Massive thunderstorm right now lads

Massive thunderstorm right now lads
Do you love storms?

Attached: 1506780153703.jpg (453x410, 88K)

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I'd like to commit suicide in a thunderstorm. How do I raise the chances of getting hit by a lightning during one?

I like them until the lightning starts hitting too close and I have to shut my shit posting machines down.

do euros get a lot of thunderstorms? or is it more uncommon?

Relative high ground, few nearby trees and the like.

Yes but I hate the electricity failure

Don't do it!
It's not guaranteed to be a kill shot.
I took a pretty bad hit from it working at an airport and it was like a grenade of plasma going off on my face and a broomstick traveling through my body and out of my foot.
Some other guy got hit a week later there and it blew the shit out fo him and fucked his arm up but he lived too.

Still, the chances are very remote.

No, I'm always afraid of some lightning frying me. A dumb fear I guess, but I remember a map saying Mexico had the highest number of people killed by lightning

I know there's a very high chance I survive. But it would be a pretty cool death, no? It would also look accidental, so people I like wouldn't be as sad. And even if I survive, not only could I try again, but it would also make for a cool story "I was hit by lightning once, you know?". I don't care about possible permanent damage either, I mean, I have no interest in staying alive in the first place, lol.
I read this too.

I'm not exactly an expert but there arent very many things that'll improve your chances beyond near zero. Next time there is a thunderstorm user go to a clearing, stand on a ladder, maybe wave a rod in a sky with a wire attached.
Next time it storms here, I'll picture sweet thoughts of you accomplishing your dream. Heart exploding in the rain on some random night. Good luck

I'm this guy but if you're worried about it not being a killshot as it often isn't then take measures to ensure it. Douse yourself in gasoline and stand there awaiting sweet release

The southern US is really bad with lighting too. Where I live in central Florida is really bad too, we have the highest amount of lighting strikes in the US.
I've had plenty of stuff get wrecked by it when it hit the house or near it and it was craziness working at the airport with all the big metal plane tails and really tall light poles sticking up everywhere.

>I'm this guy


im a faggot I'm this guy btw

>Heart exploding
Do organs get pretty fucked up? I'm an organ donor, lel.

Hold a conductive metal rod at a high place

Have you seen a ball lightning?

I've read it wouldn't make much a difference. Small metal objects, or even "big" ones, would only attract a lighting that was already hitting a few inches near me (i.e. already being deadly).
I actually fucking have!

Attached: Small metal objects.png (468x976, 382K)

From a fatal lightning strike yeah. I mean if youre really concerned about the organ donor thing a suicide like that isn't really viable. Most of the organs that are vitally needed can't just sit in a dead corpse for as long as it takes for a body to be discovered.

Not concerned, but at least it wouldn't be such a waste.

What was it like?


I think I did, at least, not sure honestly. But I stumbled across the ball lightning videos and articles once I searched about it on the internet. It was a very hot night, around 3:00 am or so, so I had the window of my room wide open, as well as my door. I suffer from insomnia, so I was awake, just looking at the ceiling, when a ball of light entered my room through the window and exited through my door relatively fast. It was completely silent, kinda small (the size of a baseball ball), looked like a floating light-bulb, and it changed direction as if it was sentient; so it confused me desu. I've seen plenty of fireflies and other bioluminescent insects in the past, so I'm pretty sure it wasn't an insect. For years I never knew what the fuck it was, or if it even happened in the first place and I wasn't just remembering random shit that didn't happen, until it happened again in a completely different location and state, this time in a football field where I was playing with some friends. So, I decided to search on the internet, watched some videos, and stumbled across one that looked exactly like what happened to me the first time (some small ball of light entering someone's living room during a thunderstorm). The other videos were kinda low quality and very far away. Anyway, I forgot the name of the video and I've been trying to unsuccessfully finding it again for the past few months.