
Big up the moosey massif edition

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No deal imminent, batten down the hatches for mass shilling from all sorts of European countries with absolutely no concept of sovereignty.

All terrorists are far right terrorists

No Deal would bring down the Tories immediately and put Labour in power.

>tall women are proud of being tall
why do they always complain about their knees and back and hips and everything hurting?

because they're women

Did he really die? ;_;

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Yes. First of all they command lots more respect than an average women and thus get lots of advantages out of that in all areas of life. Secondly they are more able to attract taller than average men. Thirdly they know they will bear tall children.

>why do they always complain about their knees and back and hips and everything hurting?
That's the negative aspect. But in terms of social standing being tall is just free easy points that everyone wants.


I'm tall and I have none of those problems I'm not a woman though but i know that having bad joints and being tall could be symptoms of a serious disease.

will be baiting Jow Forums

British lads are strong, thick and brave.

men have stronger bones and muscle attachments at the joints which can handle more stress

women aren't meant to be big

I can do a really good fake Russian accent
would pretending to be Russian around people who are politically active about being anti-Russia be autistic
I'm curious to see how they would treat me or what they would say


My disorder allows me to create storylines that can leave my dnd group speechless.

My disorder allows me to connect dots most normal people wouldn't even dream to connect, only for them to be shocked that it ends up being true.

My disorder allows me to have an easier time taking a step back and approaching what would be an overly emotional situation to anyone else and instead look at it honestly and objectively for a better solution.

My disorder is just a different way of thinking and I would gladly choose death over a cure.

Besides, Autism often goes hand in hand with some form of brilliance, what would society do without its thinktanks or great artists?
I think it'll be the opposite really, I think mild Autism will be the future of mankind.

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nowt wrong with being cute


reckon this place completely falls apart in my absence

like where would any of you even find the motivation to post anything without me here to see it?

Rumour going about on twitter that Prince Philip, also known as the UKIP Prince - has died.

Other sources are saying it's made up bollocks for retweets.

Stay tuned.

anyone here drink raw eggs?

the only time I did I puked it out

>tfw no king Philip

i advocate harshly for justice among society

That gimmick was scientifically debunked. You get less protein and nutrients from raw eggs than from cooked eggs.


my disorder allows me to not have the right brain chemicals

oh my freaking gowrsh its hot inb my room

>tfw wrong royal had passed

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must feel immeasurably alpha to be the guy who's banging putin's ex-wife, even if she probably is some haggard old babushka atp

name a crime more deserving of capital punishment that taking the low offer on the chase

just got scientifically debunked lads

Stop acting like he's dead

not giving anyone else a chance to answer on the final chase before saying 'pass'.

>when the low offer is half the prize money and they choose it anyway

tfw no black maisie gf

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I thought it was just because it was easier to down a lot of them at once?

Morning lads!
What's on the agenda for today?

wank to trannies all day

buy dinner and a new computer mouse from tesco
make dinner while watching youtube videos
probably watch love island when the missus gets home
hopefully a bang


sounds nice
can I come?

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you can come tesco

The same people who call nofap a meme are the same people who would shame you for dieting when you were obese

so obese people

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Need to quit /brit/, the instant gratification has shot my attention span, and the whole "fulfilling the need to socialize without the actual socializing" is rotting me to the core

Need to remember how to be a human again

you reckon everyone will look like this in the future?

you afraid I'm gonna steal yo girl?

no, I'm afraid you're gonna steal my dinner

No deal hasn't even happened and the Yuros are getting legitimately upset already, this is great

m8 STILL has his fucking christmas tree up in his gaff. decorations/lights and all. lazy cunt


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save him putting it up again in a couple months

mad how in the nordic countries NEETs get their own apartments

It's like they know that some people are just beyond saving, better to quarantine them and give them a little bit to survive on

NEED to shag a yank bird before I leave

its almost like you can do that when you have an intelligent homogenous country where people are well behaved

we're going up this year lads

screen shot this post

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what position you playing lad

Under EU rules can a brit move other there and become a neet?

Brazilian here, nothing you can do about it you sad little man you're autistic neonazi muh homogeny will never happen.


I print the names on the back of the kits

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got bummed in the toilets of portman road ama

2bh I don't believe half the shit I hear about how great the nordic countries are. even a cursory google search usually dispels or at least contextualises most of it

I'm howling at that other thread. The fucking state of them!

bit mad to think you could be wanking to the thought of a bird while at that moment she could be doing god knows what, like getting shagged by someone else or having a violent diarrhoea attack

*tannoy bells*
“For the LAST time, will Sara please leave the cake aisle and report to the managers office immoderately”

What exactly do "historians" do? I mean surely everything about WW2 has to have been found out already? Can they find out new things about it?

it's about analysing things and doing research to find information/opinions to build up a better overall view of things

Perspectives and historiography, ways of linking events , solutions to historical problems

sounds like a load of shit to me lads, feels like we already know everything we need to know

Watching G of T with my mum

30 minutes.

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Norway is an example of a country with huge mineral wealth that uses it wisely, prosperity for all

Going to watch cricket

Who takes these photos ? Does he have a cute middle class British wife to take them for him ?

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Positivist loser

*tannoy bells*

GOOD new article


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>My disorder allows me to create storylines that can leave my dnd group speechless.
need geeks off my island

finally get to eat shake shack tomorrow

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>a small homogeneous country is socialist big countries with massive amounts of ethnicities should do the same

got to clean my pigsty of a flat this weekend

Siciliy, reread the post

Incredibles is pure kino
Love being a 22 year old boomer that watched is growing up

Not that grim really
Why do you think so?

fat spacker

remind me to take the pizza out at 17:53

Little slug

Haha, how can autism be used as an insult? Only an ignorant cunt would use autism as an insult. (And there's nothing I hate more than ignorance)

Autism is a gift in my case, I have an IQ of over 150 which makes me technically a genius thanks to my autism. I've been going through school all my life being bored out of my fucking brains getting at least 95% on all my tests (and all the incorrect answers were silly mistakes ) because I'm just too fucking smart for school I can't wait for everyone else to learn someting I already knew within the first day or too of being taught it. Every year I scored the best of my year on these stupid multiple choice tests we do and the headmaster came to my class to tell me that, which obviously resulted in being called a 'nerd' which is true but I shouldn't be ridiculed for it.

I recently became home educated so I could learn at my own pace and I'm getting my GCSEs done 1/4 of the time everyone else has to do it in, I'm also doing more than double the average amount of GCSEs that usually would be done.

I used to get paid 30 an hour working online, which is more than the teach assistants at my old school earned, it was so fun pointing that out to them.

So, in conclusion, calling someone autistic is not an insult, in my case, it makes me highly gifted.

One more, thing, I don't know if this has anything to do with my autism but I am a sociopath so I'm not hindered by irrational emotions like guilt, compassion, empathy etc.

haha, the most satisfying this is to know that you will all see this as a waste of a natural gift that I am undeserving hahaha, that brings me great satisfaction.

I'm practically perfect, let the jealousy flow through you.

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Imagine watching sex scenes with your 'rents

Can assure you I will read every word of this

lost the cat
mam is crying
whole house is sad

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