What is even the point of this religion anymore?
What is even the point of this religion anymore?
I call BS.
Money and Power, same as any other soulless corporation
guess protestantism wasn't that bad after all
heretic pope is not the religion
begome ordodox
>butthurt leaf is intimidated by a girl with some experience
This is the end of the catholic church right here.
>being a c*tholic in the year 2018AD
cannot find anything about this
It means that if you fucked before but you now want to be a nun, you can. It just means that your past doesn't matter.
Do catholics even follow the pope anymore? American catholic leaders outright ignore most of what he says
People overreact to the current pope's memery. The Church has gone through MUCH worse over the years, for example in the Middle Ages there were popes who fathered children during their fucking papacy. The Medieval Church was so insanely corrupt and immoral that even the leftist 2018 argie version of the Church looks holy in comparison.
No, and currently in Italy media are focusing the attention on the as we call "cathocommunist priests" advocating for open borders or criticizing the minister of interior, and i've heard so much anticlericalism from religious people it makes early lutherans look like babbies. Most (under60yo) Italians are only "cultural catholics" or agnostics, and this pope is managing to make them more concerned about the fate of the Church than anybody else. Weird times.
so you're saying that luther did nothing wrong
He started out with noble intentions (after all, he didn't want to create a whole new sect at the very beginning), but once his flamewar with the Church escalated he really did a poor job of keeping his butthurt in check. He ended up sending Europe into centuries of religious wars, so yes, he did do something wrong. But regarding who had the moral high ground, I can't say that the Church back then did any more so than Luther.
German destroyer of europe strikes again
It is one thing to not live up to your own code of ethics. It is something else to throw the gates open and say discipline and self sacrifice no longer matter.
Vatican II killed the convents because it said the vows of a Nun were no longer an automatic fast track to Heaven. This is just more self inflicted damage.
Lenny was right.
>the absolute STATE of the c*tholic church
good. now they need to abandon chastity for priests as well. nowhere in bible does it say to not fuck, in fact it always states opposite. the rule for celibacy was medieval invention so clergy banished nobles cant have children with claims to anything. priests fucked all the time though. now they stick to rules, urges pile up and little boys get dicked. abandon this shit and the pedo scandals with decrees by 99%.
>mfw reading about the vatican church and the city of rome in the 9th century
Jesus Christ Italians were fucking degenerates
luther is remembered now as "rational priest" who wanted to end churches corruption but in reality he was insane and genuinely thought that current pope is devil in disguise and he represent beginning of armageddon. luther and his buddies wanted him gone do much they were throwing feces at catholics.
The point has always been to pay them lots of money.
Free comedy.
kek anything but that
There is zero point, christianity is a false religion which was invented by fabricators, they do not even know the correct name of their supposed messiah eesa and attribute their irrational polytheistic triune god belief as abrahamic monotheism.
Islam is the truth, submit yourself to god and proclaim servitude right now, kaffir *sharpens shamshir*
gtfo prussian
Clickbait article.
Why do we need to have twitter on Jow Forums?
>even the pope knows fucking virgins is a terrible idea
Time to convert to greek catholicism.
It's not about fucking virgins.
It's about that a nun doesn't have to be virgin to be a nun.
Twitter really makes people dumb.
Faith, and the Truth of God.
Now we can date qt nuns?
Francis is an heretic and his actions are subversive.
The Christian conquest of Europe was a mistake. Paganism was the correct way
Protestants exist for a reason.
The catholic church is a corrupt institution. The catholics themselves usually just identify as catholics for social reasons.
>a nun doesn't have to be virgin to be a nun.
They never had to, this isn't about nuns
>They never had to
>this isn't about nuns
it is
This is just a clickbait you see often on twitter. The entertainment from such clickbaits comes from upsetness over it. It's otherwiese entirely empty on content. Please keep my Jow Forums clean of that shit.
Catholicism is a dead meme in Latin America--they dug their own grave from generations of supporting corrupt governments. Nowadays the crazy fundamentalist Protestant sects from the burgers are multiplying like crazy.
The real pope still is Benedict XVI.
Catholics have never been rigid in their moral beliefs. Before the 19th century they were perfectly fine with early abortions. They rationalised it by saying that embryos didn't have souls before a certain date. Centuries later you have Popes and Catholic politicians saying condoms and birth control pills are sinful.
latin rite was a mistake
Proteshits made it worse
based orthodox papa
Well, priests could marry before the 10th century
Anyone here ever watched Novitiate? It's a great Catholic kino that's very relevant to the headline in OP.
>not being a sedevacantist already
What are you waiting for?
I smell the new luther in the future.
christianity is nice, you can do whatever you want because jesus loves you
chr*stianity was a mistake, Dyḗus Ph2tḗr help us.
>Before the 19th century they were perfectly fine with early abortions.
Literally subversion
>He ended up sending Europe into centuries of religious wars
Luthor was a fat fuck who found his monastic vows too restrictive so he started his own church with blackjack and hookers. The Medieval church was far less corrupt than the Lutheran Churches.
>money xd
Pop history faggots.
>Protestants exist for a reason.
So German nobles and their Jewish financiers could steal and sell church land.
>corrupt governments
ound the commie faggot.
Holy shit the canuck is even using facebook memes to bolster his arguments
Are female virgins that rare?
Very rare, especially when they're catholic
Time to cuck jesus
>What is even the point of this religion anymore?
To perpetuate itself while turning a profit and remaining politically powerful, same as always.
>Roman Popery
>The Current Year of Our Lord 2018
>Not being Orthodox
>Nowadays the crazy fundamentalist Protestant sects from the burgers are multiplying like crazy.
This, fucking burger protestants are colonizing this place and brainwashing the masses, pretty sure we now have the second biggest crowd of kooky creationists.
Never had one.