1. your cunt

1. your cunt
2. your age (if you want)
3. describe your usual current everyday life


>wake up 7 or 8 am
>pee poo
>get dressed
>eat breakfast
>take medicine
>extra stuff (deodorant, comb hair, brush teeth)
>get bag ready
>catch a ride or go by bus to work

>work in office 9 to 12 with 30min brunch break
>lunch break, usually go home to take a nap and eat
>take vitamins
>work again 14 to 17 with 30min brunch break

>go home
>get naked or wear something light and comfy
>make and eat dinner
>browse net, play vidya, watch anime, write, draw
>take sleep medicine
>take more medicine
>fall asleep around midnight, listening to instrumental bgm fantasising

Attached: living_the_dream.jpg (960x549, 76K)

>get up at 4pm
>browse Jow Forums for 15 hours
>go to bed at 7am

>wake up in 11:30
>eat macaroni and cheese
>watch my favorite streamer (Gladiatorpwnz)
>go on my favorite image board
>plays cs
>play until 18:30
>my mom coming home
>eat borscht
>return to the first point

And i'm here.

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18 (fresh out of high school)

>get up at 4am
>make coffee
>read a book
>eat breakfast
>browse Jow Forums for 3 hours
>go to work at 7:30am
>lunch at 11:45am
>work until 4:00pm
>eat supper
>take an hour walk
>browse Jow Forums for 3-5 hours
>go to bed at around 11:00pm


>Wake up at 3AM
>Go to work for 4AM
>Work in a hypermarket till 11AM
>Come back home
>PC until I go to sleep, that's around 20PM

The sunshine of civilization (also known as Germany)

>get up at 5am
>brush teeth, smoke, go to work
>work 6am - 14am with 30mins break
>come home, shower
>eat lunch that my wife prepaired for me
>fuck my wife
>play some vidya or shitpost here
>drink a beer/fuck my wife again
>9pm, prepare for sleep
>maybe fuck my wife before sleep again
>take ashwagandha extract pills for horniness (have to fuck wife a lot for baby)

>wake up 6 am
>browse Jow Forums for 15 hours, get some studying done if I'm feeling motivated
>go to sleep at 9:30-10 PM

>wake up at 1pm
>browse Jow Forums for 1 hour
>cook eggs for breakfast
>browse Jow Forums for some time (currently in this stage)
>play vidya for few hours
>make lunch at 5pm, usually something chicken related
>eat dessert on sofa while watching some tv-series (coffee and ice cream or some pastry/candy)
>possibly play vidya
>browse Jow Forums and maybe play vidya until it's supper time
>make tea and ate ryebread with it
>play vidya till it's 4am
>go to bed
this has been going for 3 years and i'm doing good

same but without the shower

Top comfy.
>I will never get insane finnish NEETbux

>take ashwaganda for sex to impregnate

Idiot that does the opposite. It'll kill your boner more than it's natural state. Unless you're a spaz and cry during sex or something. Then yeah you need an anti anxiety.


She lets you fuck her three times a day? Lucky. Anyway, I wish you good luck on the baby.

It does the very positive and I sleep much better.
That stuff is a very noice.
>It'll kill your boner
I don't believe anyrthing but cutting my peewee off can kill my boner.

Well then you don't use it for sex. You use it for sleep. If you want something for sex, drink a shitload of gatorade 24/7. Or just google the necessary supplements and blow 60ml of sperm everywhere. It's like $300 a year for the good ones though. But you'll shoot lay ropes that'd put British pirates to shame.

>drink a shitload of gatorade 24/7
Well maybe cutting off my peewee or drinking chemistry garbage would kill my boner.
Thanks for the garbage advise.

> 19

> wake up at 0700
> take a piss
> eat whatever I grab from the fridge
> eat something else
> brush teeth, etc
> dress
> go to work (*nix admin)
> shitpost on 4chins occasionally doing something useful until 1300
> go back home
> eat something
> jack off
> go back to work at 1400
> (see 5th line up from here)
> get back home at 1800
> shitpost/fuck with loonix/solder something/learn nipspeak/jack off
> make dinner
> shitpost/fuck with loonix/solder something/learn nipspeak/jack off
> optional: after 2200, go for a walk listening to ambient and thinking about cyberpunk shit
> take a shower
> go to bed around midnight
After the summer ends, replace the first half of the day with going to uni.

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>wake up after sleeping for 14 hours
>take antidepressant, drink water
>browse the net
>maybe watch something

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>wake up around 11AM
>get dressed, drink a cup of tea and leave to work
>get back home at 9PM
>shower, dinner and sit in front of my PC playing games and browsing Jow Forums till 5AM

This entire week I've been waking up at 16:00-18:00 and falling asleep at around 08:00.
Fuck this shit, I completely lost control over my sleep.

Those will not heal you user.
Better face life raw. It's harsh but you are strong.

>wake up at 6.50
>Get out of bed 7.00
>Toilet, get dressed, brush teeth, deodorant, pack bag in that order
>7.20 drive to train station, catch train then walk to work.
>At work by 8.30 go to kitchen and make breakfast and coffee.
>Have another coffee for 15 mins with my boss at 10.30
>work then lunch at 12.30for 40 mins 1 hour
>Work until 3.30, make a tea and eat some peanuts.
>Work until 5.30
>Get home at 6.40 and grab gym bag and go to gym
>Gym from 6.50-8.00
>Get home and eat dinner. 8.30
>9.10 shower and go into PJs.
>9.30 watch X files
>10.30 brush teeth and go to bed.
>Watch YouTube and browse Jow Forums on my phone 10.30-11.00
> Zzzzzzzzz

The 14 to 17 job is at the gay club, right?

NL, 34

>wake up at 10:00
>take Naproxen
>nurse comes to change bandages on right hand, skin is off, leaks puss, broken wrist
>if lucky and time left, get hair washed over a sink
>check bandages left arm, broken elbow
>no shower again, been 3 weeks. Bandages cannot get wet, smells batman
>watch film, loads of film, Netflex
>take 10 minutes for a piss, take hours making something to eat
>16:00 mum brings food, warm, to my apartment
>eat with pussleaking hand
>take painkillers, doze of again
>bed at 22:00

And few days ago
>run outside because things
>hit doorframe
>broken toes

I am now a gimp as well as a parttime cripple. Permanent functionloss of a few % left arm. Do not break your elbows kids.

Some genius rode the wrong way around a blind corner, rammiing me on my bicycle. Love mechanical keyboards and soft touch they have.

Skip one night, then sleep at 17:00 and a little later each time. Worked for me once or twice.

I do that often.
The day after you skip a night you have the mental capacity of a cabbage.
Then you have a nice 14h sleep, but next night you can't fall asleep again and the cycle continues.

Get a job.

I do. It allows this kind of fucked up schedule.

>wake up (various times depending on schedule)
>grab something to eat
>brush teeth, take a piss, get changed
>drive or walk to station
>train into city
>go to uni
>come home
>go to toilet
>make and eat dinner
>do a bit of study
>watch yt videos/play runescape
>sleep at 2am


sometimes I'll go to the gym before uni if I start at 1pm or later.


>wake up at 6:45 a.m
>take anti-acid
>eat breakfast, dress and check everything before leaving
>catch train at 7:45

>reach uni by 9:00 am
>drink coffee
>take classes or go to the library

>eat lunch in 15min, sometime betwen 11:30 and 15:30
>have a coffee and read the news
>get back to classes or to the lab
>leave uni by 17:30 or 18:30

>arrive home by 19:00 +- 30min
>eat something light
>play some vidya or something
>make dinner and eat

>take anxiety meds if feeling too overwhemed
>free time
>go to sleep by midnight

Pathethic life, I must say, but hope keeps me up and going

>get up at 10 am
>put on clothes, take a piss and eat breakfast
>be on computer for like 4 hours
>take a piss
>eat lunch
>be on computer for 2-3 hours
>sometimes, exercise for ~1 hour
>put various types of vegetables and fruit in a bowl and eat them
>procastrinate from making dinner for a little
>actually make and eat dinner
>take a shit or whatever
>be on computer rest of the day, eat supper, take melatonin and go to bed
i dont hate it, but its pretty boring. i will soon be busy again, so whatever.

Attached: smoke.jpg (657x527, 56K)

>wake up 5 am
>come back, shower and eat some eggs with meat
>summer break so I go to the beach if I can
>if not I just spend the whole day reading a book or playing vidya
That's about everyday (except fridays) for the last month and probably the next month.

Are you still in school?

Yeah, uni.

What do you study?

Not really sure how it's said in english but I believe it's automatisation (automatisme in french)

>wake up at 12
>brush teeth
>feed birds
>take lunch at 14 with parents, eat very little
>video games for 4 hours
>go alone for a walk or bike trip, up to 10km if the weather is nice
>stop by a supermarket, buy sugary stuff and soda
>come back home at 21, eat dinner with mommy
>PC again, listening to music
>start reading like 3-4 hours before bed, at 23
>at 1:30-2 brush my teeth
>go to bed after fulfilling the OCD rituals

how do I fix my ocd? can't go to bed after 2 without getting anxious.

Could you describe how it is to have ocd?


>Wake up at 7am
>Quick shower, brush teeth, facewash, deodorant, perfume
>Drink one (1) glass of water
>Carpool to train station
>40 minute ride to university

>Class from 8.30am - 11.30am
>Lunch break; I don't eat I just smoke half a pack while drinking iced milk tea
>Class from 2.30pm - 5.30pm
>Catch the train, 40 minute ride home

>Lay in bed shitposting
>Have dinner (and the only time I eat)
>Play vidya
>Sleep at 3am

>wake up somewhere between 7a.m. and 10a.m.
>take a piss
>watch shit on the internet eating the breakfast (usually a sandwich)
>play vidya
>watch anime
>eat a dinner (usually a sandwich)
>shitpost on Jow Forums
>play vidya
>around 11p.m. go for a walk
>go sleep at midnight

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>mon, tues, fri
>get up at 6:30
>get all my shit ready with barely enough time
>commute 1 hour by train
>work from 9:15 - 17:30 with 1h lunch break (part time but pays very well and basically funds my existence)
>get home at around 6:45 usually
>browse Jow Forums and sleep at 12AM

>wed, thurs
>get up at 9
>20-30 min commute (I drive my car because there is parking unlike in the city where I work)
>university from 10:00 - 16:00
>get home 16:30
>browse Jow Forums until bed

>sat, sun
>spend 8 hours watching lectures and doing my coursework and then browse Jow Forums

Basically I want to kill myself

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Beer? Go for a whore and some blow. Snort it right off her nips.

20 going on 21
>Wake up at different times depending on if I work an early shift, late shift or have the day off (will usually wake up at 12 if I'm free)
>Eat breakfast
>go to work or sit on my computer for 8 hours
>Come home
>Walk my dog
>Eat something
>Excersize in the late evening
>Come home, masturbate, shower, watch youtube on my phone, sleep
Bit shit if I'm honest

>The U.S
>tfw 26 years old
>wake up 9-10am
>open up my lappy and fap or load up LoL
>smoke weed and pop my daily dose of adderall (prescribed)
>fap and League for 5-6 straight
>take a shower in the afternoon
>smoke more weed, and. eat since my appetite is back
>watch YouTube videos until I get sleepy

Pretty comfy desu after wage slaving for 4 years straight.

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>5-6 hours straight*

are you using lunix on desktop? how did you get your work?

>get up at 0530
>eat breakfast and maybe throw up (don't know why perhaps i'm dying of cancer?)
>~0700 arrive at work
>~1615 leave work and get home around 17
>browse Jow Forums and/or watch tv and think about how much I hate my life and that work is the only exiting thing in my life
>1930 eat dinner
>2130 go to bed

Living the dream

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>wake up 12PM
>eat lunch
>pee smoke coffee poo
>play vidya
>go to gym club or go running at 4 PM
>exercise until 6 PM
>brush teeth
>play vidya until 3-4 AM
>go to sleep

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forgot to say that i poo at 7PM

>wake up at 10am
>go to town
>eat at burger king for 3 hours to avoid meeting dad during his lunch break
>go home
>sit on pc, refreshing the same threads from 4pm to 2am
>go to sleep

I become really anxious if I don't fulfill my rituals which revolve around my insomnia phobia. This results in me sleeping only 8 hours out of 10 lying in bed, and when I was in school I would often sleep for 4-5 hours per night because I was worried not getting enough sleep. Not fulfilling the pre-sleep rituals (such as having a water bottle nearby and safety pillows against the wall lest I toss when sleeping and hit the wall accidentally) makes me really fidgety and it makes it terrible for me to stay asleep.

Portugal, 26
Wake up at 8
Shower/Get Dressed
Got to Work at 9
Have lunch at 12
Get back home at 19
Play piano/doublebass/Jow Forums/reddit/program
Bed at 10

On weekends I go back to my parents' and help chop wood or farm or build something since they're renovating.

pretty good life, ngl.