>same ethnic roots as French people
>same language
>extremely similar culture
Why don't they join France instead of sharing a country with people who hate them?
Same ethnic roots as French people
Other urls found in this thread:
They don't feel French, they feel Belgian. Also they're VERY socialist and it would take a long time to get rid of the status quo when it comes to politicians there.
>they're VERY socialist
wtf I love Wallonia now
because theyre fucking stupid lol
honestly fuck them
Imo the main reason is that France has a tradition of centralism which wouldn't make Wallonia feel represented as they have a lot of autonomy as an autonomous region of Belgium. Joining France is a bad deal for them.
There's also nationalism, but that part could crumble down any time.
fuck walloons belgium is dutch
and the Netherlands are rightful clay of the HRE
>Why don't they join France instead of sharing a country with people who hate them?
The SINGLE SOLITARY REASON is Brussels. The thing is that Brussels is a Francophone city that feels more affiliation with Wallonia than Flanders. The problem is that Brussels is an enclave within Flanders. Even though factually the municipalities between Brussels and Wallonia are Francophone, the Flemish will never transfer these to Wallonia as it would mean giving up Brussels. Some Flemish nationalists operate under the delusion that Brussels is a Flemish city. Because of this inability to give Brussels up, neither side wants to split off from the other.
To summarize, Belgium doesn't work. And that's why it works.
>They don't feel French, they feel Belgian.
These are the exact same thing. Even according to "Belgian" scholars, being "Belgian" is not something defined by what Belgians are but by what they are not.
"Belgian" "identity" can be summed up as follows: We're not French and we're not Dutch. They should be French and Dutch though.
The only reason why Belgium isn't centralized is precisely because there's no Belgian nation, there's a Walloon nation and a Flemish nation (or more realistically a Dutch nation and a French nation).
Belgium is such a meme country. They gotta find a way to split it in two, or just give half to the Dutch and the other half to the French.
>They gotta find a way to split it in two
That was is simply put to ignore lines on a map and just acknowledge the factualities. Wallonia and Flanders both have communities with "special linguistic facilities". That's political mumbo-jumbo for regions where linguistic minorities (Dutch in Wallonia, French in Flanders) are the majority. Transfer the Dutch speaking communities of Wallonia to Flanders and vice versa. This means the Flemish have to give up Brussels. Once that is done, the country can split and both halves can opt to either join France or the Netherlands. All problems would be solved. But again, the Flemish still believe Brussels is a Flemish city and refuse to see the writing on the wall, so they keep the country together while whining about being 'forced' to share a country with people they don't like. On the flip side, a lot of Walloons also like voting the money of the Flemish into their own pockets (and given the current status quo who can blame them? It's not 'right' but it's certainly in their self-interest, especially in the absence of a shared identity. They're not taxing "us", they're taxing "them". Fuck "them".).
The Netherlands would be better off, France would be better off, the Flemish would be better off and the Walloons would be better off. There are no losers in this scenario.
People should really fuck off ITT.
We are not french or dutch, strop this meme.
>We are not french or dutch
You're not Belgian either.
Lets, unite the BeNeLux though.
Verenigd Koninkrijk der Lagelanden, or something like that.
With a Federal system in place.
United we stand strong mister Belgian.
>Lets, unite the BeNeLux though.
Because that went so well the last time, right?
Zwijg kut drollander
Sinds waneer zijn belgen franse of nederlandse mensen? Het heeft helemaal geen zin.
We hebben al een Benelux economische partnership, nutteloos om meer te doen
Politiek ook samensmelten,
één land maar met veel autonomie voor de gebieden zelf.
De obstakels van 1830 zijn niet meer relevant in 2018 user
>Sinds waneer zijn belgen franse of nederlandse mensen?
Sinds ze gedwongen werden samen te leven in het gedrocht dat "België" heet. België is een staat maar geen natie.
>één land maar met veel autonomie voor de gebieden zelf.
Gaat niet lukken, net als de vorige keer. Het model van de natie-staat daarentegen heeft nog niet gefaald. Verenig de Franse natie onder Frankrijk, verenig de Nederlandse natie onder Nederland.
Een confederatie, waarom niet dan
Maar wie wil die zetten?
Speak Belgian you stupid nigger. Oh wait you can't because Belgium isn't real you dutch faggot.
>De obstakels van 1830 zijn niet meer relevant in 2018 user
Hoezo niet? Deze obstakels waren gebaseerd op identiteit, het probleem dat vandaag nog steeds bestaat. Katholicisme vs Protestantisme, handel vs industrie, verschillende politieke modellen, taalverschillen. Alleen het laatste is vandaag niet meer relevant. Als België al niet werkt, hoe gaat het dan beter werken als we Vlaanderen drie keer zo groot maken? Het enige verschil is dat hierdoor de Wallonen in plaats van de Vlamingen zich gemarginaliseerd zullen voelen. Met recht, want dat zullen zij ook zijn in een land waarin zij de absolute minderheid zijn.
Het maakt niet uit in 2018, alleen geld en economische activiteiten telt voor een goede natie
Oprotten amerikaanse shit
Ta gueule sale pédé
>alleen geld en economische activiteiten telt voor een goede natie
Als dat waar was, dan zou de grootste partij in België niet een Vlaamse afsplitsingsbeweging zijn.
>they feel Belgian
how can you feel something artificially created lmao
it's called an exclave you multilingual piece of shite
Because they were too much brainwashed into believing that they're a real people living in a real country.
How did Brussels become Francophone in the first place?
It always was, that's simple, plus the rich walloons moved there a lot during the industrial revolution and bought most places
Now it's mostly francophone due to immigrants
We don't want them.
Bien ,qui voudrait être un nègre français de toute manière?
>be Belgian cuckboy
>speak French and Dutch
>have no cultural identity beyond not being French or Dutch
>refuse to assimilate
You're literally the gypsies of northern Europe
>That post
>That flag
>they feel Belgian
they feel like some failed, artificial, bastard country?
>t. Subhuman countrylet
Just let Franco-Dutch BULLS rape your faggot ass already
dirty walloons think moving into flemish land makes it theirs
Belgium is confy and happy so whatever, your opinions don't matter
Dood jezelf kut separatiest vlaming, ik ben een brusseleir, GEEN VLAMING
>t. an 18 year old gentenaar
ga nog wat franstalige moslim lul zuigen
Add Northern Germany to it too pls
wi sünd ok jiue broders
Ah ah ah ah Toujours avec cette histoire de corridor je vois
t. Vlaams belang voter
You’re a shame.
based and redpilled
djz, 100% brusseleir hier domme neger
Ik spreek ook frans, mijn moedertaal
Sowieso had ik nederlandse lessen vroeger and ik haat die lelijke taal zo veel nu
there are no countries between France Germany and Italy that are not fake
Lösch dich , schwein
>Lösch dich , schwein
Ik bün keen Swien
Ik bün en Dütsker man ut Noorddüütskland
Wow that looks like a nightmare to read
I think my eyes are dying right now
werk de brug af
>it's a shame to protect your own culture and people
>it's a shame to not want to transfer billions of euros every year to support wallonia while getting nothing in return
>speaks french
>defends the wallonian rats on the Brussels question
what a surprise
Fain, denn wenn di daaran
Kunt u herhalen aub?
A fucking rooster.
Haha get owned losers
Fain as in Engels, fine
Denn as in Engels then
Wenn di daaran as in wen er aan
Dat had ik begrepen, maar het is een echte nachtmerrie
Wat taal of dialect is dit?
Ditt is Nordneddersassisch welk sproken ward in Lübeck un bi de Dörper nord vun et.
Et wes de hanseatiske Hööftspraak för Johrhunnerte.
Laid, très laid, catastrophique et abominable
Wel interessant, ik had nooit van dit dialect gehoord, lijkt op een mengsel van engels, duits en nederlands
Belgium is comfy we don't need french niggers nor dutch subhumans
but you are a composite of both
Why would you want to be French if you could be that rare Belgian that get all the French girls at parties for the simple fact that you're a Belgian.
Why does Jow Forums hate the French and have such an erection for the Dutch swamp dwelling clog wearing dope smokers?
Unification of Belgium identity will come when all of Belgium becomes majority francophone.
Also French is just so much more beautiful a language.
this map is outdated I guess
>Unification of Belgium identity will come when all of Belgium becomes majority francophone.
it has been tried before but it didn't work out. Also Dutch is more native to Belgium than French, because all the French dialects are replaced by Parisian French nowadays, so it wouldn't be an improvement for their identity question. However, I support an independent and united Belgium for as much as I can
Lol hope you drown bitch
>they don't feel french, they feel belgian
>they don't feel austrian, they feel german
>they don't feel mexican, they feel guatemalan
>My ancestors..