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wonder why we don't trust our government

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Holy fucking shit....

Republicans are painfully retarded. There's no two ways about it.

Doing a big think.

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we actually move away from the sun each year

if he had said that the sun is growing would be more accurate

china deserves to become the top dog

holy shit

>Republicans are painfully retarded. There's no two ways about it.

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Don’t worry they’re close to that thanks to Xi. What an amazing leader..

>Republicans are painfully retarded. There's no two ways about it.

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>its not just some of our politicians who are dumb but all of them libturns btfo

The most rabid anti-vaxxers in your cunt are upper middle class wh*Toids in solidly Democratic districts. Liking a "Science Fuck Yeah!" page on Facebook doesn't make one pro-science.

Absolutely, inevitably, undeniably BTFO



lies, but a man can dream

there are attractive poorer, lesser educated people but their looks drop off fast

Climate change is an idee fixe that a few people have and the more it is talked about it the more people get the idee fixe.

in american politics when ever one party does something bad, their supporters defend them, then attack they opposite party a few years later, for doing the exact same thing retarded whataboutism, they can't agree that shit like this is dumb
also posting more quayle

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switzerland is having a stroke, someone get help

It's French, it means a fixation on a certain idea.

As a matter of fact, it is known that the planets orbit around the sun in the shape of an ellipse, and with ellipses not being perfect circles, the radius of the ellipse is variable depending on the location on the line of the ellipse from which the radius is measured, so I suppose that it is technically true that a planet would move closer to the sun and farther away from the sun in its orbit path.
Kepler realized that a line joining the planet and the sun will sweep out equal areas in equal intervals of time, as a planet approaches the sun, its acceleration increases and its velocity increases, as a planet moves away from the sun, its acceleration decreases and its velocity decreases, but the line joining the planet and the sun will traverse a constant area in equal intervals of time.

Oh come on.

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switzerland is having a french stroke, someone get help

fake news

The sun will eventually expand beyond earths orbit. He was dyslexic in his wording, but not far off.


I would still rather vote for him than Cuck Wolf.
t. Democrat

I can cherry pick a lot of stupid things Democrats have said. Intelligence in politics regardless of party is becoming too rare

>Republican 2018 guv candidate Scott Wagner keynoted an event for natural gas advocates in Harrisburg on Tuesday, offering an ... ah ... novel explanation for the scientific phenomenon known as climate change:
>"I haven't been in a science class in a long time, but the earth moves closer to the sun every year-you know the rotation of the earth," Wagner, a York County state senator, said, according to StateImpact Pennsylvania. "We're moving closer to the sun."
>He added, according to StateImpact's Katie Meyer, that, "We have more people. You know, humans have warm bodies. So is heat coming off? Things are changing, but I think we are, as a society, doing the best we can."

Ayy lmao, politicians are greedy sociopaths.

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that crazy ass hillbilly socialist is his running mate, lel

Harrisburg looks like a modded version of Fallout 3 so I'm not surprised they come up with these ideas

Fucking hell.

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he's not wrong though, every year the earth moves closer to the sun, but then also moves away from it every year. Don't you idiots know about Apsis?

It's been a long time since Roosevelt, hey.

I'd imagine he'd say with a straight face that tiny devils are dancing in the clouds and changing the climate if his corporate backers told him to.

a person from Harrisburg told me they sometimes saw children standing still in a cornfield near town at night so it may not be inaccurate

harrisburg also featured a toys r us next door to a prison. just another fun PA fact :)

It got shut down, what's your point?

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Harrisburg isn't that terrible. A few sections are bad but there's been some gradual revival. There's some grade A idiots, sure, but it's not at the level of Philadelphia. You can easily avoid the bad parts, and if you live outside of Harrisburg then you don't really need to worry about it much.

That isn't what he mean unfortunately.
He is clearly retarded.

PA has no point ;)
we are the start and the end

You mind explaining, son?

Lel I did a reverse search and he never said that, it's not even him in the picture.

>harrisburg also featured a toys r us next door to a prison
Neat, was it a low security prison? I used to live on a small property adjacent to a maximum security prison in Australia, the one housing Ivan Milat. There was a long paddock at the rear of the prison, littered with old demountable school classrooms which were spooky to explore at night, drunk. There was a program for the inmates to fix them up, supposedly. Sometimes you'd see one of those portable classrooms getting towed towards the prison.

I don't even know anymore. The only parts of this state I ever felt peace in was in State College when I was a student, and a tiny town in the northeast.

all the other time.... the other people... the criminals, the wicked.... they are all around. I have seen the winding, non-real paths of outer Pittsburgh. I have seen the collapsed rubble of gentrified philly. I have stood upon Shingletown Gap and you know what I saw? Hell.

Those are my truths, and there are no unknowns. Some of them are with you now, no doubt. Now there you go again

The quote here is also false, according to the interwebs. A lot of these political quotes likely are but the thing is at times it's hard to tell.

>big cities are shit
woah, deep stuff
You haven't seen shit, now clean up your room and go take a hike now and then, fucking underage.

>now clean up your room
Jordan Peterson. Canadian. Boomer.
You are not Pennsylvanian. I wouldn't expect you to understand Dr. Peterson, what this state is. Did you know that Pennsylvanians are 37% more likely to accept cannibalism?

You see Peterson, you exist in Canada. A state protected by the immaterial Bootes void. Pennsylvania is not. Our coal fires do not stop burning. Our boys in the boxes are never found. You cannot condescend to that you do not understand, Peterson

Be gone, Canadian. I shall teleport you away to save your soul

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>spewing statistics and quick facts
>typing in a pretentious philosophical way
When you graduate from high school you'll understand, now go back to joining your heroine junkie friends behind the school dumpster.

Shhh, I know you are worried. Worried Pennsylvania will lose control. Don't worry, my bark-based ally. Pennsylvania shall only consume Ohio. It cannot hope to penetrate into Canada before it (PA) collapses in on itself.

Pennsylvania is a fickle state. With fickle people. Fickle, particularly, on their morals (this should not concern you, Dr. Peterson, you are a paragon of what man should strive to be). They tear flesh and wealth from others as they see fit. They prey upon the.... well, you know, the (uninsured).

You already see our true side. You are repulsed, and that is good! It is natural for an upstanding man of Good to be repulsed by the Pennsylvanian. Dr. Peterson, you must leave now though

m8 you type like an asylum patient, go take your meds

It's a nice change to see teenagers posting like teenagers as opposed to teenagers posting as meme spewing retards or wannabe Baby Boomers.

You mocked my state's heroin crisis. Forgive me, I thought you were a callous man. But no, you are caring?

I should not be surprised a non-Pennsylvanian is caring though. It is only my fellow man in this wretched rectangular abode that seeks to eviscerate the goodness in man. Praise unto you, Peterson

Underages should fuck off, though.

They should but they don't. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You don't know shit about what it means to be Pennsylvanian, you underage faggot. Go shoot a gun at some targets, go fishing, go hiking, do something instead of dictating what your "experience" of Pennsylvania is to other Pennsylvanians.

Nay, I have done those things, and nothing has changed. Nothing will change. Doth thou propose that mere activities shall save all those who were lost? You grip your hand in anger as you know I am right. The peril we are in is great. Greater than it ever has been in save Gettysburg. Only the upstanding shall remove PA from the teet of villainy and onto the teet of the wholesome word of Good

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>doth thou
I'm not even going to address the rest of this faggoty post. Go hunting, get a job, get laid, etc.

You mean well. I 'dig' it. The vigor of a man of Good courses through you. We must take what was given to us, and aid our state. Mend its wings. Allow it to take flight once again.

My vigor, however, hath runneth low. I tried, nay, STRUGGLED as the patriots once did when they removed the foul lion coat-of-arms and replaced it with our current state seal. Little was accomplished in my ventures. No one has made it. Ruinous chaos reigns.

To restore vigor, a man must undertake a mighty task. What will be the shot that contracts my heart again? I am not so sure. But as men of good we are condemned to do nothing but try.


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yeah... republicans

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wtf i love pollution now

Kino episode

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I like that statement by Pelosi. It is just that the hours they do work aren't paid well enough to make good use of their increased free time. If she was opposed to wage increases that statement would be bad - but she isn't, dems have been pushing for pay raises.