What do you think America will be like under President Pence?

What do you think America will be like under President Pence?

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based and redpilled

based and redpilled

reminder that pence once saw a hawk and took it as a sign from god, that he was going to be president

ISIS, but with cheesus

VERY based and redpilled

we'd would go back to being a god fearing country

Bush 2.0

spotted a commiefag

couldn't really be worse than under trump

Is anyone else looking forward to the Michael Cohen trial?
There are gonna be more tapes of Trumo saying stupid shit and trying to cover things up.

Basically exactly what it was under W.

this but ironically
this but unironically

>I dislike radical cuntism therefore i'm a commie
kys pidor

get better than drumpf

JFK 2.0

Praise jebus my fellow vatnik

An even greater return to prosperity

He will sacrifice the US to his satanic overlords. Lucifer will burn this great nation down. It will be the end of the world as we know it!

Probably like all republicans: really bad for the budget, bad for the economy, bad for infrastructure, bad for foreign relations and bad for the environment.

are you afraid of electroshocking therapy mutt

Based. America definitely needs another president using the bible as a guide for his politics

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Pence doesn't eat dinner around other girls without his wife around
how is that anything like Kennedy?

I really don't think Pence should be our first gay president. That just doesn't seem right given his positions.

he's probably not running in 2024

also, ask Jow Forums


Dog bless


gridlocked government because Dems will control the House and Senate

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unironically don't know anything about this guy cept he really hates fags, which makes him a-ok in my book


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Dawlat ul Christi

>he doesn't know about le based faggot that sucks nigger dicks

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God's wrath.

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shockingly less gay than before

Somehow even worse.

You mean Mike "Electric Fence" Pence?

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Honestly, he gives me more of a pedo vibe than anything.

>homos and trannies getting zapped

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Mike "shock the cock" Pence?

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Trump's lap dog. Dumb as fuck. Probably would still make a better President though.

Jow Forums-tier posts. You guys should unironically be ashamed of yourselves.

t. Pedro Hernandez

daddy pence

No more trade war so I don't care.

Dude honestly...it can’t be possible to be worse than Trump.
Pence would just be kind of dumb and not manage to accomplish anything. Then he’d run for re-election and everyone laugh.

>gridlocked government
how does that even matter? trump can do tariffs and shiet just by executive orders, he doesn't even have republican support for what he is doing so getting a democratic majority won't change that

>he doesn't even have republican support
Literally where?
Republicans go along with everything Trump does except for putting sanctions on Russia.


I remember when he did the steel and aluminium tariffs there quite a number of Republicans who spoke out against it but since it was an executive order they had no input into it. They also recently passed a motion in the senate that the President should have to consult with congress before he uses national security reasons for tariffs

Let me clarify.
Republicans might occasionally speak up against Trump, but will *vote* in favor of whatever he dishes out most of the time.

You're right that they did pass that motion, but it'd be nice if those Republicans that disagree show that through their votes.

Trump is JFK 2.0
>soviets (russians) ordered all of their operatives to help JFK get elected (we know this from old soviet archives).
>both have loose ties to organized crime (JFK much more so, had an affair with a mob-boss's wife while in office).
>both are philandering, cheating on their wives, and molesting women
>both have dome nuclear saber rattling (although N. Korea doesn't compare to Soviets in terms of danger).
>JFK was drugged to the gills because of some serious medical conditions, and Trump is in a drug-like state while sober.
actually, Trump isn't JFK 2.0, he's more like JFK-lite. the watered-down, sane, calm, legal minded, sober, risk-averse version of JFK.

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I still hate him for not invading Cuba

he tried to do a coup, but not a full scale invasion.

honestly do not understand how americans keep voting republican when democratic states are better by virtually every metric imaginable

The shit states became shit while they were voting Democrat.

actually the south has been improving while the blue states are getting shittier

serious doubt

>wooden shoes walking up the stairs, silk slippers walking down.
>democratic governance plunging your state into debt, republican governance digging your way out of debt and growing the economy.
you see this with an exodus of Californians fleeing to Texas for a better business climate. but they'll eventually turn Texas into a democratic state, and need to flee there as well.

you drank the koolaid

Republicans make sure hedonistic consumerism strip mall culture stays rampant
Democrats make sure more taxes and large groups of minorities stay in place

>trump gets impeached
>pence pardons him

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Holy shit my countrymen are embarrassing.

t. conversion therapy candidate

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>everyone who hates gays is gay
>everyone who hates pedos is pedo
>everyone who hates murder is secretly a murderer
epic meme

I'm calfornian and leaving to arizona soon because of shitty blue laws

Name one.

It would be paradise because he would send all the gays to the electric chair where they belong

I worked in a high crime neighborhood and wasn't allowed to defend myself
soft on crime laws made it extremely unlikely for cops to show up when they were called

Trump would save Pence the trouble and just pardon himself. Also impeachment isn’t removal from office.

However there’s nothing Trump or Pence can do to pardon the NY State crimes they’re being investigated for. That’s why you never hear Trumptards talk about the Michael Cohen case.

You’re going to have to be a lot less vague than that.

But that’s most Republican conservatives.

He just seems so milquetoast to me. It would be rather forgettable.

prop 47

Exactly, we can get rid of the Neo-cons too!