Spain should have to clean up its mess

Spain should have to clean up its mess.

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Which Spanish speaking shithole is the worst?




El Salvador or California.






You fucked it up damnit

Basado & rojopildoreado.
verguenza ajena.

They'll do it right after the British clean up theirs

Lol you will never be considered as a civilized country because you share a language with Mexico

Seething lol

I share a language with Canada, Australia and Shakespeare

You speak the international language for drug dealing

You forgot that you also share a language with Zimbabwe, Uganda, Zambia, Botswana,
Namibia, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Liberia, South Africa, and Nigeria, don't let these guys out!

>Mexican is the same as Castillian Spanish
That's like saying hillbilly is the same as English

>he thinks he speaks English
You speak a mutt dialect from England. They speak real English, not you.


You also share a language with niggers, Belize, and half of Africa.

How many civilized countries speak Spanish? Let me know


We the nordic spanish race have the burden of carrying the latino spawn.

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If we go by your meme definition then none.
If we go by the definition of someone who isn't an absolute retard then pretty much all of them.