I just watched off a coupple of YT videos related to Japanese students studing abroad took discriminated action by white pussies in North America( Canada and USA). All of them got through exact same eperinces that a couple of white brats in the CAR thrown a bag of burger or simmilar stuff, with spewing F words. Why white pussies are such pussies?
And do the samething happen in Europe?
Is this damn shit Americanmutts thing?
I just watched off a coupple of YT videos related to Japanese students studing abroad took discriminated action by...
You seem unhinged.
what are you even trying to say?
atleast speak proper english you jap fuck, what are you trying to say here?
Press S and spit amerishits and Canandashits whites if you are Asian, and you studied abroad and got thrown stuff by white pussies in the car.
Nobody understands what you say, nip
Every single japanese student studied in the North America has same bad experiences which are
They are white
They are in the car
They throw stuff towards us saying Fuck Asian.
Do you understan?
They are white americans
rangeban these fucking japs and koreans
two bombs weren't enough
I would rather have her riding that car
and I would rather be the car
if... you catch my drift...
Fucj white trash I hate you
It is always WHitoids
i'm gonna nuke you again pedro, and i'm not even wH*te
Do it I will fight until I die, aI will kill off bameri white trash like you as many as possible.
>he thinks america is white
White American here. I have never known anyone to discriminate against any Asians. Not where I live. We love them. We have Asian girlfriends, study together, go to church with them. They are a part of our society.
based Finnbro
You just don't know it. My friend also studied in the US, and he also got hit gabage from the car by whate trashs in the car. It is always white. Therse are some certain white trashes who think only whites are human other races are subhumans.
They should go to better schools. In nicer cities.