you need to be careful of who owns the woods, especially in poor places like appalachia or anywhere drug growing/making activities take place in shacks innawoods. You'll be shot. Dumbass fingolian. If I buy property I don't want every shitty snot nosed kid or beer chugging teen traipsing across it. Is your entire country a daycare center for special needs children?
each bar points to how many roads go in that direction on a map. As you notice each bar has a mirror on the other side of the center because obviously roads go in both directions. So rome has roads that go in every which direction while an american city is an autistic grid.