Niggas who look like this have a 110% chance to fuck any bitch in your country

Niggas who look like this have a 110% chance to fuck any bitch in your country.

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>beige skin
>blue eyes
>pointy nose
This is a MUTT (and that's a good thing)

>implying that board wouldn't let themselves ass-fucked by the Meek

Why is Jow Forums so insecure ?

god i want my tight arsehole being stretched by his large mulatto cock

he should work on his shoulders, his frame looks tiny

>hideous tattoos
>narrow shoulders and wide waist
>hilariousy fat lips

Yeah, I'd mog the living shit out of this nigger.

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He's a Nigga

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you forgot bad posture and bad proportions

in what world

USA world

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>guys gets a free pass because he's good looking

quints of truth
god is a fucking jerk confirmed
if you lost at genetical lottery, you lost at life

ale mnie denerwuje te jego puste, tępe spojrzenie

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Props to him for scoring with a billionaire in all fairness

New guy who went from prison to getting all the pussy

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Alexander the Great had the same eye color(s)

lol this skinny fuckboi is the one everyone was creaming themselves over?

damn white people make everything better

Wonder how he got the blue eye

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it appeared after he killed his older brother

the look the same

Google "Heterochromia"

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>Mexican facial blindness

is this guy black or SEA


that face structure isn't unusual here and his big lips are disgusting

>his big lips are disgusting

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Women and homos go mad for those lips

Women say otherwise.

Stole it from whitey

Rule of thumb: If it has light eyes it's more than 50% white.


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My ancestor :)

did he stole it?

are we supposed to think that's real

Ayyy lmao

He pulled a Neymar

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asked my sister
she said that he is ugly

your sister is a secret bbc whore who goes to the local refugee shelter to get blacked lol

probably a lesbo

Daily reminder that some billionaire heiress looked for him, and got with him immediately after he got out of jail. Women are disgusting.

>In 2002, Meeks was charged with robbery and corporal injury to a child. Meeks had violently assaulted a 16-year-old boy when he was 18. After taking a plea deal, he was sentenced to serve two years in a California prison, during which he admitted to being a member of the North Side Gangster Crips.[8]
he potentially didn't do anything thabad

>corporal injury to a child
>16-year old "boy"
There's a hair of a difference between an 18 year old and a 16 year old.

if you can't score a billionaire girlfriend by using only your looks then you are fucking ugly and should just lay down and rot, nature will thank you for your service and your children will be happy to not be saddled with your shitty genes



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