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International #924
Got rejected from a job again
I really wish i can date a non american i live in berkeley too so there are a lot of foreigners but im too lame to even...
The absolute fucking state of londonstan
/luso/- Fio Lusófono XXI
What the fuck the German spoken in Bavaria, Austria and South Tyrol is much more civilized than normal "German"!
Am I a racist if I literally don't have a problem with black people unless they do crime or try to racemix with white...
Whites all look the same
Nobody talks about here
I have never left my country
If you had to create 10 new countries...
Argentinians and Chileans hate Caribbeans
Jow Forums in 2100
Post your country in one webm
/fr/ - le fil francofil
Japanese couples never have sex
Im 20 and live with my parents
Do you eat meat every day?
This is Germany
What is his end game?
/brit/ + /birt/
Dancing unit in gym class
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What's her name Jow Forums?
If it wasn't for Chinese in Xinjiang, this beautiful Uyhger girl would not be a famous actress and model...
Is the United States an empire?
Why are we Mexicans so alpha?
Time to eat my poop again
Wh*toids BTFO
Cletus down here for Comic-Con asks me what the best restaurants are
This was the happiest moment of my life. Everyday I thank God that he was elected
Alt right guys non white women
Cute half cousin visits on family reunion
Trevor Noah angers French faggots b/c he implied French team is African
This is Tokyo
/flag/ - /extraflags/
/deutsch/ /Nachtschicht/
A) your country
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Why do they have an inferiority complex about being brown...
ITT: Improvements
How come Haiti doesn't speak standard French, but their neighbors all speak standard Spanish?
Go to parents' house
Is it a coincidence the country with the most white people has the world's premier economy and military?
/V4/+ frens
Drinking general
Tfw you'll never be the strongest
/v/ and Jow Forums are the most reddit boards
Sverigetråden - Fredagsmysupplagan
Is no one safe in America???
Your cunt
It's our national day, Jow Forums ! will you please celebrate with us? ^^
Funny accents haha
1. Your country
One of these threads
/ita/ - il filo
Mfw trolling a leftie
Why are beans and rice so popular in Latin America?
I can't afford vacations this year
Why do other Latinos hate us Mexicans?
All my own top intelligence officials disagree with me
How far from the sea do you live?
/sino/ - 中文
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest
/fr/ - le fil francofil
Am I white Jow Forums ?
Sverigetråden - Psyksjuka Transor
You're a country
American democracy
/deutsch/ /Nachtschicht/
Anyone with Brown gf ?
Niggas who look like this have a 110% chance to fuck any bitch in your country
Innocent British coastal villagers
*saves poland*
Why can't french women resist the med BVLL?
Aldi in your cunt
ITT: Post high school classes from your cunt
What do alt-righters do in your cunt?
What do you think America will be like under President Pence?
Why Central Americans hate Mexicans?
RIP Eastern Europe
They look like americans
Its happening. I'm slowly becomming a med*id
Please someone adopt me
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Is this still accurate in 2018?
I wish I was from Eastern Europe, I hate being an Amerimutt
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Outside of american politics, does mexico have any relevance to the rest of the world?
Hahaha my wife btw
What the fuck even happens here?
Is there any country other than Serbia that does not hate them?
Trump 'ready' to tax all Chinese imports
Hey Jow Forums day something nice about my friends
Legal Age of Drinking
You may only post in this thread if the average monthly wage in your country is above $5,000
/Three Wishes/
Fuck communism
I-I have it so bad here in my 3rd world shithole
Will Europeans ever pay for what they did? They raped and pillaged less developed people for centuries
Cyrillic is bad cuz shotholes use it
S-stop it R-reddit
What's TV like in your country?
/balk/ + /tr/
English doesnt even have a proper future tense
Do you have a messenger bag or a purse to carry things with you when you go outside...
Why don't Scandinavians use bricks?
Have you ever fucked a hot chick?
Why do Latin American girls always win those beauty pageants? Just look at this video...
Sverigetråden - Allting går åt helveteupplagan
Fuck this stupid website for retards
What do you smell like?
Watching an american documentary: white elders have blue eyes and are anglo
Are Finns really the abos of the north, or is it just meme?
This is a 10/10 in Japan
Sweden, I
Do you ever get that feeling you've been lonely for so long you're fine with it...
Post cute girls from your country
North - white
Jean reno
Are they KARABOGA or regular whiTeoid pussies?
Why do Finns pretend to be Nords when they look like... this?
/deutsch/ am Abend
Nearly 30 years after the end of the Cold War, and the Russians are still the bad guys in American films
Ugly languages
Hello, I'm looking for a brown friend, state your reasons why I should pick you to be my brown friend
Japanese girls are obesity
Meaningless guttural sounds
Centre of European Art and Culture stretching back for centuries
Are they really closer to Arabs than to Europeans?
What happens there?
So I recently came across another "gender vs sex" shitfling and come to notice that the Lithuanian language as far as I...
Post ur cunt's military
What race are these?
In english you can't even specify whether you're referring to a paternal or maternal grandmother, grandfather...
What happened during those two hours behind closed doors?
ITT: Jow Forums in 1824
Did you know that 8% of all Spanish words are of Arabic origin?
Why are some Americans so bad at geography?
Anglo Union nation
Sverigetråden - Må bra upplagan
Would I pass as a local in your country?
Somali language in google translate
Post fast food chains from your country
Is there a country with more depressing history than these two countries?
Bravo germany
Are they Nordic?
I dont trust non-nordics
How will the US being a brown 3rd world shithole upset the balance of powers in the world?
>Meanwhile in India
What country has an easy driver's licence test...
Why were the British more successful than the French, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Danish, Italians, Russian...
What are you eating now?
/fr/ - Fil de la France
/fr/ - Le fil des Francs
How do you say these memes:
Would she ever think about European boys in the same way as I think about MENA girls?
EU urges no-deal Brexit preparation
/ita/ - il filo
Jungle fever is more popular than yellow fever on Jow Forums
What do they call a quarter pounder with cheese in your country?
Why do they hate us? ;(
Why did Montenegro started forest fires in Sweden?
The US is known for it's non-curving, straight roads and highways where you can see for miles ahead
Yaaay, gay rights are advancing in lebanon!
Sverigetråden - Virgoupplagan
Gaijin face when see Japanese train
New map
1. Your country
Iberians are 10-12% Arab
Why is Slovenia so superior to Estonia and Czech Republic?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
So what do we know about the Australian shitposter?
What are the best and the worst regions of Spain?
Does every m*D apartment have an ac? They're not common here and it makes this heat unbearable
/carib/ edition: Sushi Jet edition
Drugs are really, really, really fun
What is it with Japan and disasters?
Where is her Insta?
If you look like this, take a plane and marry me
Why do finns look kinda chinky dinky?
American mcdonalds don't have this god sauce
Why don't you have a monarchy user?
Ywn get away with killing 500 people like Simo Häyhä
Do you live with your parents
The world would be a better place if everybody spoke Finnish
Do you want to cherish and protect Slovenia?
How do you call this in your country?
Confess, my children
1. country
ITT: Countries that has no future
His country isn't located on the shores of the Baltic Sea
Does your country let you buy functional military vehicle ?
Why do white Americans have such stubby noses?
Would I pass as a local in your country?
/fr/ - le fil de la fracophonie
Ancient Greeks and Romans were of Karelian admixture, Scientists say
Most arrogant country in Europe?
Should I try acid? I already ate psilocybin-mushrooms a few times and I'm curious how it is
Our country is literally burning up. Soon all our forests will be gone due to forest fires. And yet...
*blocks your path*
Pic is from the 30th of May in Bergen, Norway, during the initial heat wave
Which people are their modern descendants?
Which one do you hate the most?
*turns on radio*
Sverigetråden - Virgopplagan
Your cunt
Post your commieblock and other buildings
Most German racists only insult immigrants in the Internet but are quiet in real life
Do all McDonalds sell beer or is just a Lithuanian thing?
Our advanced economy needs to reindustrialize
/kiki/ ehemals /deutsch/
Can we fucking RANGEBAN aussies?
Most hated country in the world
Be 167 cm tall manlet
How do you say "success breeds jealousy" in your language?
Sweden has now 20 000 hectares of burning forest
Why wasn't Africa conquered like America was?
Which one is the gayest culturally?
He lies on the internet about his suffering, mostly using “no gf”...
Communism is bad
Wich one of these were more important to the development of Europe?
All Romance language speakers are speaking a redneck version of Latin
Culture Pals - /cp/
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2023
Why are snowniggers so pathetic exactly?
You're very lucky if you get to live in your ancestral homeland
Someone explain Germany/Austria to me
Colombia independence day
The US will have a new tallest skyscraper in a few months...
Massive thunderstorm right now lads
Can you do all these maneuvers ?
Girlfriend loves me
Israel passes law making it an apartheid state
Can you do this?
What will we talk about on this board after the revolution?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
She says hi to you while wearing this shirt
I'm not fat i'm just big boned
Mfw people like this are posting now on Jow Forums and shitting on america
Driving with my mate
1 you're cunt tree
Coutries that will be drowned by the niggapocalypse
Why aren't America & Russia allowed to be friends?
I seriously doubt that all participants of the nogf/khhvposting threads who would consider themselves “immensely...
Post based countries
/lat/ hilo latino
Hands of Jow Forums thread
Meme countries
"Oh, you browse Jow Forums, too? Haha! What's your home board?"
Where would you place a wall?
Why do South American posters write such stupid posts
/fr/ - le fil de l'empire francophone
What is even the point of this religion anymore?
Is he /ourguy/?
Sverigetråden - Mysiga morgonupplagan
I want a United American Continent
1. Name an area that should be a country
Post 'em, Jow Forums
How do we stop the Americanization of the world?
In India, Summer Heat May Soon Be Literally Unbearable
Rate all of your cunt's neighbors
Will they be remembered as the good guys?
Japanese has turned into shit
Why do Non-Nordic people have such tiny heads?
Why is France such a totalitarian shithole where innocent protesters get brutually beaten up by police on a daily basis...
Name your least favorite thing about your country or I'll beat the shit out of you
Spain should have to clean up its mess
So, officialy the minorities are already the majority between americans with less than 19 years
Falklands/Malvinas thread
How are we enemies, again ?
Cum home white man
I want an international BF so bad
Why is everything tasty terrible for your heart and liver? Fuck this life
Was the finnish race a mistake?
Why did we allow them to conquer the world?
If I betray my country to the Russians will I be able to get a 5'10" russian gf with 30J breasts
How does it feel to be white?
I hear norwegian girls hate norwegian men. is this true?
Australian Flag
Do Latinx found orange face offensive?
Thoughts on Süd-Brasilien and Süd-Brasilianer?
I dont trust non-nordics
Post your average traditional house please
Adjectives before nouns
What exactly does Brazillian cuisine consist of?
Would you date a slavic qt?
Is it easy to enter your country illegally?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is the USA the ultimate dystopia?
This was the happiest moment of my life. I thank God everyday he was elected
I hope they start shit. Would love to wipe out these fucking blockhead alcoholics
Why are so many Latin American posters so cringe or stupid on Jow Forums...
How are YOU preparing for the Asian century?
Why is everyone talking about this 500 year old country?
India will surpass the UK this year
Why do you browse Jow Forums?
Does the Russian accent irritate you?
1. Your Country
Why does England make such good music?
Ex yu
Why not just move to Asia?
Why am I a Somali?
Why is it that muslims and Africans continue to migrate to and reside in Europe when it is painfully obvious that they...
Chile yes!
ITT we appreciate the United States of America
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Are they even european? they look like a swarthier version of algerians or moroccans to me
Sverigetråden - BARAupplagan
Is true that nignogs in USA can leave the ghetto and become middle-class without the needing to sing rap...
Thank you Poland for saving the Christian Europe for so many times!
/ita/ - il filo
/NEDERDRAAD/ hockeymeisje editie
Post grotesque, yet tasty, street food from your country
“How could Russia ever interfere with a democracy as strong as America’s?”
What race is this?
France = protagonist
/deutsch/ /bayern/
Why do the British not like Irish?
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Why are Old World cities so much nicer than the shit we have here?
What happens here?
What does this pic make you feel?
Biggest genociders of your nation
Finally leaving your parents at 30 ? Neet since 21
Parallel parking is scary
Tell me about the opioid epidemic
I hate spiders
Hello user ! I can't speak with non-Southern Europeans, my parents always told me to not to speak to barbarians...
1. Your bunt
The absolute state of Jow Forums
I’ve always wondered, do you croats take road A road B to get to the other side of croatia?
Why does every non-castilian spanish accent sound so retarded?
Is Mexico just one giant Indian reservation?
The best girl is French
How did Chile achieve it?
Kurva anyátok
I'm leaving Lille (northern France) soon to work 6 months in a hostel in Liège (Wallonie, french-speaking Belgium)
Why are you not allowed to build a cabin on rural land you own in this country?
Have you tried camping? It's a great way to enjoy the outdoors, even alone
Literally Soviet Union 2.0
Japanese = Weeb
Somebody pls explain what this means
Why do the men sound like faggots when they speak?
How do you create people like this?
Hilo de redpills
Western Slavs Appreciation Thread
/mashiro/, nie wieder /deutsch/
Lets decide once and for all
Fellow latin americans, what you think about this?
Itt we sing USA of A anthem one word at a time
I made my gf cry because i'm a fucking retard bros, why do i have to be such a fucking piece of shit
Does it bother you that you do not look european?
This is what my ideal MENA gf looks like
Why is Russia such a shithole?
I'm not a 26 years old virgin anymore!
Why do Americans hate Iran but love Saudi Arabia?
This fucking abeed monkey, so beloved by the American progressives, stands there and insults France on television...
July 14: It's been a very successful day as a Norwegian Man Accepted Islam
Anywhere in Europe except Scandinavia
/luso/ - fio Lusófono
In France we see more and more pick up trucks like in Quebec and the USA...
Why is the EU playing with fire?
Who would win in a war?
Do people in your cuntry wear this?
Sverigetråden- kvällsupplagan
We are NOT e*ropean
Why do older women catcall young men?
Kazakhstan figure skater Denis Ten stabbed to death
Be me
Why do they want WW3 so bad?
/ita/ il filo
Israel passes law making it an apartheid state
Fuck Montenegro
3 weeks until my penis enlargement surgery
Who was in the right here?
I saw my first on of these in my region today
Waste of money
Most recent update on Swedish forest fire
Would you press this button?
If you ain't pink, you ain't much
/fr/ - le fil francofil
Is there a single entity in this world that can stop strong aggressive Montenegrin warrior?
Tfw your mom is a mail-order bride from russia and your dad is a Swedish lanky beta fag
Literally the worst posters on this board
Do you still have faith Jow Forums? If not, do you miss it?
Finnish man disappears in Ostrobothnia
1. Your cunt
How do you divide history in your country?
I'm an incel because my wife only wants sex every 6 months...
Imagine being russian
How to fix?
Post ugly commieblocks/architecture/public art from your cunt
Are celtic languages going to dissappear?
Hungary with and without communism
What ethnicity is this
Which one?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Why haven't you bought a Dacia yet user?
/v4/ + friends
Hehe user-kun
Hello frens today is birthday I am now 23 i will play vidya today
What is he going to do? More tariffs?
New Caledonia is having a referendum for independence from France. It will be called "Kanaky Nouvelle-Caledonie"...
Do you want to find love in Brazil?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What the fuck Africa?
Tfw boring beta job with high salary
Man look at this dude
What is it about America that produces so many psycho edgelords ?
Sverigetråden - Japanska sötnosupplaga
His name was Jack Johnson
Opinions on pic related?
That afternoon sip
Is this board bully free zone? Are foreigners mean or nice?
1. Your country
Are small rural towns in your country comfy or depressing?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2022
Why aren't nurses required to wear body cams like police officers are?
Jow Forums hates Hillary with a passion and recognizes her as a power hungry sociopath
What's your morning routine?
No paved road between Egypt and Sudan
I just watched off a coupple of YT videos related to Japanese students studing abroad took discriminated action by...
Modern colonialism. whats your country is doing in their colonies?
Your country
Asians have a higher IQ than whites
How does your country feel about immigrants?
1. your cunt
Do you like Israel? I do
/brit/ shrek dab edition
Post photo outside your window
Finnish poor people needing food help was ten folded
Northern/western European brothers. Don’t marry a woman from your region, find you a pure Med lady...
/fr/ - le fl francophone
Your cunt
Who are the worst posters on /int?
What is the sexiest statue in your country?
31° C inside
Old world countries of Jow Forums, how does it feel to live in a place with culture?
How do we make India great again?
/deutsch/ am Mittag
After all, he STILL thinks there is a possibility of suffering in first world countries
Ringer Finger Index of 1.004
This is a girl from America. She's a model and single and is around my age...
Pust cute girl from your county
Declares independence from Britain because of "taxation without representation"
Sverigetråden - dds-upplagan
Most accurate image of an Neptune was achieved here on Earth
Say something nice about em
Is this a real country?
Ameriburgers will never know the pleasure to drive a nice compact car that can fit everywhere
Non-mutt America thread
Kurva anyátok
Daily admiration whitu sama
Same ethnic roots as French people
User, can I smoke in your car, please?
Burning of Sweden intensifies
Officers believe several Russians were involved in the attempted murder and say they are looking for more than one...
Post your country's most overrated director
I step on every brown, black and mutt dog. You are worth less than an ant...
New particle accelerator to be build
And they say romance is dead
Give me proofs!
Hello Jow Forums
1. yeur cunt
How do you call him in your cunt?
Hey UK
Four Finish inventions :
Do males in your country know how to eat?
Tfw 22 yo virgin
/ITA/ - il filo
How do we deal with the russian problem?
How is circumcision perceived in your country?
This shitty Chinese vassal is preventing ASEAN from forming a united front against China
The future is Albanian
What happens around....HERE
G'day mate!
IKEA General Thread
Where do you get your news?
Why americans like her so much?
How do YOU deal with the soul crushing fact that you will never be Norwegian?
Catholics are false Christians
You can only post here if you live in a sub 3 area
ITT: we rank countries other than our own
Why italian and french sounds so musical and pleasant but catalan...
Which race mix is most aesthetic?
I fixed India
/balk/ - Balkan thread
We have our media and intelligence agencies openly colluding to frame our fucking president for treason
What is the ultimate symbol of numale culture in your cunt?
Is your country a racist shithole?
Our sanctions against Russia as a result of its hostile actions against Ukraine and elsewhere really aren't much...
Everything that is enjoyable is bad for you
Y-you mean PS2 games didn't have online multiplayer? How did you live?
Who are some Jow Forums approved leaders?
Lets play a game, Jow Forums
Are you happy with your country's leader in Civilization 6? Your country IS important enough to get in, right?
That was music
Had I known that having my Galaxy S8's screen replaced would void its IP68 rating, I would never have had it done
Is there a single good aspect about the United States?
I wish I was an American
Post dystopian sites of your country
Tfw 24
American "humor"
What happens here?
I can't get horny
What ethnicity is this based on?
/fr/ - Le Francofil:
How well can Romance languages speakers understand this?
Biggest country buildings
America is 30% non hispanic white
Civic nationalism
Why are there so few Chinese-language websites?
Your cunt
If you could go back and change one big historical event, which would it be? How would it effect the present?
Europe is less white than it has been in centuries. Does it make me a nazi if I do not like this?
The absolute state of spanish media
Your country has catholic channels?
Why aren't you an English teacher in Asia?
There is nothing wrong with having yellow fever
Hilo /lat/
What is this called in your country?
Why won't my gf suck my cock?
Why do they hate each other so much?
Help me I am feeling myself turn into a Jow Forums tard I am sinking further and further I hate the LGBTQA community...
This flag actually never lost a war
Kolendo, it was a whole town on the north of the Sakhalin. Now it is abandoned since 1995
How do you tell different national accents?
Pic related (friend of mine) just found out she has stage 4 cancer. She's single. Is it a bad time to make my move?
What exactly is wrong with western people?
To what degree should free speech actually be allowed? Not the law, but the virtue
Argentina is AMERIN-
What do we do with the slav problem my germanic brothers?
Is war inevitable between us?
Argentina is 75% pure Amerindian and the remaining 25% is Spanish+AMERINDIAN. Note, Mestizo: Mostly Amerindian...
/ita/ - il filo
Does this man support or dispute Vladimir Putin and Russia?
Which East Asian country is the best?
Do Germans have souls?
France destroyed my homeland(southern France) and got away with it
Black Panther will never be a successful movie
Why are Americans so cool?
The world is divided between beta poltards crying about "muh heritage!" and alphas fucking 10/10 mixed pussies
How do non-slavs pronounce "Ljubljana"?
Sverigetråden - Fest hos mange
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Age of consent in different countries
Pls erupt
Literally ALL russian women are prostitutes who are ready to do anything to work and live in a developed western...
Trabajo en español
Post ur cunt's service rifle
Is Central America really that bad?
Europe in 1600
If or when Scotland gets independence, it should form an allegiance with Iceland...
What did you eat for dinner lads? i ate parmigiana, the meal of gods
Expain this
/boomer/ ehemals /deutsch/
I speak g*rman to my horse
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship