Is your country a racist shithole?

Is your country a racist shithole?


Attached: racistfb.png (556x920, 401K)

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>racism and hatred still exist
No shit you fucking crybaby pussy. I swear modern "man" are the most pathetic and delusional people on earth. Expect the world to serve them with a silver platter and shine rainbows up their ass. Newsflash: The world isnt fair or nice. At least 3rd worlders as low iq and savage as they are understand this simple fact.

Tipping is terrorism.

>we don't tip terrorist
I'd assume with that terrible english this is all a set up by him, but then again this is America we're talking about

Was in Alabama??


but here we are offended by black people saying other black people are black

Yes because that pic definitely happened and is 100% a real story.
That being said if someone's last name was Cohen I definitely wouldn't tip them.

It wasn't anywhere because it didn't actually happen

It is real though, the guy who left the tip was banned from the restaurant.

Well good he is standing up for his faith, God bless.

>but here we are offended by black people saying other black people are black
true desu baka senpai

>That being said if someone's last name was Cohen I definitely wouldn't tip them.
because you already tipped them at birth?

>Newsflash: The world isnt fair or nice.
You say that like it's a good thing.

Attached: 1515128914545.png (1300x1080, 772K)

Its a REAL thing. Not you delusional fairy tale liberal utopia where everyone is smiling and holding hands hunky dory

not bad

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Not to mention the western world is still FAR less racist than much of the rest of the world so I don't know what the fuck all these people are complaining about. Racism will always exist just as bullying always will.

>hates racism
>lives in country that belongs to another race
What the fuck do you expect, exactly?


Yes, brazil is a racist country

Don´t deny this fact

Brazil can't be racist because they mixed more than America.
Its a wonder how Brazil is more mixed than America despite abolishing slavery later

Brazil isn't racist. How old are you? Brazil start to act like it all is prejudice since before 2000. But most of the Brazilians just don't care about your colour.

At least he will survive when Khalil explodes at work.

>black people are racist against black people

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Dumb russianbot. He has no middle eastern roots, his parents named him after a friend.

Easy, achmed, easy, put this C4 down. We all hear you.

Despite being a non-wh*te country and crying over racism when it's experienced abroad, this country is extremely racist itself as Cr*ollo scum have being oppressing and tampering on the rest for 200 years keeping them in a condition of nearly slavery. However, other groups are not mere victims since mestizos hate and discriminate against blacks and amerindians and amerinidans do the same against the rest.

and what race does america belongs to?

>Is your country racist or a shithole?

Fix'd for ya

they encouraged racemiximg

what are you even saying faggot? Amerindians don't have a say in anything in this country. Blacks are so segregated that they live in literal african enclaves and are more racist among themselves. Surely taking the easy route and saying everyone is racist helps you feel better about yourself, am I rite?

no :)

guy probably forgot real life isn’t Jow Forums

America is both

only problem is, hating Islam is not racism.

Izlam is not a race.

A little bit but not racist enough unfortunately.

>I was sick to my stomach
I don't understand this. If such a thing happened to me, just like any other irritating thing, I'd be like : "well, ok", and never think about it again. It would never cross my mind to come complain on social networks and show that to everybody, why do people do that ? Why are they so touchy ? Looks to me like they didn't get bullied enough as children.

>something exists
>response: get over it

This is literally the cuckiest attitude possible. If there's a problem you try to fix it. Murder, rape, war. All that shit exists but you don't just sit on your ass when it happens to you and your family. Might as well put a bullet in yourself now if this is how you see the world.

Look at the top handwriting,
Long strikes, 'loopy' construction of lettering such as d and t

now look at the tip - scribble, very small text with no flair. Almost certainly written by two different people

>Some guy killed an american Family and another group attacked some African Gentlemen Playing Football

yes. tipping culture should stop.

i second that.