Post fast food chains from your country

Post fast food chains from your country

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I think that here all of them are American.

Duck me.
They serve only duck meat.

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absolutely based

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Kroshka kartoshka
main product - potato

Attached: u2ElrsbVfww.jpg (2160x2160, 1.2M)


That's creative

main products - expensive pancakes stuffed with meat, soups and cheap meal

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Attached: max_hamburgare.jpg (900x600, 459K)

Huge cheap meals, good food as well.

Attached: Frasses burgers.jpg (800x533, 146K)

They have Taco Tuesday too

Attached: tiotaco.jpg (417x417, 40K)

Attached: Sibylla.jpg (2000x1328, 1.68M)

Greggs keeps this country going

Attached: Greggs-008.jpg (460x276, 40K)

Some Italian immigrant made this.
We have three in my city.
The only three in the world.

Best Pizza I know. Even better than any I ate in Italy.

Attached: 601207_logo_2013319108.jpg (2839x1330, 215K)

I live 10 minutes from that very place kek. 10/10.

Not in my city but very deutsch.
They offer the famous (and disgusting) Currywurst that Northerners adore so much.

Attached: bestworscht_170630_Forum_Hanau_0208.jpg (1250x834, 389K)

>Pancake stuffed with soup

Russian food is from the year 3018


They use a lot of mayos which is nice. Better than Mcdonalds for sure.

dont know what that shit is but I want it here

dont you have street vendors on every corner?

Yes but we consider fast food and street food two different things.

Main local fast food chains that you can find at most shopping malls or gentrified areas:
El Corral
Andres Carne de Res

Attached: comida rapida.png (1230x1818, 1.78M)

Main casual food chains that you can find across the country. ( they aren't fast food but are common across the country or are expanding):
Crepes & Waffles
Home Burgers

Attached: comida casual.png (820x984, 1.06M)

DOGG is the superior argentine fast food chain... It's much smaller than Mostaza, but is also newer.

The owner is literally crazy, he's a burger fan, a creator, you can choose burgers with 8 levels

Attached: Dogg-Photo-Rodrigo-Ruiz-Ciancia-0332January-05-2017.jpg (2126x2126, 1.78M)

God I wish that was me

> kartofel light
> s sosiskami
What the.....i dont even. Is this stuff popular?

I could really go for some Sunset right now.
Checked. What restaurant chain is this?

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not popular at all
people visit mcdonalds and KFC far more often
you can customize your potato tho

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That looks absolutely surreal. If i ever get to moscow i will try it just to have interesting story

ok I searched that on google just now
some of these meals don't look half bad

Attached: kroshka-kartoshka.jpg (338x450, 31K)

> forgetting about sandwich qbano and its unbelievable garlic mayonnaise
Pleb taste

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We don't have any. There's Mcdonalds, one KFC restaurant and one Burger King restaurant

crap-ish pizza and chicken stuff, fairly cheap
t. just had a dinner here

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They opened some here. It was not bad and popular but then Uzbeks working in place I used started selling some suspicious and shitty sausages which they obviously bought themselves and stole the revenue. I even wrote mail to their hq out of solidarity. This didn’t help and the chain closed. Very bad management.

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I was in Argentina for a month this year, and never ever heard about this one. Where is located?

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Cervecería 100 Montaditos
A selection of 100 different small sadwiches, beer and tapas.

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Attached: Barburitto.jpg (1200x630, 85K)

>not posting pic related

this thing was fucking ebin, I cry every time I remember it doesn´t exist here.

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Would buy/10
Looks kinda healthy for a fast food chain

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Is that sign on the right in fucking arabic?

In my opinion


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holy shit, it fucking IS
Dude I know the US is cucked but at least our fast food signs don't have Spanish translations next to them.
Arabic fast food signs in fucking Finland, Dios Mio. RIP

At least you tried.

Hesburger is the only Finnish hamburger franchise
this is their best hamburger, the Arizona hamburger. two full beef patties, two onion rings, slathered in paprika mayo and topped off with tomatoes and salad
arabs don't like american companies since you guys bomb their countries, so in many arab countries they much rather start a Hesburger franchise than a McD or BK franchise

Attached: arizona.png (472x267, 309K)

Its not arabic and its their store in Iran

even our mcdonalds looks better than this crap

Oh okay I thought it was actually in Finland, my bad

Hesburger has spread abroad. In strange places.

Number of restaurants per country, probably not up to date
>Finland 269
>Lithuania 51
>Latvia 45
>Estonia 44
>Russia 37
>Bulgaria 11
>Ukraine 3
>Germany 3
>Belarus 1
>Iran 1

Attached: Hesburger.jpg (1168x543, 168K)

>Iran 1
I hope this means Finland is not with US on Iran issue.

I seriously doubt that regular fast food burgers look presentable in any country
that is what you get if you order an Arizona at Hesburger. it tastes really good and I'm fine with it

Well i don't doubt it tastes good. My brother was in Tammerfors and said it was pretty good.

>In the financial year 2016, the total sales of Kotipizza restaurants amounted to EUR 90 million with net sales of EUR 67 million.[9] In December 2017, the Kotipizza chain’s monthly sales exceeded EUR 10 million for the first time.[10] In April 2018, the same-store sales of comparable Kotipizza restaurants (240 restaurants) had increased for 37 months in a row.[11] The number of restaurants stood at 260.[12]

>Over 99% of the Kotipizza restaurants in Finland are operated by franchising. In 2018, Kotipizza operates only in Finland.[12] Some restaurants offer delivery and accept orders by phone or via the internet. Most of the home-delivery restaurants utilise the home-delivery concept created in cooperation with the chain’s franchisees. Built-in warming delivery boxes in delivery vehicles keep pizzas at 60 degrees Celsius even for an hour.[13]

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I really don't know, but you can buy Danish-Iranian dates here, coated in salty licorice or cacao.

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Is Finland helping the iranian nuclear weapon development?

I like that name "Hesburger"
as for the name to the right, what language is that in? Looks Arabic

I have been to Finland and it tastes exactly like McDonalds, very bland and lacking spices

Now is really shit, actually. And we used to have Pan's & Company, but now is closed.
I can't think of more examples of fast food chains here

>Iran's major commercial partners are China, India, Germany, South Korea, Japan, France, Russia and Italy.
Those countries are helping iranian nuclear weapon development

There is no such thing as a good fast food hamburger. We're talking in relative terms here. This is very postmodern stuff. Hesburger's Arizona is a great hamburger compared to the alternatives, and you have to understand that the other companies offer no alternatives to the Arizona hamburger.

>not popular at all

All fast food is shit except for Chick-Fil-A and Five Guys

Attached: chickfila.png (1013x673, 1.2M)

Look at this real fucking burger, not like that stupid fake crap

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Look tasty

H3. "Gourmet" hamburgers. Pretty tasty, although a bit too expensive.

They're scattered all over the country.

Attached: 01-h3-hamburgology.jpg (640x480, 55K)

>Duck me.
>They serve only duck meat.
ca me semble tres bon

j'espere que j'y aurais visite' quand j'etais en paris

There are a couple of 100 montaditos in my city, one of them very close to my uni but I have never tried it. Is it good?

are you retarded?

thanks for the info anyways

Fivr Guys is goat