Mfw people like this are posting now on Jow Forums and shitting on america

>mfw people like this are posting now on Jow Forums and shitting on america

Attached: cringe.png (1113x793, 741K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Is this a false flag? I can’t even tell. Who gives a shit about some communist e-celeb

both are cringe. I blame double chan for this shit.

>youtube the comrade Peter one for lols
>its dumb as fuck

This is a furry. He probably wants to be beaten up and raped while in dog costume.

Is anyone with a Pepe profile pic now a furry?

I've been seeing those memesters on social media and forums everywhere.
Pic related is a Chilean with an anarchist pepe pin.
What a cute manlet.

Attached: 29432903_1957947684277128_4169303789938933760_n.jpg (943x960, 81K)

All 3 (conservatives, nazis and commies) are cringe

>mfw people like this are posting now on Jow Forums and shitting on mexico

Attached: Mexico 9.jpg (591x9929, 2.23M)

trump is such an autist.

I count three furry videos and that's three too many.

They all seem to be about an AnCap furry who is infamous in the AnCap community for being a fucking retard. Plus during my occasional /trash/ browse they talk about him.

What's with commie autists and ancap faggots? I always see them fighting.

>mfw people like this are posting on Jow Forums right now and shitting on Europe
what a silly thread

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Show us your anarchist pepe pins. They are cute.

ideological differences

I only have 2 cute patches I bought from /out/ / /an/on, I don't do politics on Jow Forums, it's cancerous and tokenistic nonsense which is what I was trying to get at with my post :^)

I wasn't doing politics tho. Just complaining at people who ruined muh Jow Forums experience.

this is how you shit on people. I don't think we'll ever recover

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don't care for the ideology isms consumerist identity politics tribal uneducated roleplay of so-called """politics""" that many engage in online, especially apparent 'leftists'. /leftypol/ being the most virulent example of this.
But his songs are quite fun.

ke ho yesto