Lets decide once and for all

Which one is better, Central America or South America?

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Midwest is the best part of the US. Comfy, cozy, friendly, amd boring. Americans there do not appreciate it enough I think. I would be so happy to live in Wisconsin for example. It is the true heartland.


>Midwest is the best part of the US
>Long flat featureless expanses of nothing but corn
>Hot and humid in the summer, cold miserableness winters
>Basic blond women with no discernible interests or hobbies make up 90% of the female population
>The poorest stupidest place outside of the deep south
You haven't been, there's a reason we call them flyover states



>Mexican comedy everyone.
Viva 10 more threads with this garbage.

Death to America

We called ourselves flyover states in the eighties and you tards have only now started mocking us with what we've been mocking ourselves with for decades
Catch up coastie, you're decades behind those boring blond broads who love crochet and speak out their noses


Left has zero good states, right has one (Colorado)
Or we know more about our country. It's extremely boring and the people have noting better to do than constantly gossip about and watch other people. Have fun being shunned for having any opinion they don't agree with

Easily the midwest. Montana, Minnesota, and Colorado are great.

The South.
It’s more cultured. It has some of the best food in the world.

>The poorest stupidest place outside of the deep south
Iowa and other midwestern states all have much higher IQ’s than California or Jew York

Stop quoting a decade old study that never even did IQ tests

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>It has some of the best food in the world.
You mean burgers with fry potatoes?

No you retard, that originated in the North
You clearly don’t actually know anything about Southern Cuisine and aren’t actually interested in learning

I’m actually want to know about it, pls introduce for me

The modern american hamburger was invented in Connecticut a small state next to new york city.

Nice bait.

I actually did not know this.

They are third after New England and Pacific Northwest.

There is several different regions.
I’m from Midlands South Carolina. Here are some of the food we have(some of it exists throughout the south). Most of it either comes from Native Americans or German colonists.
Barbecue: Pulled Pork with Mustard based sauce. Commonly eaten at pigs pickins (parties where an entire pig is cooked and made into barbecue)
Rice and Hash: Mashed up organs in the pig served on top of rice. Sounds gross but it’s good
Pork Skin: Fried. Self explanatory
Cornbread: Cornmeal mixed with flour and baked into cake
Hush puppies: Fried cornbread
Grits: Corn meal cooked
Liver pudding: Self explanatory
Sweet Tea: Tea mixed with sugar served cold over Ice

I prefer the bits of the US with forests mountains n shit.

Being able to drive from your house in the middle of a big city to a forest in the middle of nowhere is true comfyness.

South is cajun, creole, and barbecue. It's pretty much the best American food around, a little too hearty to be eaten all the time though desu

>Cajun, Creole and Barbecue
That would be Louisiana

That would be kind of lonely to live somewhere that remote.
I would live in a medium sized town in the Rockies

Sharting in Walmart and lynching "the town atheist" is not culture, Cletus

>lynching the town atheist
This is a plebbit fedora meme that was born out of 13 year olds that are mad about their mom making them go to church.
Any sort of flak you would get from not being religious would come from your own Family.

this is hilariously untrue

Fuck off, disgusting weeb.

What now dummy?

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Imagine being an adult pretending to be Japanese pedo fantasy.

Blatantly untrue

Can't imagine that myself, I just use the pictures for reactions
Drawn expression, I find, is often easier to get points across than using actual images

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>the true heartland.
How can it be called the heartland if it wasn't part of the original 13 colonies?

It's what idiots say to pretend they have culture and relevance, memes about >Americans >culture aside

People not from there mistakenly think it holds the spirit of the nation, that pioneering attitude with grit and a world weary idea of the way society operates

In truth most people here wish they were dead or somewhere else

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No need to post the same thing twice just because there’s no accounts like on Jow Forumsatheism
Everything I said was entirely factually correct
T. Live in the South

Atheist and former southerner here. Can confirm I was never lynched even once.

the midwest for me, would love to go fishing and hunting in these places. Cant even test fire my shotguns without neighbours complaining here or cast my lures into the river without some 30 year old boomer asking me if i have a fishing license or if im a member of a fishing club. Its so frustrating living in a country where recreational use of nature is the most regulated and rule-ridden aspect of the entire society.

basically german v anglo

Aren't the other Nordic cunts much more relaxed about these things?

>land to grow crops
>game to hunt
>women who want to be women
Yeah it's terrible.

Midwesterners have a lot of Anglo blood and some southerners have a lot of German blood.

yes i know the other countries have freedom to roam (camping, use of nature without commercial intentions) but its difficult because they have so many forests and we are i like 90% agricultural land so the small amount of "real" nature we have are heavily regulated.

We have the same thing regarding coasts and beaches so you can fish, hunt seabirds and collect from public beaches. But when you dont live near the coast and prefer fishing in lakes/rivers and hunt deers its a nightmare to figure out and get access to - even if you have a shit ton of money.