Why are Americans like this?
Why are Americans like this?
>clapping and gasping non ironically at tv shows
cringe as fuck
HAhahahahaa because we're fat retards mostly, like easily 80% of our country looks like this and probably 95% of our cities
that dude kinda look like the dude playing Jon Snow
I can imagine the one with her tits out right in the front centre made the most noise.
Why are Americans like this?
Is it normal in America to over-emote as if you were a toddler?
perche loro sono goblini naturalmente
what the fuck
Wow these people are heavily flourided hhahahah. They don't make enough money in their day jobs to ever have economic security of any kind, so they are hypnotized by the tv
Fucking anglos jumping and chimping shut the fuck up
>the negroe is the most rational of the bunch
God I hate "white" americans
wow now I feel bad, thanks
There are way more fat retards in hicksville, USA than the major cities.
don't feel bad lol, you have to understand, literally 95% of Americans are born into 3rd world conditions, it's like having Monaco surrounded by Nigeria
oh wait he isn't even black what the fuck
les videos que nous regardons sont des personnes qui habitent dans les villes et banlieus, mais aussi nous avons beaucoup de "gens des collines" dans les endroits plus rurales
volga quebecois?
everyone on the webm is white by american standards
Is that in California?
Kys paco
'burb rats. They secretly enjoy feeling naughty at things like this, yet put on a brave toddler face for the world to see.
Country kids see more blood making dinner.
pretty sure that was French, dummy
yet another example of my chimp-like compatriots
that soy is might ex college/hs chad who bang every saturday.
based self hating euroboo american
>literally 95% of Americans are born into 3rd world conditions
sometimes I wonder if people like you are for real
my gf is korean and i've only stayed here for the good salary and tolerable rent prices :)
where are you from? NY, Cali, the whole west coast actually, DC, FL, major TX cities are all like this now
don't act like Montana or Quincy MA are some bastion of white greatness
keep drinking that soy
In american society community is communist. The only bonding you are allowed to have is through media which you pay for or are bombarded with advertisements from.
why such a violent degenerate show attracts cucks of all sorts?
>NY, Cali, the whole west coast actually, DC, FL, major TX cities are all like this now
Sad, small town midwest here
The idiot that I quoted is most likely drinking that, you make no sense
this is pretty much correct, unless you are absolutely fringe. and then in rural towns, it's the same way, but you have to bond over the confederate flag and budweiser
it allows them to feel "dangerous" in a safe environment. it's a hallucination
how many times have you left it to come see the real USA (in terms of population?)
The hispanic-looking man at the far left corner is clearly embarrassed and uncomfortable with the situation. He's also clearly the only one there who can watch TV like a normal person and not like an overreacting big baby.
Further evidence that the """third""" world will be the last bastion of order and sanity in the future.
Me on the far left
40+ states, why?
What is the real USA to you?
look at the way he has mild disgust for the asian chick who hits him LOL
"mai brotherrs gerlfrennnn iis so estupiid
I kinda feel sorry for him.
>The hispanic-looking man at the far left corner is clearly embarrassed and uncomfortable with the situation
he has probably seen worse in real life
>why do I hang out with theses crazies and faggots??
The real USA, especially in the cities, is
-70% non-white,
-"educated" on paper but actually behaves like a chimp (riots, steals, emotionally freaks out),
-is heavily strapped up with student and credit card debt, can barely make rent, has no savings
-lives in cramped conditions in a city, has no dream of owning property and therefore will trash anything they come in contact with
Like, I live in semi-suburban NYC area, and basically every time I go to 7-11 or I'm driving on the road, I'm surrounded by low IQ psychopaths who haven't eaten a healthy meal in 20 years. They'd kill you in an instant if they needed to
>The guy on the left not giving a single shit
Maybe there is a hope for this world
Oh, wow.
I know, or have experienced, nothing of what you speak about. I'd suggest you get out of that area.
you've never ridden our subway system?
he'll be back, there's no one else to hang with, also nice digits
Is it normal for Americans in these areas to go around sucker-punching each other? Judging by the number of webms I've seen here it seems like a daily occurrence
Whereas if similar videos surfaced in the UK it would make national news
These look like Brazilians
Yeah I did, I got lost on it too, so I saw a lot
yeah sure of course
What the fuck is this?
>starts crying over a chinese cartoon
hm lol
>american culture
>Whereas if similar videos surfaced in the UK it would make national news
it's amazing what makes the news and what doesn't some times, it's almost like the media has an agenda
any news about tommy robinsin lately?
lol well this is at a hc show and that guy is being an absolute fucking faggot for punching people who don't want to be punched
as for actual sucker punching on the streets, idk, it definitely happens, but I stay the fuck out of NYC because it is like East London
a video some brit found on the internet so he could post it here and ask dumb questions
This is the whitest shit I've seen today
Lead poisoning
panem et circenses
the empire will end soon