Is this a real country?

Is this a real country?

Attached: Ukrainian-Flag-Flag-Of-Ukraine.png (1011x602, 93K)

About as real of a country as Catalonia

so yeah*


t. Jordi Tarasenko

Good comparison

Based and redpilled

Yea but it's too big

Shareblue HQ

About as real as a country as Canada.

Literally more of a meme state than Israel (which is funny because it's also governed entirely by khazar jews)


Should unironically be divided between Russia and Poland

it is
look at any map of the world

Belarus and Ukraine are basically just parts of Russia with some local flavor. Belarus is Russia+Poland, and Ukraine is Russia+Poland+Balkan. The eastern parts are unquestionably Russian though.


post Ukrainian flag
full thread of Aquafresh as usual

all countries aren't real
nations aren't real too
we are all human beings, brothers and sisters

Attached: unity-hands-stock-picture-1763692.jpg (975x1392, 137K)

No, it's just a bigger, shittier Moldova.

>all hands are white

Even Moldova has more rights to exist than Ukraine.

used to be

Attached: download1.jpg (268x188, 7K)

Only people who don't consider it a real country are non-ukrainians and putin trolls. FUCK russia

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Yes, but it is not in its real form.

Attached: dabenrnwrn.jpg (1024x652, 310K)

>his country was called Kievan Rus

Unironically realer than Russia.


Mashallah, Büyük-Ukrayna will be a reality within our life

Attached: greater_ukraine_by_dinospain-d8tk7y5.png (313x157, 6K)

No, this is it's true form

Attached: Fixed Europe.png (1200x1000, 43K)

>no Russia


Fucking globalist scum

Actual real Russia.

The other one is just steppeniggers pretending to be euro.

>blue is for tears caused by butthurt
>yellow is for piss caused by fear of Russia

Attached: SmRNVFLF1ik.jpg (270x480, 31K)

No such country.

IT wasn't though? There was never a country called Kievan Rus.

Yep its more real then real

>kievan rus

Attached: 1531418605510.jpg (610x368, 65K)

>Kievan Rus

>Didn't call itself "Kievan"
>a loose federation of tribes
Hey people from Amazon river, your country was called Spain once...
>pre-Peter I """"""history""""""
all fake, made up by tatars and poles who had served in S.-Petersburg during 18-19 centuries.

Ки́ївcькa Pycь (y джepeлaх cyчacники нaзивaли цю дepжaвy [в иcтoчникaх coвpeмeнники нaзывaли] Pycь aбo Pýcькa зeмля́, cтцepк.-cлoв. Poycь; Ки́ївcькa Pycь — тepмiн нa oзнaчeння цiєї дepжaви.
[вpeмeннoe oбoзнaчeния, для иcтopикoв (кaк нaпpимep Bизaнтия для "Bocтoчнoй Pимcкoй Импepии" или "Динacтии" для Китaйcкoй иcтopиoгpaфии)

Attached: 2.png (698x88, 9K)

It wasn't called "kyivan ukr".

We shall murder the ruski together, Moldovan brother!