Wich one of these were more important to the development of Europe?

Wich one of these were more important to the development of Europe?

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simply the oldest one

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red created it, yellow improved/spreaded it,
but spain and and portugal should be yellow too

ancient: Greece
classic: Italy
Early medieval: France
Medival: Germany
Late Medival: France
Early colonial: Portugal
Colonial: Spain
Late Colonial: Spain
Imperial: France
Modern: Germany

change late medieval France with Italy.
Or give both them credits.

>yellow improved

Byzantium was more important than all of europe together

Spain and Portugal

Without them, you wouldnt have the tons of silver and gold, the money from the atlantic slave trade and the products from new world like potatoes and corn and the tons of sugar and cotton to allow the industrial revolution

there would be no spain and portugal withou the Greeks

>Spain and Portugal
>Without them, you wouldnt have the tons of silver and gold, the money from the atlantic slave trade and the products from new world like potatoes and corn and the tons of sugar and cotton to allow the industrial revolution

Of course, everything built in genocide and slavery.. like 90% of the things that europeans have made untill nowadays

Credits belong to Italy.

blacks had genocides and slavery but built nothing


Italians were the enemies of Byzantium

All of them really
Greece>Italy>Spain/Portugal>France>UK>Germany kinda, maybe replace them with the US unfortunately...

Everything built by every civilisation is based on oppression and genocide. No oppression or crimes against humanity = people get stuck in living like Namibian bushmen nomads.

Byzantium is the Eastern Roman Empire.
This belongs top the Italians.
Like saying what Germany? But Germany was the Enemy of Germany.

you make it look like as if africans were peaceful people

italians are a new creation like turks

Did Byzantium advance society in anyway?

>Everything built by every civilisation is based on oppression and genocide.
Civilization is opression. Genocide is a empty term.
In a Civilization you can't ooga booga your way through life like savage non civilised people do (Africa, USA, Brazil and other shitholes).
The Individual is turned down by laws and community therefore opressed in his individual aim for savagery.

Africans are violent without a purpose, Colonial powers kill and pillage to gain something

Why arent we yellow. dont lump us in with thrash like the nordics or austria

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Nah they just preserved the Roman Society.
Until Muslims took over because in their Arrogance they never accepted European Kingdoms and so them just as savages occupying their Lands.

a brit wrote that westerners have basically no knowledge about it because of the medieval divide

i didnt know anything about it either before i came here.

I lump you in with nothing, just like Scandinavia was a shithole until the 1900s, the Netherlands was a literal who country until the second world war

know your place insect

it still is

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Portugal started the discovery age, without the free access to the silk road blocked by turks Europe would have stagnated considering asians only wanted our silver and mines started to get exhausted.

there would be no portugal without Greeks

Bad Political Decisions.
Otherwise it could exist until today and we wouldn't have that Muslim plague in the first place.
Byzantines failed.

>it still is
No, i wouldn't say Scandinavia is still a shithole by any estimation in the 21st century

The Netherlands where propably the first non-shithole on earth.
People there had a very high living standard already in the 18th century.

>netherlands more important than austria
You d*tch should know your place

i do

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Just that we still exist and prosper while the Eastern Roman Empire is called Turkey today.

Neither is more important, they are links in a chain.

turks were the enemies of Byzantium

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Greece is more important than ireland

Turks are the Byzantium.
Istanbul is Turkish.

the modern turkish nation was created in the 20th century

berlin is called little istanbul

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Not today lol

I know several turkish women who import themselves men from Turkey since the German Turks are often low lifes and they find them disgusting.

it is you black latino shitskin

you are a liar


>27 BC - 1453 AD

Why so many slavs?

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its like in america

Meds/blacks fuck white women
white men buy asian/slavic women

Probably Greece just for predating and laying foundations for the rest. Least important is Germany by a long way.

We will be jews of the future.

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america has jews
russia has armenians

>america has russian jews

My co-worker is such an import.
Unironically the most proper turk I've ever seen.
Before I met him I didn't believe turks are capable of human behaviour.

i can assure you people like him are very rare

germans are so racist behind computers
but quiet irl

When Bantus started to settle down with cattle and agriculture, they slaughtered the nomads. That's why bushmen are scared of Xhosas and Zulus. Africans created empires and countries which were of course violent, like all civilisations. They only had the bad luck to meet more advanced, more ambitious civilisations like the Arabs and Europeans.

>germans are so racist behind computers
>but quiet irl
Really like russians or maybe even any from ex-empire.

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The Netherlands


now you have to put them in the right order

We should rename Germany to 'big and useless'.

bordering small and useless

>Ancient period
Ancient Greece
>Classical Period
Italy, With it's Etruscans and Romans
>Renaissance period
Italy, Iberia and France were all pretty important though all of europe experienced a cultural revolution at that period
Britain, France and HRE/Prussia= (Germany)
>Modern times
Britain, Germany and Russia

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heeeey don't knock poor Dutchland, at least they got some dank kush.

nowadays germany because we pay for everything
>hurr hurr dictatorship why do you guys make all the decisions in the EU

>and Russia
We are relevant.

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Invaded the UK for the Romans.
Formed the Frankish empire, which led to the creation of France and Germany.
Had outposts that developed Japan, New York, Malaysia, South Africa, Taiwan and so on.
First modern republic that inspired the American and French revolution.
The invasion of the UK called the Glorious Revolution led their golden age.
Ensured people like Spinaza, Locke and Descartes could publish their works, which they made while living here. Causing the early enlightenment.
Peter the Great who lived here and learned from us.
Creating the stock market, multinationals, discovering bacteria.
Laying the foundation of the free societies we live in today. Even now our liberal policies get copied across Europe (even the weed, hookers, gay marriage, euthanesia, net neutrality and so on).

germany is like a better israel
sneaky, wealthier and less arabs

Well i included the last 50 years in the modern times and it would be unfair to say that USSR did not have a impact on Europe and it's culture. Nor that Russia nowadays doesn't have a impact on European politics.

The salian franks who conquered Gaul came from here.

every time a dutch makes such a post i think about holland as the king of the manlets

the dutch invented c*pitalism and global trade, many things that characterise the jews nowadays
one could say that they were the jews of yore

And what came before the EU? The Benelux union.

Thats because we are. The biggest European economies are Germany, France and the UK, Italy and Spain. And after that its us.

yes and thats why nobody cares about holland


>And what came before the EU?
League of Nations?

EU as a institution was and is pretty much unique confederation in the history of europe. It's both economically, Politically and growingly militarily defined political mass. Only historically similar entity i could name is the north german confederation.

Not as sad as Prussia, Nazi Germany, the cold war and other useless creations of yours.

The refugee crisis. Soon the pension crisis.

You'd think that Germans would grow a brain eventually. After all, they have been in contact with the rest of Europe for millennia.

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