/dixie/ Southern US & Friends


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i am still awake and still being a thot

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hello yes is this you?

>i am still awake

that's pretty woke user

I am awake

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smoking causes cancer

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Fake news

I am become cancer, menace of society

Surgeon General's warning

i bet you have copd right now you fucking vaper

*blows a bunch of mango-flavored water vapor in your face*
what was that, kid??

>Doesn't smoke cigarettes
Were you bullied in school, retarded or perhaps both?

>I-It kills you!
Yes, and? Was life a competition about who lives the longest?

>Y-You get addicted on them!
No you don't, expect if you are underage and incapable of smoking in moderation.

>I-Its expensive!!!
Who forced you to buy a pack a day, you fucking peat-gavel?

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>smoking in moderation
I do this, my pack can last 2 - 3 weeks. My friends are weirded out by it since they finish theirs in a day.

stop patronizing the virginians

stop it!


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im pretty woke tbqh AMA you want to be redpilled about

yeah but im 27 and not going to even try quitting until im 30, i dont smoke much anyway

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too bad the taste dies quickly

maybe i should taste vacuuming em or use zipbags

If i could go anywhere in the world i would go to Japan.

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they hate weebs, but love your wallet

Please do that, spread your Russian Aids there

Aids in Russia is massive liberal propaganda.

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Liberals spread aids to Russia? Doesn't sound surprising

that's the point

autistic flaglet, should be banned

which one of you was this

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you can't talk unless you've been banned from every communist subreddit

that aint hard

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Smoking hasn't looked "cool" for a long time
Just like hats

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I only smoke weed to flex on my braincells

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It's been working so far lol I can't remember shit anymore

objectively untrue
cool things are still cool if you're cool

Show me a contemporary man, with contemporary aesthetics, who smokes, and doesn't look like a communist or a fudge packer

>show me a specific example of something which fits criteria which I deliberately made as vague as possible so as to be able to claim any example provided does not fit it

I purposefully made it broad so you could find an example, but since you're so lovingly lazy, I guess I'll just fine one for you

Oh look at that, look what I found
One search was all it took for me to prove myself wrong, and here you are sitting on your ass smug as can be in your inactivity
You are truly pathetic, user

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no, he definitely looks like a fudgepacker

black and white pics are for tools btw

I win regardless

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>prove your own dumb statement wrong
>"I win"
heckin idiot don't you dare (You) me ever again

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smoking is for virgins

yeah the say the tobacco dries out but I honestly don't taste any difference

true statement in my case

>i'm a virgin

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Only if it's pre rolled cigarettes
Real men roll themselves without filters

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>real men
more like smoking cocks lmaooooooo

I need context

Don't we all

Snake charmer

"Me claiming I'm a chicken doesn't make me an egg" WATCH as based ZIONIST Benji Shenji DESTROYS liberal gay marriage transgenderism


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I wish there were random chests of loot just laying around in the wilderness like in TES



The 80's and 90's aren't contemporary anymore gramps
In the 80's they idolized the 50's, and now we idolize the 80's and in thirty years further down into this cesspool of idiocy we will idolize the twenty tens

generational nostalgia always works in cycles of thirty years. 2040s will be the 10s nostalgia decade. The twenties will be gr8 tho

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>10s nostalgia
what is there to be nostalgic about

how the fuck am I supposed to answer that when they haven't even ended yet?

Whatever you want to romanticize
The cars, the fashion, the stupid turns of phrase, the internet culture, you name it you'll probably miss it when everything gets even worse

it's not like there's much more left of this decade we're 1.5 years away from 2020


Lost my virginity

>he lost his virginity in this decade

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I'm only 21 though

dumb oldfag

>having extramarital intercourse

What would General Lee (PBUH) think?

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he wouldn't because he's dead

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Actually she was married

>instigated a near-whipe of one of his own demographics

truly the superlative gentleman

My boy Napoopan did nothing wrong
It be our whit*ids neighbours keeping us down

napoopan was sent by god to civilize the french but the germans just had to go and fuck it up AGAIN

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god i hate summer

God I hate Finns

god hates fags too

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What an odd looking backpack

authoritarianism is for dummies

ur dumb

authoritarianism is for heckin IDIOTS

Imagine being an authoritarian lmao

I just think authoritarianism is cool, is all

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leave vance alone

Big if true

Was Washington the reincarnation of Cincinnatus?

reincarnation don't real but yes


be the change you want to see vance


h8 h9 h10 this song why the fuck does publix play these songs every day is it just to torment us or what

>just to torment
>he knows

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