All my own top intelligence officials disagree with me

>all my own top intelligence officials disagree with me
>my own party disagrees with me

Are we witnessing his unraveling?

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Other urls found in this thread:

In the old days he would have been accused of treason.

Lefties now think the pre-Trump Republican establishment is a bastion of good judgement

this fat fuck unironically believes he’s very respected around the world lmoa

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>has been a dick to most EU rulers
>calls himself diplomatic

I think that Putin intimidates him or something.

He has something on him

O rly? On what evidence? The claim is thaty CIA was "moderately confident" that russians meddled, years later nothing happened

whoah, could it be people in the gumbmint have biases and serve the older establishment interests? Could it be us speshul servide seecreet clab LIED? Would they ever LIE to anyone? ;)

Reminder that the media were the ones who came up with the term “fake news”

On what grounds?

He is currently being accused of treason by officials across the political spectrum. Some republicans in the heart of Trump country just resigned.
It’s 100% certain now that Putin has very compromising information on Trump, probably from when he was trying to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.
Everyone in intelligence agrees this displays all the hallmarks of Russian intelligence and Putin is twisting his arm.
Notice especially Trump’s recent gripe about Montenegro in NATO; Putin hotly protested Montenegro joining last year.

He’d have been suspiciousally assassinated actually.

The thing about Trumptards is they just believe what they want to believe in the face of all evidence to the contrary. It’s called “brainwashing”

Collusion with Russia? Do you seriously think this would have sled during the cold war?

Trump is not cucked by your rotten CIA.

>I have no alternatives. Please guys no bully

>Are we witnessing his unraveling?
Yes, since 2015 if not earlier.

Hopefully it gets leaked, and soon. Any republican worth his salt should be distancing himself from Trump at this point.

Trump shakes things up and gets results.
Deal with it.
Trump is an inspiration.

> 16 agencies and coast guard
> "high degree of confidence"
> russian spies indictied for spying
did i miss some of the proof bros

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If I were to join the FSB, would I have a better shot if I already had experience in the military, or do they prefer civilian minds?
I know a lot of intelligence services find military types to be too rigid and uncreative for intel work.

Asking for a friend.

Plot twist :- he is a Mexican.

Collusion with russia is an accusation. That in itself is not enough to try someone for treason. Unless there is some piece of evidence that i’m not aware of but he only thing that i have heard about here are facebook ads linked to the kremlin (most of which were anti Trump). Is there something i am missing? I haven’t really been following us politics lately

Putin is a master ruseman.

Based quads prescribing actual redpill.

Republicans worth their salt are few and far between but many are distancing themselves from him now.
The problem with allying yourself with someone like trump (who can only think in terms of pure ego and has no tangible goals) is that eventually he will turn on you and make you an enemy out of his own lack of self-control. So all his friends end up losing and he runs out of them.

You have just fucked up.

“Notice especially Trump’s recent gripe about Montenegro in NATO; Putin hotly protested Montenegro joining last year.”

>CARLSON: Membership in NATO obligates the members to defend any other member who has been attacked. So let's say Montenegro, which joined last year, is attacked: Why should my son go to Montenegro to defend it from attack? Why is that?

>TRUMP: I understand what you're saying. I've asked the same question. Montenegro is a tiny country with very strong people.

>CARLSON: Yeah, I'm not against it — or Albania.

>TRUMP: No, by the way, they have very strong people — they have very aggressive people. They may get aggressive, and congratulations, you're in World War III. Now I understand that — but that's the way it was set up. Don't forget, I just got here a little more than a year and a half ago. But I took over the conversation three or four days ago and said, "You have to pay."

Oh yeah, Trump getting asked a leading question is proof of collusion.

SVR moved the wmds to syria.

FSB handles internal security they probably don't need an english speaker too much
GUGSh (GRU) et all might be interested in an asset, no idea how they hire (don't have a literal open-enrollement school like FSB does), but you're obviously more valuable in US than in Russia for them, I would say

and you already have an NSA fille on you for making this post, so sorry you probably blew it

>psychological projecting.

this guy is such a fucking moron. flirts with treason without even realizing it

Don’t know what you’re having trouble seeing here. Carlson asked the question and Trump delivered Putin’s ideal answer.
Any halfway intelligent response from an American President in the last 50 years is just “I uphold the key tenet of NATO: that if one member gets attacked we treat it as an attack on ourselves.”
Any response from a President working for the interest of Putin would use this opportunity to attack the core tenets of American alliances.
Do you have any brain cells? Serious question.

>that incoherent mess and blubbering


No, there isn’t proof of collusion whatsoever, rather his political opponents have planted a premise of collusion in people’s minds do they can push:

1. If he’s friendly to Putin it adds fuel to the idea that he’s colluding
2. If he’s aggressive to prove he’s not colluding, he’s falling in line with what the US political establishment ultimately wants anyway so it’s a win

Any halfway intelligent response from an >American President in the last 50 years is just “I uphold the key tenet of NATO: that if one member gets attacked we treat it as an attack on ourselves.”

So you’d prefer him to make non-committal threats like Obama’s redline and let the entire world know your threats mean nothing?

By not confirming whether you will uphold NATO, you accomplish both putting pressure on Europeans to pay in to it like they’re supposed to, AND you have Russia still not comfortable in the idea that they can be aggressive.

>Remember when they said I was too tough with Chairman Kim?
I actually don't.

rocket man etc, also during hawaii falce nuke alarm
us top political analyst mr colbert said this was poor diplomacy and nuke war was scary

bet his pea brained voter base'll double down and he'll get in again

I’m of the impression that right before the midterms, the economy will dip, the Michael Cohen trial will have just ended, and more indictments will come out in the Mueller investigation, while the Stormy Daniels saga will also raise more red flags and the whole time Trump will be losing more political allies. It’ll be right ahead of Putin’s visit to the White House which was just terrible timing on Trump’s part.

Those are just reasonable, logical conclusions I’ve come to, based on what’s going on recently. It’s going to be a rough, rough Autumn for republicans and democrats will be super motivated to turn out and take a bunch of House seats.
I didn’t believe in the Blue Wave until this week. But his own appointees are against him now.

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That's not being tough. He's just acting like a child. Trump was accused of being soft on Kim after he came out of his meeting with him empty-handed.

>AND you have Russia still not comfortable in the idea that they can be aggressive.

Lmfao you can’t be serious kid. Trump just flew to Helsinki to tell Putin he can have Crimea.

The man is the best practicioner of the Siege Mentality outside of football that I've ever seen in my life.

It got him pretty far too. It’s just with more Michael Cohen tapes on the way and his own economic stupidity, a lot of Republicans won’t come out to vote until he’s gone.

>According to Putin
>0 change in actual strategy in the region

Call me when the sanctions are lifted

seems more like his childlike style of brinksmanship
from where i'm sitting putting kim off balance with idiotic (but scary) escalation, and then with offering the cessation of (obviously provocative) drills, creates an opportunity for kim to realise negotiating is an option. because no matter the propaganda, us can compromise there without it leading to a war, it only won't cause inflexibility of US policy, you literally almost never can make peace and/or improve relations unless you win an actual devastating war first

Why can't I make myself care about American politics at all?

Because it's a shit show and we have no real alternatives to the mess we have at the moment

I hope Trump, Pence, Mitch McConnell, Cohen, Pruitt, Pai, and literally every other corrupt Republicunt goes to jail.

>Why can't I make myself care about American politics at all?

Why is politics on Jow Forums every day all day?

It's because a bunch of big babies lost an election.

Can't we just throw all of our politicians in jail and start from scratch

>Can't we just throw all of our politicians in jail and start from scratch
Trump isn't a politician.

Maybe Jow Forums would be a better place for this thread, or just delete it.

I honestly think Trump supporters are going to cry when he gets impeached. A few will commit acts of terror but mostly they’re going to cry.

>the president isn’t a politician
>REEEE we should move all the trump threads to my pro-trump safe space echo chamber that was solely built to contain me and my kind

How many penises do you put in your mouth at once?

>democrats will be super motivated to turn out and take a bunch of House seats.
Hah, don't worry. I'll make sure that all the Republicans win.

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>>REEEE we should move all the trump threads to my pro-trump safe space echo chamber that was solely built to contain me and my kind

I know /leftypol/ has now openly declared this their safe space.

Little babies lost an election, now they cry about it every day on Jow Forums

>when he gets impeached

keep dreaming
yes, keep dreaming a president that is doing a good job gets impeahched because cnn told you he's a big orange meanie

>the guy I voted for won, therefore he can be as stupid and corrupt as possible and wreck the economy and I’ll love it
>anyone who has qualms with him endangering national security or ruining the economy is just mad about the election 2 years ago

Not sure if trolling or just a normal Trumptard at this point

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You think increasing spending while cutting taxes for the wealthy is a good job?
Anyway, doesn’t matter how poor your understanding of fiscal policy is, if you think Dems aren’t going to win the House back at this point you are certifiably brainwashed. And with the House comes control of 21 subpoena-wielding committees which the President has no veto over.
That’s not a “blue wave,” that’s just the likeliest scenario. If he keeps being retarded and corrupt though (which you know he will), there would definitely be big losses for the GOP across the Senate and Dems would also take 9 GOP governorships. Clean up or you’re going to lose everything.

American intelligence has literally made stuff up just to suit their agenda throughout their history, they're unreliable.

Exactly bro. Anyone with an education or experience in their job is part of the conspiracy against god-emperor Trump. Trump has never been caught on tape lying or contradicting himself, I trust everything he says as the Gospel truth.
If you don't agree 100% with everything he says and does, you're employed by the DNC.

if your country has an agenda, and your president sabotages it, it could very well be treason

regardless if the agenda is moral or not
nevertheless its literally undermining their power

actual treason? well the us is a quasidemocracy, can burguers selfsabotage their empire? they should be able to, and let history laugh at them

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