Friendly reminder that Italy is just glorified Mexico

Friendly reminder that Italy is just glorified Mexico
>dumb, smelly, brown people
>meme cuisine
>country is run by mafia/cartels
>virtually no control of their own borders
>same bland and uninteresting flag design

Attached: flags-460x209.jpg (460x209, 9K)

Jealous cunt

Why so many Italy bullying threads right now

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But poland is the mexico of europe tho

Italians are handsome and Italian girls are cute.

Native Americans are ugly.

based Poland dropping TRUTH BOMBS

yea both are better than poland lol

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Friendly reminder Argentina used to be the richest country in the world until Italians started immigrating there.
You're probably one of them.

I wish



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>among the poorest countries in Europe(so poor that all poles move to UK and germany to clean toilets)
>shit at war(spent most of their recent history as part of a bigger country)
>soviet rapebabies
>literally white niggers in looks and behavior

>among the poorest countries in Europe(so poor that all poles move to UK and germany to clean toilets)
pretty funny that we got thousands of italians move to france as cheap workforce to die in our mines and factories in the past two centuries
I guess you're always the bydlo of someone

He mad

Attached: c6b.png (1000x1000, 177K)

he cute

Subhuman slav

insecure poorfag

Bad thread

He real mad

i've been to both mexico and italy, gotta say, they are nothing alike, worst thing about mexico was the cancerous people I had to deal with. Italy was nice, atleast aosta and piemonte