>mfw people like this are posting now on Jow Forums and shitting on america
Mfw people like this are posting now on Jow Forums and shitting on america
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this a false flag? I can’t even tell. Who gives a shit about some communist e-celeb
both are cringe. I blame double chan for this shit.
>youtube the comrade Peter one for lols
>its dumb as fuck
This is a furry. He probably wants to be beaten up and raped while in dog costume.
Is anyone with a Pepe profile pic now a furry?
I've been seeing those memesters on social media and forums everywhere.
Pic related is a Chilean with an anarchist pepe pin.
What a cute manlet.
All 3 (conservatives, nazis and commies) are cringe
>mfw people like this are posting now on Jow Forums and shitting on mexico
trump is such an autist.
I count three furry videos and that's three too many.
They all seem to be about an AnCap furry who is infamous in the AnCap community for being a fucking retard. Plus during my occasional /trash/ browse they talk about him.
What's with commie autists and ancap faggots? I always see them fighting.
>mfw people like this are posting on Jow Forums right now and shitting on Europe
what a silly thread
Show us your anarchist pepe pins. They are cute.
ideological differences
I only have 2 cute patches I bought from /out/ / /an/on, I don't do politics on Jow Forums, it's cancerous and tokenistic nonsense which is what I was trying to get at with my post :^)
I wasn't doing politics tho. Just complaining at people who ruined muh Jow Forums experience.
this is how you shit on people. I don't think we'll ever recover
don't care for the ideology isms consumerist identity politics tribal uneducated roleplay of so-called """politics""" that many engage in online, especially apparent 'leftists'. /leftypol/ being the most virulent example of this.
But his songs are quite fun.
ke ho yesto