I can't get horny

I can't get horny

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Stop watching porn

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Did you even read my post? I don't, I can't

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what the leaf said

get a t shot

>mfw horny and no gf

Delet facebook
Lawyer up
Hit the gym

*updoots to the left gentlemen*

chronic doses of heavy anxiety or panic attacks doesn't act as a productive stressor, and leads to tanking of testosterone, reduced libido, depression, etc

There's a study within the Finnish national service that perfectly encapsulates it

what this dude said

don't act as a productive stressor

(and can aggravate ADHD and autistic problems like this)

was just trying to fight mine the other day.
i'd say you're lucky you can be productive.

I'm a NEET, I don't even feel urge to do anything even masturbate

God, I wish that were me

imagine rubbing your naked body all over a Brazilian boy who "can't get horny" and it's a hot day so you're both sweaty

sounds like your typical anhedonia, demoralization from depression or executive function impairment in autism

Get a formal diagnosis, like the British and Paraguayan med-students on this board have to repeat. Psychological diagnoses have little 'laboratory' criteria and are based on consensus definitions of symptomatic behaviour too.

do nofap and then follow up with yesfap

Not him but never had this huge libido most guys claim, like, I never fapped more than once a day, even in teenagehood, my test is 680~

If you didn't engage in test-boosting activities, even inadvertently before the test then that means you're either depressed and thus secondarily hyposexual or just have immense self-discipline within your frontal lobe and hypothalamus when it comes to sex and other visceral needs

so the normal thing to do is feeling the necessity to fap various times a day even after you cum?

>I can't get horny
See a shrink if it's been a long time. Seriously that isn't right. You can have a lower libido but an inabity to become aroused is abnormal.

no, but when certain people feel stressed they rebound with irregular behaviour like this because it does a number on the seat of the brain, hypothalamus, which regulates everything from sugar consumption to satiety to sex

Its a good thing you haven't fapped, if I stop for 3 weeks I can feel the mental effects withering and the stimulation from sexual imagery blunting. The real damage from masturbation is the addictive effect and the need for dopamine highs all the time because of receptor rearrangement in the brain

>what the leaf said
No he probably has a disorder if he's truthful. Zero sex-drive/arousal isn't normal and is a disorder.

>Lawyer up
He didn't say he tried raping someone.

Still sounds psychological/anhedonistic, he hasn't mentioned anything suggestive of hypogonadotrophic/hypogonadism, medication with SSRIs/TCAs or some inherent defect in test conversion, production or utilization

This is a blessing as you will no longer feel disappointed

I'm like this since last year
I can masturbate if I force myself to but the orgasm is not worthy, and everything that used to make me horny last year don't make any longer

If it is depression I've been depressed for a yar

>Still sounds psychological/anhedonistic, he hasn't mentioned anything suggestive of hypogonadotrophic/hypogonadism, medication with SSRIs/TCAs or some inherent defect in test conversion, production or utilization
You might be right, I interpreted it as hormonal. However I had horrible depression to the point I wouldn't even watch TV, read, talk to anyone, play video games, go outside, etc. I don't remember having a sex drive then but my concern was bigger than just arousal. I knew shit was bad.

Eat Maca powder, unironically.

>I'm like this since last year
>I can masturbate if I force myself to but the orgasm is not worthy, and everything that used to make me horny last year don't make any longer
>If it is depression I've been depressed for a yar
Do you take pleasure in anything else. Is anything enjoyable?

I know the answer but I am a weak c*nt, I need to reduce the stimulation I always try to find from porn, women IRL and games, etc and just start finding basic pleasure and fulfillment in all the simple things once it dies down

Don't wank for a couple of days. In my case if I don't fap I become horny at the thought of a 3/10 the next day, but every person is diffrerent and it might take longer for you

and what frightens me is that social withdrawal and schizotypals have the same root, dopamine, and that's why their treatment is based on its antagonism (resp, olanz and co)

I fucked up teens and twenties horrendously because of games and porn

Get some Cypionate vials on the dankweb

Yeah games and porn are an easy release till it's really bad. Girls in real life if you can not be creepy could be good. As far as social some kind of medium grounds exist. I know people that play board games on weekends but they aren't the old school ones or even settlers of cattan. One is called Cosmic Encounter, I think there is a fantasy one too. They apparently are fun but won't waste 48 hours. If you can find groups you can also do card games or less strenuous competitive sports like darts, pool, horseshoes (not sure if you have that there), etc. An acquaintance of mine from college met his wife because he was feeling board and joined a recreational volleyball team.

>feeling board
Feeling bored.

you're right. The day I spent fixing my mum's car give me the most rich euphoria ever

not really
The only thing I do is shitpost

eat more good food, do exercise and go outside.

Neetdom, porn and processed food = no libido

>I spent fixing my mum's car
Nice, good job

y tho
fapping feels good I wish I could do it more often
plus I've never even got to have a wet dream and I bet those feel great

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I wish that were me.