>No paved road between Egypt and Sudan
The absolute state of Arabness...
No paved road between Egypt and Sudan
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They hate each other you dimwit
most of thoe were built the during colonial ages
memes perpetuated by the two militaristic governments and their media outlets to shift attention away from internal failures, and round up everyone in support of the nation
On the street things are better and people have more important problems
>you could do a comfy dakar-kairo road trip if the arabs weren't complete spazzes
highway to connect Darfur all the way north and to the east had its 160 million USD embezzled, what are we supposed to do? Protest, get arrested, tortured and thrown into a ditch
France's dream was a horizontal line of control through Africa., from Dakar to Djibouti
Britain's dream was a vertical line of control through Africa, from Egypt to South Africa.
They both specifically made sure that the other wouldn't succeed.
How pathetic. How are trailers supposed to drive on unpaved roads? If a proper road existed then Egypt and Sudan would both benefit from increased trade and lower transportation costs. It would strengthen their position as the preferred trade route between the Arab world and Sub-saharan Africa.
what about railroads?
>160 million USD embezzled
peanuts, bro, peanuts
Was it the government?
And their ghost still haunts them over 50 years since independence.
Sudan and Egypt are also lacking in this department.
However railroads are an outdated mode of transport.
People are demoralized and afraid of torture and death
Of course
Nitwits here don't care, and to make matters worse, they sold and split Port Sudan, a regional hub between Ethiopia, Qatar and God knows who
CHAD has no rods no railroads, fucking based
They don't sound like nitwits to me, sounds like people who know how to make a fortune for themselves.
Railroads are top notch for transporting goods.
Here in Germany we transport massive amounts with them.
It's cheaper and safer than your fucking lorries.
yeah they could effectively embezzle more by not strangulating the economy
Trains can transport massive amounts of stuff when compared to trucks.
Watch this YouTube video. A Chinese guy is complaining that the Africans never maintained the roads for fifty years after colonials left.
>micropenis gayrabs hating each other, while the KARA BOGA takes over their countries
wh*te arabs deserve this for stealing Egypt from the Kings
Musk should build a hyperloop from Capetown to Cairo
Nah, lorries are much better because they can go directly from A to B at whatever time it works for them, while with trains you need first to bring it from A (factory) to B (train station) with a lorry then transport it by train to C (train station) and then D (destination) with another lorry. Also, the transport has to happen at exact times.
>after colonials left
I'm talking about Arabs now, not West Africans.
>while with trains you need first to bring it from A (factory) to B (train station)
Our railways are conected to factories.
The fuck are you on about. A train transports like 100 times as much shit as a lorry in the same time.
Then it either goes directly to Hamburg to get shipped to the world or goes somewhere where it actually gets distributed by lories over short distances.
trains and trucks are inferior to ships
you love trains because autism
>be italy
>loses against ethiopia
>only manage to get lybia, but loses it after WWII
The absolute state of spaghetti niggers
>trains and trucks are inferior to ships
Just sad that ships don't travel on land.
>you love trains because autism
Is Germany a logistic and industrial powerhouse that is known for its efficency?
Are trains a important part of our goods circulation?
Would it be the same way without trains?
So how can trains be oldschool if the most succesful industrial Nation relies on them?
because you make the trains too
I don't know how the Egyptian response to this was, but there a group of numskulls who called themselves the 'niggers' (in English unironically) and proceeded to terrorize people. Their reign ended round the time the poor wheelchair guy was burned alive
You'll never be forgotten, hot wheels
factories dont trust train companies so they prefer using their own trucks
make some trains too?
Some Diesel running trains are primitive to build and for goods transport absolutly suited.
Or buy some old ones since they are barely used here in Europe since most our trains are electric now.
We'll fuck em up in a few years or just derail them
made me think
>Just sad that ships don't travel on land.
We were born in the wrong timeline.
The A1 appears as paved in google maps
So it also does in OPs map.
No, A1 is road between Sudan and Egypt, number 4 in OPs map, that says unpaved
Why do you care? It doesn't affect Norway either way.
pretty sad.
Why care about anything?
India is too chaotic even for south sudan
The girl's father died upon hearing the news
Black people have huge hearts
that looks like paved but covered by sand
I can understand Egyptians, wouldn't want niggers to have a straight road to my country as well.
Nah, I think it is just a dirt road man.
If Africa was well run and economic ally successful, Europe would not have an immigration problem.
If europe enforced it's own borders it wouldnt have an immigration problem
Bit of an old map, the part from Tamanrasset to the Niger border has been paved for quite some time now, only the part going through Niger remains because well, Niger.
>the country that had its emaciated people walked all the slaughter camps
you never learn do you
*all the way to the ... slaughter camps
I wonder if we could profiteer for a century from the same predicament
>Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center
This reads like something from the Onion.
I love taking the train, sure beats all the traffic jams in Bratislava.
China is investing a lot of money in Africa, hopefully there'll be high speed trains linking all the major cities in a few decades.