It's our national day, Jow Forums ! will you please celebrate with us? ^^

it's our national day, Jow Forums ! will you please celebrate with us? ^^

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Happy national day, Belgium

lmao nice third place you fucking loser

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Belgium is a nice country.

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thank you!
thanks, i'm happy we got so far ^^
thank you! what's that picture?

dont care about belgium or their waffles thanks bye

have belgium day

Hetalia's Belgium

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She is still in my heart!

Attached: hot-belgian-girl.jpg (960x660, 276K)

>national day
>Not a nation

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On se boit un petit godet?

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Congrats belgium!

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what is life like in belgium

they torture mexicans for fun

>A real country

A nation state has a
>Common language
>Common people
>Common history
The country is split in half by people and language and it has no history other than killing Congolese and being a German speed bump

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i know a few belgians and they are the biggest normies. hate them.

I like this song

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thanks for coming!
oh, i see! sorry i dont watch anime haha
si vous voulez ^^
thank you!
you should come over, i'd love to show you :)
thank you for coming haha

Wish y'all a nice day.
Here's a burger I hope you buds like it

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What are you celebrating? For what reason? A battle or something?

Congrats Belgium. Fuck Israel and Free Palestine.

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Northern french here. I'm spending 6 months in Liège soon. Definitely love your country.

>best beers in the world
>fantastic concert venues and festivals
>nice, chill people
>beautiful medieval cities
>you can legally have 3 grams of weed on yourself
>your football national contest is called the fucking Jupiler's League

I am an emissary from /brit/, here to congratulate you on your special day. We made a special post for you on /brit, hope you enjoy :)

Jacques Brel is absolutely BASED. Have you listened to the Scott Walker English sung covers? They're pretty good and Mort Schuman's translations are decent imo.


thank you, looks yummy!
it's the day of our constitution
haha, thank you so much! hope you have lots of fun here ^^
thanks for coming!

1 - what's your name
2 - Seada
1 - how old are you
2 -15
1 - and now..who are you marrying to?
2 - to (for) belgium
1 - what's the name of the man?
2 - I forgot

God bless Belgium

How does a non nation get a national day?

shit you look so nice user
fuck your head on Straffe Hendrick and sing your insane national anthem proudly

Glad you could make it mate, can't wait to trash Brussels without having to wait for England to play the french/Dutch guys

Yes. Belgians are nice people and belgium is a nice country. good beer too


Attached: Médine-GRAND-PARIS-Feat.-Lartiste-Lino-Sofiane-Alivor-Seth-Gueko-Ninho-Youssoupha-Capture-YouTube.j (1400x500, 67K)

Oh shit wrong thread

haha i will! why is our anthem weird?
thank you so much :)

Happy happy to you, and thanks for the beer (which I don't drink as often as I should) and the fries (which I eat more often than I should).

Feliz dia. Pasatela chido user :)

haha, you're very welcome! i hope you'll enjoy many more of those! what's your favourite beer?

are you from flanders of wall*nia?

thank you! i don't know what pasatela chido means, but i'm trusting it's some sort of congratulations haha ^^
flanders, but today is not the flemish day

It means have a great time, dude.

oh, i see, thanks! and you too, of course!

Happy national day, Belgium! :)

thank youu!

How do you guys celebrate your national day?

i don't know how others do it, but at our house our mother makes stoofvlees for the occasion ^^

Had to Google it, looks delicious
Enjoy your national day

this is a bad thread and you should feel bad


Weet gij of ze vuurwerk gaan afsteken met die droogte?

met bosbrandgevaar, bedoelt ge? geen idee, maar 't is niet dat dat zo al vaak gedaan werd, toch niet waar ik woon

In Brussel is er toch altijd een groot vuurwerk dacht ik. Of ze in de hoofdstad wakker liggen van bosbranden is natuurlijk een andere vraag.