Why are Americans so cool?
Why are Americans so cool?
no they're not
are we?
Because that's where Fonzie is from
The only good mutt is a dead mutt
they've got style
Cause they are the land of the free.
Perfectly designed giant cities, God tier power balance between the 3 different branches of power.
Powerful 4th estate.
Drain the most intelligents brains of all over the world.
Control all financial fluxs via their curreny.
Always want to help the stranger because of religion.
It's the sunglasses
Because they have kewl weponz
Because they're b&r
they have no morals
Why does he have 3 million subscribers?
Japan guy here is most definitely not cool
Finland can't you come up with any cool ways to tease?
Because he's hilarious and 2 out of every crazy 3 conspiracy theories he talks about turn out to be true.
they're certainly cooler than you
Who is the coolest in Europe?
good post
Because they killed M*xican subhumans, repulsive creatures that should be annihilated.
based Spaniard
As for the Anglosphere, I'd think Austrailiand are probably just as cool as Americans
Says the result of 40 different rape-raids between China and Korea.
>mfw he is right and many scientist are saying this is more likely than if dinosaurs ever existed
The man needs help
>"Americans and Europeans alike sometimes forget how unique is the United States of America. No other nation has been built upon an idea, the idea of liberty. No other nation has so successfully combined people of different races and nations within a single culture. Both the founding fathers of the United States and successive waves of immigrants to your country were determined to create a new identity. Whether in flight from persecution or from poverty, the huddled masses with few exceptions welcomed American values, the American way of life and American opportunities. And America herself has bound them to her with powerful bonds of patriotism and pride.
>"The European nations are not and can never be like this. They are the product of history and not of philosophy. You can construct a nation on an idea, but you can't reconstruct a nation on the basis of one. Political institutions can't be imposed if they are to endure. They have to evolve and they have to command the affection, loyalty and respect of populations living under them, and they have to be accountable to the people." Margaret Thatcher
This American is definitely not cool
While I admire Australia, they in the year of 2018 are still afraid to shake the monarchy and security/influence/reverence of the UK and establish a proper republic despite all of the their success. Even Prepbull is pro-ARM and doesn't run his mouth.
Margaret Thatcher?
made me think of this lmao
Why do you say that
>bald eagles shedding tears of joy
I know this is bait but clearly because the man is fucking delusional and mixing concepts that have no relation to one another. He's the perfect example of a pseudo-intellectual
>Deutsch is dismissive that many-worlds is an "interpretation", saying that calling it an interpretation "is like talking about dinosaurs as an 'interpretation' of fossil records."[24]
you are misinterpreting the quote.
He isn't saying that its not likely that dinosaurs existed.
He's saying that he sees very strong evidence for the MWI, much like dinosaur fossils are very strong evidence that they existed.
We totally agree, I confused your Hicks clip as a mockery of this interpretation/theory...
its a mockery of people who deny the existance of dinosaurs
Me on the right
The Scottish
It is, but that is the point, physicists like David Deutsch are saying that MWI is AS likely as dinosaurs having ever existed
Enjoying Amsterdam, Mutt?
Based english teacher
We are?
Imagine being this pathetic of a selfhater.
Based af
You only think Americans are cool because their media controls pop culture. They can manufacture their coolness.
Where are you from?
hes probably one of those English teachers from Ukraine that can barely speak English
If your talking about Blacks you're right, but whiteboys there's a reason them niggas get clowned on. It's niggas that dictate whats trendy and cool not some corny and swagless cacs.
because america is the center of the world and we're all obsessed with them
We're simultaneously the most and least cool. There is no middle ground here.
Probably 30:70, cool:loser
Maybe 20:80
Americans are extremely shallow, narcissistic and narrow-minded people. Take German narrow-minded fanaticism and lust for power, English materialism, Jewish narcissism and greed and here you have an average American.