Legal Age of Drinking

Everytime I go to family gatherings in america is gay because I want to get some beers at the store but they wont sell it to me; Im 19 and legal age to drink in Mexico is 18. What about your country?

Attached: download.jpg (300x168, 7K)

your fault for being born so late

It's 18 everywhere except in the States.
But you're allowed to drive a car at 14.

>third world problems

Drinking age for beer is 16 here.

only in a few states. most states its 15

In many states it's perfectly legal for people under 21 to drink on private property with adult supervision/permission

fuck ronald regan


with 16 you can drink here legal

18 here but you can easily drink if you're 13+

>What about your country?
18 but they want to raise it to 21.

It's 18

>family gatherings in america

don't let them, they will use this, as an arguement to raise other things too
they want to raise the age to own a rifle to 21, because "muh to young to buy beer"

18, there's no way you're getting served underage though because if it gets found out the worker gets a $10k fine and the business gets $50k

18, but nobody really cares.

I swear Jow Forums is the fucking vegans of Jow Forums

That’s all states I think

It's 18 here but nobody (not even the cops) will say anything if you're above 12. I remember when I was like 10 and I was walking home from school with a friend who was also 10 and he decided to stop to buy cigarettes, and nobody reacted when this 10 year old boy was buying cigarettes.

Nobody gives a shit here, ive been drinking since i was 12.

based frenchies

Your family can buy the beer and you can drink it. There are simply too many 16 year old boomers with their own cars and dramatic boomer shit to trust them with alcohol.

>i’m 19
stopped reading

>>i’m 19
>stopped reading

Attached: boomer.png (250x229, 49K)

At 18, but when i was 15 my uncle and grandpa told me "user today you will get drunk for the first time" we went to a bar and uncle ordered a big glass of beer for me despite i was 15 and the barman saw me, anyways i woke up next day vomiting everything in front of me

my dad gives me a beer if ask for one, and im under age

Alcohol below 20%: 16
Alcohol above 20% 18

1. you a re a dumb cunt
2. how old were you the first time you bought alcohol?
3. the first time you drank?

like 8, my dad gave me half of his beer

Why is it so low in the US?

Drinking age is whatever the vendor feels like