Why did we allow them to conquer the world?

Why did we allow them to conquer the world?

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>this fucking Brazilian
Fuck off already dude

Bad question. There will always be an empire, or multiple empires ruling the world. America is in its last days as a sole empire though.

'bout fucking time...

It's still gonna be an empire tho hue hue just with more exciting rivals as it should be.

How does it feel being responsible for the decadence of your country?

Ahhh, i am just a white collar employee

I like it pic related is where i live on the water

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Define decadence.

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I love in new england too.

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I mean it like this:

Reactionary shit written by paul krugman
Stop being a brainlet. All countries get some meme shitty leaders

The newest Babylon, either it will fall or change itself to survive. We got gid because we weren’t fucked over by WW2 and got to control others countries. Soon we may pay for it, or perhaps mutually forgive. Prepare for the former, pray for the latter.

This is all opinion from a US citizen who hasn't been taken out back and shot in the head because he said something mean about the president. We will be fine.

America is currently controlled by industrial monarchists, without loyalty to anyone, anything, but themselves, not country, not god, not anyone.

>Long Island
>New England

Attached: left parenthesis you right parenthesis.jpg (221x250, 4K)

They share not the riches of their country, make sure people stay poor through economy and law, and insure they will chip and control us.

Let yourself not be taken in by these unsexy devils May some of them be shredded in hell

Just talk normal dude.

>May some of them be shredded in hell
>some of them
I wonder who could be behind this post

You didn’t allow shit dumb monkey, they just did.

Can't wait for your Welfare island to get Independence.

Being the sole global hegemonic power is a massive strain on the country. Their national debt exceeds the global currency , their military is forced to constantly expend obscene amounts of resources and manpower to keep on top of its demands, and various global obligations ensure social programs and infrastructure are neglected.
Controlling the world is national suicide if you aren't an imperialist leech.

Thank the Germans. Two World Wars tearing Europe apart was what allowed Americans to assume dominance over global affairs and turned Europe into an irrelevant backwater.

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> martin luther
Hey, the church was going full retard with its temporal powers and he was trying to unfuck it.

Yeah, I didn't make the image and wouldn't include him there personally. Was probably made by some bootyblasted P*pist.

This. It should've been Russia or China

putin/xi = progress

Your shithole island is free to secede whenever

>his people didn't establish themselves as a prominent immigrant group in what would become the world's foremost superpower

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who is going to replace us.
china is the only viable candidate and is surrounded by enemies, has a declining economy, has birth rates FAR below replacement rate (worse than most western countries, especially concerning for them because they are still in the process of urbanizing a large portion of their population so they should be far higher) , and has a significant geography problem with sea access away from close US allies so heavily limited that they are encroaching on contested sea-space just to avoid a possible complete blockade.

Oh great, another reptilian shitposting on Earth.

we didnt. we let them think they did so we can ride coattails on their hard work. kind of like what women do with men.

One thing China has no problem with is population. There's billions of those insects