>Officers believe several Russians were involved in the attempted murder and say they are looking for more than one suspect.
Fuck you Russia
>Officers believe several Russians were involved in the attempted murder and say they are looking for more than one suspect.
Fuck you Russia
Fuck you *Putin
The average Russian is just as much a victim of Putin's regime as the people murdered in the UK.
hope more anglos die
There more Anglos and Ruskies die, the better. We won’t die for you btw. Go to war please.
>can't deal with knife wieldeng muhameds
>try to find russian super puper gas agents
Literally what reason would the government of Russia have to poison random brits?
Faked assassination by brittish liars, absolutely disgusting those brits.
Go to war, we’ll be watching thx
> "I other news, Russian police officers Vanya Tselikov and Kostya Rozovoschekin from Pukovo village, Rostov oblast believe May and the queen are a lesbian couple"
I’m sure the evidence will be forthcoming lmao
They found a Soviet flag on the crime scene. Can't argue with facts.
I hate Russia
I doubt both.
90 percent support Putin and the rest support some Ziri shit. That's how you Russians roll.
To show that they can kill people in NATO countries.
Everyone sensible does
Why is she spinster?
I think this is just theater
Im surprised they didnt choose two children lol.
Surely it was the middle aged couple.
Why are Brits so fucking retarded?
implying its hard
May and the queen are a lesbian couple?
so they were certain enough to blame russia months ago and cause an international crisis, but only now they have leads on suspects?
Good Diplomacy
Cute 2bh
Would you novichoke between her legs, Jow Forums?
No, they had evidence it was Russians before, now they have people that can be accused.
Khem, if their intentions were to kill somebody, this somebody would've actually died. For me it seems like attempt of british goverment to make russia look like scary boogieman so they can keep their antirussian agenda. I might be wrong, of course.
Somebody died
not somebody
An anglo!
so its something died
it was wetwork by arguably the most overresourced espionage operation in the world today. You think the ones that actually did it left their drivers licence at the scene?
month later after first "attack" on separate incident and just in time before trump - putin meeting
When will Russians join the human race
I didn't know it. I was talking about Skripals, they didn't die from this poison
like what? Novichok? Why would russia use an agent that implicates itself? Why use Nerve Agent to assasinate anyone?
Are you telling me the FSB isn‘t able to liquidate people cleanly and without obvious signs leading back to Russia?
That is just too silly, Russia gains nothing from killing Skripal
hello Ivan