/Three Wishes/

If a genie appeared to you and offered you three wishes, what would it be?

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Infinity wishes, god power, etc...

I like this but...

turn me into a hot girl

thats it

1)Wisdom of and past beyond that of King Solomon. So that I can fulfill God's commandments better.
2)A pet dinosaur

I want to be richer than any other man will ever be
I want non white or asian people to die
I want a trap gf

A 6-8/10 gf forever that doesn't cheat
Healthy kids
No money problems

>Infinity wishes

That's never allowed

1. No more jews

2. No more muslims

3. No more niggers.

There. Done. 90% of the world's problems taken care of and wouldn't you know it, America has a massive contingent of troops right by all that oil. Keeping it safe for everybody.

Without all of those, the Spics get handled pretty easily, just shove them back down the border.

>naked gfs
>unlimited money

Attached: 1492526349675.jpg (400x388, 65K)

Instant death

1. Clean and restore to oil the whole Earth's human made polymer garbage.
2. Dissapear Muslims
3. Dissapear Indians

A cute mena gf
No more jewery
Colonialism against the ayys


Kill me

Reborn as a female
Get enough money (let's say $1-1.5k/month) to live unemployed for the rest of my life
Islam never existed

1. Cure everyone's HIV
2. Give every person on earth the same amount of money
3. Give every person on earth the same level of education

Attached: GREENTEXT.png (640x1212, 498K)

Cool now everyone has one dollar

Inflation never stops. If even those money are enough for you now, it will not be the same after 10-20 years.


Read people mind
Shape shifting ability
Can go back in time for a day

Then infinity genies which give you more wishes.

Yeah I forgot about inflation, but I think it is okay since even $500 a month is still enough to live on comfortably even in 20 years for me.

Communism is Best

Attached: catholic communism.gif (699x400, 127K)

Make me a little girl
Ability to 'copy' and create duplicates of things
Ability to stop time

Cure all diseases
Make all countries equally developed and smart
Make thorium power real

Attached: desalination.png (1278x972, 146K)

Every nigger turn to solid gold


control of people
ability to be invincible

and i would try to change all the corporate and government conspiracies that are going on in the world

not sure if i'm satisfied with this answer desu, when i think about it, control of people would be just as or worse than killing someone