>ywn get away with killing 500 people like Simo Häyhä
Ywn get away with killing 500 people like Simo Häyhä
>believing war time propaganda
t. vatnik
Imagine being this incompetent you allow a single man to kill hundred of your soldiers
He was a mentally ill wreck for the rest of his life
But he noscoped hundred of guys dude isn't that cool?
What did you expect? Killing your own king is unnatural on many levels, add some consciousness and you are fucked for life even if you kill one person.
He killed his own king?? What the fuck?
I wouldn't limit myself to killing men though.
Women deserves the lead too.
My grandfather executed like 8-12 Russians during WW2. His brother said he doesn't like eating meat because of the war, so i suppose they were very brutal executions.
Nothing wrong with that
That number was confirmed even in his own private personal memoir only found very recently.
And hell, it's not even far fetched at all, the forests full of ruskies, you've got a rifle, some white clothing and a brain, you'll net kills i can guarantee.
Fuck me for not checking before posting...
>Killing your own kind
A lot of propaganda went down on each side. Actually there was a Russian side rumor that Finnish snipers are hiding in trees, which was false. And that was Russian propaganda
Yeah yeah, dehumanization of your enemy helps you sleep at night, but deep down in your heart, you know you killed humans, people like you, people who had mothers, loved ones, friends...It fucks you up no matter the circumstances, happens to all war veterans.
Who cares about propaganda? Thanks for Bыбopг.
Since that Häyhä was also just a propaganda tool to boost the morale.
>You will never mercilessly gun down dozens of freezing starving soviet conscripts
Why even live?
You lost that war.
t. vatnik
reminds me of this
But he's right
How are Russians so incompetent?
Seriously how are Russians so incompetent?
There must be something really cathartic about shooting that many people.
>Strenght 627000
>losses 700544
Absolute state of shitpedia.
>be mongol marksman
>snipe hundreds of slavgols
>this is well documented
>some faggot on Jow Forums claims it's not real, it's war time propaganda! nobody kills anyone in war hurr durr THE FINNISH ARE LIARS I WANT IT TO NOT BE REAL SO IT ISNT
but user communists are not humans
he was used as that yes, but downplaying his achievements is very dishonest
Who told you so, your designated propagandist?
Stalin killed all their competent generals in the '30s and they sent bunch of Caucasian and Ukrainian conscripts without winter gear to die in frosty Finnish forests.
Ruskies btfo
Pretty much. The red army was completely delapitated after the great purge.
>his achievements
Helping you loose a war?
>that fucking image
>The general wanted to retreat
>Stalin refused
>The army could have been saved had it not been for Stalin
I will do anything for Karelia
>vatnik butthurt already ITT
What's going o-
Why would anybody be butthurt about a war they won? Just because Finland invented a bunch of bullshit to justify the peace treaty to it's population?
Two wars.
ehh what?
You have to go back
I doubt that he has killed so much for such small time. As far as I recall, his killcount in regiment's notes was less than 300 but more than 250
I've never seen any complaints about his mental health.
There are many more legends, both funny and scary, for example the legend about finnish skiman, who stole the cauldron with soup from red army and got away with this.
That includes the jews gays and faggots of the area user...
Why lying about numbers if the real number is already insane? Is that finnish autism?
How many people an average soldier kills? I think a machine gunner kills thousands.
>I think a machine gunner kills thousands.
>I believe that his numbers are lower than brave super soldier soviet sniper legend but high enough so that i dont sound like a retarded revisionist shill
Dude think about it, five men a day, not all that far fetched, no shortage of targets, if i recall correctly some of those were with a machinepistol.
This one guy Viljam Pylkäs killed 83 ruskies defending a position in the continuation war with his machine pistol during one attack.
I laughed non-stop for a minute at your post.
Thousands sounds a bit far fetched but would be very possible in WW1 for example if the gunner happens to get lucky and doesn't get shot he could very easily rack up a thousand after a few waves of bayonet charges.
Simo Häyhä was a soldier and you can be one too. Italy withdrew from Afghanistan but a new conflict is bound to develop somewhere soon. Enlist now so you don't miss out.
>full of ruskies
Yeah, they were russians, of course, my friend.
Real numbers are not insane. They're believable the way they are. For example, Vasily Zaitsev has killed slightly more than 220 germans in the matter of months, but Stalingrad was a place of intence fighting, more intence than the Kollaa area.
Judging by the type of situations, in which SMGs are used, I would say that the first thing you do is trying to stay alive and to have enough ammo, you don't count the kills. It's not an airsoft game.
>hurr everyone I don't like is biased
Heinrich Severloh inflected 2000 casualties a single day.
The biggest tragedy of the war innit, you're not even getting to kill the people responsible for the invasion but some fucking Ukrainians who have already been discriminated to shit by the commies. Or nah maybe the biggest tragedy is how the Soviets actually either gulakked or straight up executed soviet prisoners of war who were released after the war.
>Judging by the type of situations, in which SMGs are used, I would say that the first thing you do is trying to stay alive and to have enough ammo, you don't count the kills. It's not an airsoft game.
err what the hell are you talking about? you fight the fight and then you count the bodies, this kind of info is really important for planning, you gotta know if the enemy is actually suffering casualties and how much.
He's remembered because what he did was exceptional. Not your average machinegunner
>dughhghhh i got no sources or anything but its not like russians ever lie so i can claim its overestimations and own the westards epicstyle!!!!1
>be Mikola
>live in village close to Kiev
>go to the war
>be killed by finn sniper
tragic innit
The amount of ruskie butthurt in this thread confirms that hey haven't recovered from the failure of not annexing our country.
Battle of Kollaa was the trench warfare site. You can't just stop the attack and then count the bodies, since you'll be constantly shot at. And by counting bodies I mean counting your personal hits, not just "how large was enemy attack and how many people did they lost" .
>every rusn iz a lyar every source is lies
And I've never claimed to use russian sources you dingus.
Idk if you do it for 6 years, you can get a nice KDA ratio.
>Living being
Honestly pretty understandable desu, like the master said, Finland is the only country Stalin tried to conquer but couldn't, that's gotta make you at least a bit butthurt.
I'm referring to Pylkas to which you answered.
I wonder if the 80/20 rule is also applicable in times of war i.e if 80% of the killings are done by 20% of the soldiers
Ah, I thought we were still talking about Häyha
Btw which "Unknown soldier" adaptation is the best?
Most certainly, especially in modern warfare since the individual soldier has the capability to kill tens even with just the kit he has on his person at a given moment, he just has to get in a favorable position and not get shot and he'll keep racking up kills.
Kinda similar to how Germany had a few experienced fighter pilot aces who just kept on shooting down planes and since they didn't rotate their pilots like say Americans they could keep doing that shit the whole war unless they got unlucky.
I've only seen the 2017 one and it wasn't good.
lol i've only watched the most recent one and read the book. just read the book desu
absolutely believable considering the state of russian commanders at the time and the number of clueless hohols getting thrown into foreign soil at -40C+ temps with no proper gear
>failure of not annexing our country
>tried to conquer but couldn't
Why are finns so dumb that they can't read publically avaliable Soviet demands before the war?
>Btw which "Unknown soldier" adaptation is the best?
The newest of course. No matter what these "older is always better" autists say.
Honestly the 2017 version is the best
Yes, first they demanded only Karelia but after we refused they tried to capture Helsinki and the whole country. Theres plenty of material about it, its not even arguable topic.
>Why are finns so dumb that they can't read publically avaliable Soviet demands before the war?
lol you're a funny guy
Its probably even less, most people dont have it in them to shoot to kill unless they have abdolutely no choice or have some psychological training
I kill billions every time I fap and nobody cares because Gott ist tod.
>please give of all of your fortifications and defenses and we wont bother you again
Reminds me of when hohols gave up nukes in return for russtards not fucking with their borders
I have it on my hard disk since months but
>no proper english subs yet
lol that's nowhere near true, not now, and especially not back then.
The first one. If you have the bluray version.
>ywn get away with killing millions and sending more millions into gulags
Tragic, yeah.