Communism is bad

>communism is bad
>communists are poor and can't be happy

Uhm, sweetie, we lived better during commie times than now

Capitalism brought nothing but instability, and poverty

Attached: 25946927_1d470520f5792b38081f330e698eef28_xl.jpg (884x660, 222K)

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you are fascist(orban) though

Attached: 1498028742768.jpg (641x529, 54K)

>fascism is bad
>fascists are poor and cant be happy

Uhm, sweetie, we lived better during commie times than now

Capitalism brought nothing but instability, and poverty

Attached: eur_palazzo_civilta_italiana_1.jpg (1000x795, 134K)

>he doesn't know
orbán is a thinly veiled commie

So keep being happy but don't make other countries go deeper into this shit again.

Fear the Communists.
Communism scaaaaaarrryyyyyy
*Proceeds with neoliberal policies*

oh yeah, because capitalism was such a roaring success in Poland that the moment the EU borders opened 4.5 million Poles immediately left your country, which is like what, 10, 14 percent of your total population?

I'm sorry your leaders have been too retarded through the years to implement capitalism and that you're still poor as shit. The rest of us are having a good time though so pls no bring back communism

We won't let any class traitors escape this time.

Attached: 186.png (384x461, 12K)

Where did you take this 4.5 million number from?

And if we had communism and people could freely leave the country, 80% of Poles would leave.

>drives over Hungarians with a Tank
That's truly life quality.

BASED Hungarian and Spanish comrades

>Uhm, sweetie
What kind of fucking faggot are you?

>80% of Poles would leave
In body bags.

>commie times
you mean when oil prices were high and you had an abundance of it

as if they already arent leaving kek

Have you considered that maybe it isn't what political system your people are in, but that Poland itself is the problem?

We don't have any problem now. We're doing good, better than Hungary.

For the last 2 years we've had positive net migration rate. More people come to Poland than leave

Ukranians, you mean.

The rest of you are having a good time exactly because countries like Hungary exist.

Still better than roosters

>Better than anything

Yeah, nah...

No one who browses Jow Forums is old enough to actually remember communism.

>we lived better during commie times than now
There's two types of walls. One that keeps people out, the other that keeps people in. Which do you think the Berlin Wall, or more abstractly, the Iron Curtain was?

Attached: germany west and east.jpg (1561x882, 740K)

>pussy and coca cola is available on the other side
Is that supposed to be a caricature or what?

lel pooland still anally ravaged by their failure to defend themselves in any war ever

good job getting partitioned and then destroyed by the germans and soviets

Fix your corruption and it'll get better. Look at growth rates now compared to before.

what an ebin ironic posting hahahaha my friend I laughed a lot about this good joke, you are very clever

Attached: orbanvacsora.jpg (720x960, 101K)

You do realise that the depiction of West Germany here is not supposed to be viewed as positive, right?

It used to be.

Now it's mosques and africans. Honestly, the soviet union fell right before the west started it's decline, really makes you think it was planned all along.

oil prices were higher compared to wages back then and the country didn't have any oil, we took loans from the IMF, bought shit from the West with it, gave it to the USSR and they gave us oil and gas, but couldn't give enough and the USSR became indebted to us

the same way Nazi Germany got indebted to us in ww2, but at least Russians paid in the end with trains and shit

word, Poland is decent now, Hungary is still a gypsy hellhole


For a time at least.

this is actually true, he has absolutely no clue in economic questions, decent politician, but terrible leader, since he's surrounded by brainlet economic "experts"

>the people of the east should throw away their culture and historical heritage to become part of the soulless, miserable world of the west, that is the same everywhere, brainwashed by the American mass media
>where people fill up the emptiness of their lives with meaningless consumption, women dress like whores and are proud of it, where pollution and capitalism are ruining the planet for future generations, and the utter collapse of societal norms can be observed.
>and this is a good thing :^)

Attached: 1526915150285.jpg (260x260, 20K)

elmao wtf those arent even poles

The point being made in this painting is that the German people were forced either to accept communism and the lack of freedom that came with it or the American way of life, a cultural vacuum where people dedicate their lives to making as much money as possible at the expense of everything else.

Man, Germans have really done well for themselves since the wall fell.

>muh stability
>Your father left in a cesspit and died of famine
>You are assured and guarantied to live in a cesspit and die of either hard work or famine
>Your children will live in a cesspit and die of famine
>Meanwhile same clan of chekists or bureaucracy is stealing money and resources in the background and most likely the country has the same corrupt and incompetent king-like leader for 25+ years

That's practically """stability""" under communism lad