Jow Forums
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International #925
What dirt does he have?
What do the English and French think about the death of their countries?
Egypt or Tunisia?
Why cant they stop?
Why are Finns so weird looking?
Paint yourself
1. ur cunt
Finland is engulfed in flames
This retards need to be genocied
Feels good to worship literal thots
The absolute state of amerisharts
Are Russians grateful?
Number of Russians in your country over the years
Lucky Strike Click & Roll in Switzerland available?
Are they more like Norwegians?
Do these countries have any sort of culture?
Does your country have an autistic little brother?
I just can't get over it, Jow Forums. it's been a year and a half
Oh wagie
Your cunt
Swedes are better than other humans
Welcome to the Chinese Century
Iran is threatening USA
Yep. This one's going in my cringe compilation
Fire Nation = Japan
Have you been banned from any board user?
A non scandinavian will never understand a scandinavians deep rooted connection to stones
Americans are writing songs (well, more like padding out with extra lyrics) in Old Norse
This is what happens when you get yourself a Japanese gf
Dutch government gives out travel warning for France
Why are Asians in the US, Australia and especially Canada so insufferable?
He thinks he can _____ in first world
Vas varg vikernes rigth?
/fr/ - le fil de la France
Germanic master ra--
Anti-Fascism General /AFG/
Wake up
Kurva anyátok
Greeks are better than other humans
Why is everybody hates Afrikaners?
Post Jow Forumseresting pics
Nippon-Muang Thai friendship thread
Has a man done more to destroy European culture than this gigantic faggot?
Your cunt
ITT: Your cunt's worst leader
Who's going to replace him now that he's gone?
Why don't you have a girlfriend yet?
Non Americans of Jow Forums, whats your favorite state in the US? Whats your least favorite...
Anyone else’s dad younger than their mom? my dad is 3 years younger than my mom
Brazilians are racist because we are mutts with self-hating
If you could instantly kill all niggers with a flick of a wrist, would you do it?
Be Canadian
M-M-Mister European sir... I don't feel so white
Hilo latino /lat/
Why do Arabs get triggered when you call them Indian
Say something nice about Haiti
What did he mean by this?
Ask an incel anything
Fascist shithole
This is America
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
If you don’t support president Trump 100% then you’re an edgy retard who hates America and the West
So wtf are they slavs, nordic or germanic
Do they raid Jow Forums?
Mom, Dad, I'm back from China. Please meety boyfriend
S oy boys are wea-
Tfw you have an incredibly strict and correct definition of white (only brits...
Why is America so shit?
"Today we're talking about Portuguese and why it sounds so different from the other Romance languages...
Laugh at Latin America
Spics aren't white
/v4/ + priatelia
/drache/ ehemals deutsch
Not a single coup d'etat or dictatorship in 242 years
Why are you racist?
Why did my parents have me at 40
Wow.... Powerful
Why are they so hellishly ugly? Almost vomit inducing
She's actually Spanish
>tfw you will never be white
So…are they really white?
Posters on Jow Forums fetishize women from ethnic groups other than theirs due to sexual and social isolation...
/Late night Euro thread/
Why do Asians love America so much, even after we nuked and invaded the shit out of them for most of the 19th century?
How was 9/11 reported on in non-American countries at the time?
B-b-but I thought only fat women wanted black men
Your cunt
I wish I owned a gun
Fr*nch sounds fucking terrible
Why don’t Latin Americans suffer from depression like we do?
Do you Love Japan?
/ESL/ - English teaching general
Anglo women are ug-
How do we stop the Evil Empire 2.0 from federalizing?
Why is there an arab country already in the EU?
Florida just passed 1 trillion ($1,000,000,000,000) Gdp today, in this thread we congratulate Florida
The boxer and RUS BOGATYR, ALEXANDER "RUSSKI VITYAZ" POVETKIN, will soon face, and crushingly defeat...
ITT: we laugh at communism
His country's government funds a state television
I miss this
This is the future for all muslim """"""men""""""
Why is Scotland so much more beautiful than Britain?
Wow! Guatemala looks like that!!!?
ITT we use MS Paint to stop the amerifats of reaching McDonald's
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
How are there wildfires in Sweden?
How powerful are they, really?
*turns around*
Why Brit women are so ugly ?
You go back to the XIII century in your country, you have a bag with top tier laptop...
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
1. Your cunt
Sverigetråden - Nostalgiupplagan
Wtf, why did Americans beat him up?
Internation dick sizes
Sverigetråden - Natt upplagan
Do you love Belgium?
How do we address the """fembot""" problem
How difficult is it to just go off into the wilderness in your country for a few weeks?
The reality of Jow Forums
The Boomer Question
Attention! Attention!
Who is your favourite US president and why?
Woah... so this is what white Americans girls do when they say black men???
/Tirol/ ehemals /deutsch/
/kiki/ ehemals /deutsch/
/ita/ - il filo
Mocking American education is not only valid, but should be encouraged
Why are Americans like this?
Why did your country give money, technology and markets for free to Germany, Japan and Korea instead of Latin America??
Do you remember the greatest moment in Russian history?
My first backpacking in Europe commences in 2 days!
Sverigetråden - Jimmieupplagan
1. Your country
Which country (outside of japan itself) has the best animu girl? I vote for karen (england)
ITT: How bad Newfoundland is
ITT: nightmare pictures
How do you think the EU should punish Brits?
Redpill me on Islam
Why do arabs insist on saying that iranis are also arabs when they dont look arab...
Why don't we have fucking bullet trains
If you are Asian and can grow a beard, your chances to get a white gf goes up by 100%?
1. cunt
Do you want this to happen ?
Hispanic Americans
Why Russian school girls dress as maids?
Well, well, well, look who's white now
How do you say "Dinner's ready, Sweden!" in your language?
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Suicide thoughts came back
Do you non-Americans use the words dude, man, bro, brother...
Ideal height & weight for a girl?
/SA/ South Africa threads
What's the "that's too hot" cutoff for white people?
What is your favourite country, aside from your own?
Is there such a thing as a "golden age" for memes?
Tfw nonwhite immigrant
Arr look the same
/deutsch/ /bayern/
Be german
Woman in late 20s-early 30s
I'm joining the military
Do you know that bulgarians spin dogs for fun?
Where would YOU move to, if you had to migrate to this North America, Jow Forums?
Just realized that whenever we talk to thirdworlders (russia, pakis, south americans...
Sverigetråden - kvällsupplagan
Paint yourself
Guess the name of the poster above you
Convince me to migrate to your country
We support Ukraine itt
Why did Britain give up on its Royal Navy and allow the US Navy to take over the world's sealanes?
1. Your cunt/race
No nuclear weapon usage, and no outer assistance/aid
Why are they so hellishly ugly?
Sing us a song of your people, user!
Look I’m white
Fucking Estonians broke into my mother's house while she was at her summer house
Guess my ethnicity
If you don't speak at least one romance language, you don't deserve to live
Are French people proud to be French?
British Teeth Worse Than Third World
Animal rights
Is there any ethnic group cuter than French Canadians?
Do europoors just walk around looking at all the nice ass architecture?
What do you think about your country's stereotypes? Personally I love the whole polite softie stereotype...
1. your country
/brit/ + /birt/
Worst countries to be a female
Gym is closed because of the elections and now I have no choice but to go to the swimming pool
What climate type is the best?
Why is the US government trying to kill the greatest living artist of our generation?
If China collapses, what happens. (American think tank)
Why does nobody carry a copy of basic economics for whenever commies start talking dumb shit?
/ita/ il filo umaroso
What's the worst country you have visited?
Ey Americans, did you have cheerleaders in your high school? Do most high schools have them? Are they all stacies?
Does it feel good to hug a girl?
Would blacks go extinct without foreign aid and assistance?
/lat/ hilo latino
/fr/ - Le fil des Franc
ITT : the worst thing you did in another country
Sverigetråden . Aboww upplagan
Your cunt
Why are Koreans so utterly racist?
This is R U S S I A N B U L L who dates a black girl in the US. Say something nice about them
Best posters on Jow Forums
What spainard conquers had to go through
Tfw the pyramids are literally 30 minutes away from me but I have never visited it because I have no friends
Are we the baddies?
Why is racism considered so bad when we all know blacks are just subhumans?
That 1500 year old boomer who still puts extra u's in his words
He fell for the yellow fever meme
Do men in your country prefer debt-free virgins without tattoos?
Faces of Jow Forums
How can we help Americans?
Albanian Muslim family tried to kill their daughter for dating a Danish guy:
Literacy rates
/fr/ - le francofil
Did we made the right choice ?
/cum/ & friends
Why is Jow Forums so obsessed with being white...
1. ur cunt reee
Capitalism was a mistake
Does Nordick countries have cute girls with raven hair and blue/green eyes?
A teenaged soccer player has had his contract cancelled by Russian second-division side Torpedo Moscow...
Sverigetråden - Död åt normalbögsupplagan
Slavic music thread
Could they pass as a local in south America?
Are you allowed to flush TP in your cunt
How can white girls even compete?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What was it like when you got your wisdom teeth removed? I still remember the weird taste of blood after
How come you don't have a gf yet?
Why do not Whites save them from poverty?
Is it because they can't get white girlfriends?
Would you have a Korean Catholic girlfriend like this?
Turn off your computer and go out, go hiking. believe me, it feels amazing
Since some of you guys don't believe that there could be girls on Jow Forums, which one are you, or ?
Nuke one of these
A woman with a mustache
Its over, rap is finished
Would you kill all chinks or 90% of all niggers?
I honestly have an inferiority complex about nordic/germanic people
/fr/ - le fil de la France
Don't mind me, just testing if Jow Forums allows us to type pic related, the 28th letter of our alphabet...
/ita/ - il filo
If you aren't on this map you're unironically a subhuman
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Tick tock tick tock tick
Sverigetråden - Söndagsupplagan
How do you say "HOPE" in your language?
Poorest country in Asia
Culture Pals - /cp/
How often do you shower?
What should the optimal age of consent be?
Is saint petersburg unironically the most aesthetic city in europe?
Why are highways so fucking expensive here? I'm so tired of this shit!
/brit/ - thoughts that grow your chin edition
Ugliest race in the world
How do you call Chad and Stacy in your country?
Are there females in Jow Forums?
What your family thinks about Jews?
Americans not human
Why are they so racist behind their computer but so nice in real life?
What's his endgame
Post typical middle class houses from your countries
Why we can't just rangeban Australia already?
How do we make Japan less racist?
Faggots are marching
Seven years since Utoeya
So I was clubbing yesterday and some freaky shit happened
What's the point of showering if I can't bring my phone into the shower with me?
Why are Swedes so prominent on this board?
What was the last time you had sex, Jow Forums?
Getting gay thoughts again
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2024
*breathes in*
Be humble, white boi. Keep your head down. This is my era now
Holy shit the Dutch are literally celebrating the opening of a metro line (Fair dinkum)
Redpill me on Paris
Americans vacuum their lawns
Kurva anyátok
Centre of European Art and Culture stretching back for centuries
China so cool now
Is it normal in your country to want to fuck your cousin?
The Phillipines has an entire generation of half-White fatherless kids...
There are people on this board that aren't khhv shutins
How come people around the world wear jeans, eat burgers...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Which countries entire mentality do you find the most unsettling?
I imagine myself in New-York, leading my platoon. Our mission is to stop f*rstie dogs from advancing...
WMAF ballet dancer killed
Why don't westerns like rice?
Sign Me Up!
Nippon kaigi member
Some Muslims are absolutely CERTAIN that Israel will be destroyed by 2022. That's only in four years !
Israel is another South Africa/Rhodesia in the making. it's only a matter of time
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Your cunt
How would history have turned out differently if he was still in power in 1939?
America´s president 2020
I just ate some quesadillas
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
This was the happiest moment of my life. Everyday I thank that God he was elected
Hahahahahaha get fucked gookmutt faggots
Does your country have a Lite version?
Do you want a Thai gf?
Any other christians here? Not just theists, but people who actually go to church
How is Mexico more Amerindian than the USA and Canada when they have no reservations?
Is there a more uninteresting region?
Does anyone here remember the breakup of Yugoslavia? What was it like living in those countries during that time?
The word "churka" russian and other slavic posters use is way more racist than most people think
Xinjiang highschool girl
/fr/ - le francofil francophone
/lat/ hilo latino version argchi te quiero cosi
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
Do you like my homemade chocolate pecan pie with maple syrup ?
Why are islandchinks so much better and less subhuman than mainlandchinks?
Do you get offended on Jow Forums?
Why is South Brazil is rich and prosperous and the rest of country isn't? Yes...
You're under arrest for saying Lebanon is not CUTE
How similar are polish and russian languages?
Europoors will never know this godly feel
What happens here?
South America, explain yourselves. Explain yourselves right now
Tell me about Karelia and the karelians
1. Your height
Is this a nice haircut?
I'm an American and I think that blah blah blah
This qt is a Korean dad/Russian mom result
Learning portugues
What's the most bullied country on Jow Forums?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
No ID required to vote
UN Report: America is 3rd World
Post white nationalists from your country
Why doesn't Brazil claim this like Argentina did with the Falklands? I bet they could take on France
What's Spaniards relationship with Latin America like?
How long does it take to get Israel citizenship after conversion?
Your cunt
Drinking general
The great debate
Collapses the european welfare system
/nachtshift/ deutschfaden
Go to any internet caffe in any balkan state
This bitch is my date tonight
Muh youth people 60% mongrelized...MAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Due to the multiple severe forest fires in Sweden right now...
My favourite hobby is getting drunk on my own and walking around aimlessly in big/famous cities
Filipinos will never recover from this
Has your country ever had a gay mass killer?
Sverigetråden - Sov dags upplagan
>be russian
His country doesn't have a shitton of cows
Describe Lithuania in one sentence
Dark hair is just evolution
Why do Muslims fuck their cousins?
Your cunt
If your flag doesn't have a cross you're 70% more likely to burn in hell :)
60% percent of Mexicans are Amerindian and the remaining 40% are Indo-mestizos that have 65-75% indigenous blood...
How do I get a modest American girl?
How do you call this in your country?
>*grabs your arm*
Are we going to make it one day?
Be me
Sverigetråden - Vinterupplagan
/v4/ + friends
How common are stay at home Mums in your country?
/ita/ - il filo
Ah yes, this must be the vibrant islamic culture i've been hearing so much about
How the most boring posters on Jow Forums?
It's good being white and european
Catholics are false Christians
Hot guys
/fr/ - fil de la France et de la Francophonie
What would you say the ethnic makeup of your country is at this point?
Average argentinian school, thought?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Your cunt tree
Finland... more like fuckland
Be France
Would you kiss someone of the Mongoloid race?
Do people in your country own summer cottages and spend their time there during the summer...
Prepare your buttholes, Europe
What do Spaniards (and latinos) think about mexican spanish?
I am Chinese (technically Taiwanese). Is it shameful for me to love Japan and want to learn Japanese?
His country isn't entirely blue
Is this part of Russia 1st world or more similar to it than the rest of the country?
Are there latin kings in US?
Wish I had a gf to travel with :(
Where would you choose to live in this North America, Jow Forums?
Which one is Slavic and which one is Germanic?
I got shot in the arm today due to my brother’s rifle misfiring when he was cleaning it. I’m now in the hospital
Why is life in America so cheap?
Do you liek germany?
Tomorrow will be the 7th year anniversary since Anders Breivik committed the most courageous act of the 21st century
This shitstain’s going down
Today when i was on my way home from work, a brownskin walked up to me...
German mother livestreams birth of 6th child
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why are we so good at English and why are Asians so bad at it?
Why do Americans and Canadians love cars who burn oil like this Sequoia who drink 25l / 100km?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Does your country have antifa
How is public transport in your country?
Why do Americans do this?
/ita/ - il filo
The psychologist appointment yesterday went well
Trevor Noah angers French faggots b/c he implied French team is African
I'm gonna fuck that ass soon. What are you incels doing?
Why are Japanese girls so childish?
Cancer. Can we all agree?
Netherlands gives ultimatum to Germany
Itt: Say something nice to a neighbour country
Would you rather be:
/fr/ - Le fil légionnaire
Mfw there are people from Spain and France emigrating to Poland for economic reasons
I decided to reactivate my facebook and see what other people were up to
How well can Slavic languages speakers understand Czech?
The average Indian IQ is 81
There are bullies in my country's general who are very rude to everyone who posts anime...
Half of the world population live within that circle
What is it like, being American?
We are living in the age of Peak Scandinavian Intellectualism
Stereotypes that are true for you
I live in Israel, ask me anything
How should a man dress?
Assange will likely be handed over to the UK within the coming weeks. What does Jow Forums think about this?
Real men don't hit women and kids
Two country without any noisy during last 10 years
Innocent Germans
Being a white, straight male in the western world today is like being Jewish in 1930s Germany
Let's have a NATO thread
>tfw you will never be white
What do you think about Finnish Swedes?
U.S. soldier wearing the crown of the Holy Roman Empire, 1945
Bada bing
ITT we demand Russia to give Finland back the clay
Culture Pals - /cp/
Let's have an EU thread
Algeria is experiencing an unprecedented heat wave. 49 degrees Celsius (°C) in Ain Salah, in the sun...
/schwanger/ ehemals /deutsch/
Can we all agree this is the worst country in the world?
/ita/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - Shemaleupplagan
/fr/ - le francofil
Can anyone tell me who this fluid druid in pic related is?
My friends opened a forest bar today. A lot of wood, a lot of forest cover, minimalism, naturalism...
Why are Slavs like this?
Why do British people look like this?
What is their secret?
How do we save white americans?
MENA and Indian qts
Yeah I'm thinking we're back
Finn gets bullied by a Swede
How did Sweden manage to sit out World War 2 while being so close to all of it? Just saying "Chill out...
Imo a real human language cannot have more or less than two verb tenses
Why don’t Latin Americans care to learn English?
Do you want to find love in japan
I become a true korean ^-^
Yes, red meat is baaad. Eat fish and veggies
Reminder that asean males are ALPHA compared to East Asian "men"
/cum/ & friends
What does Jow Forums think of Python?
So true
He is based. You can't deny that
Are they French or Belgian?
Tell me about Finns, what makes them so special and unique?
These are average faces of each area in Japan
What is your opinion about half asian half white girl?
Really Sweden? You're wasting your money on this?
USA hate thread
Does your country have universal health care?
Which country had the best assassin?
That shy girl in your class is actually getting her cervix plugged tf up with 12" KONGOLESE cock right now
Dutch or German
Why can they never apologize for what they've done?
/fr/ - Ceci n'est pas un fil
What the actual fuck America?
Why is Southern Europe the only region in Europe with an actual culture?
ITT: nationalities you hate
Suffering is possible within the realms of f*rst world
Why are they so similar?
1. You are a cunt
Friendly reminder that Italy is just glorified Mexico
Why is Portugal getting EU gibs as high as ex-communist countries that left the stone age 25 years ago?
ITT: Countries that should be excluded from the EU
What drives finns to be most autistic in the world?
United Kingdom
Korea - Japan friendship thread
/polsaka/ aka /sarmacja/
Nuke Various Countries
Sverigetråden - Vinterdepressionsupplagan
/fr/ - le fil de la FRANCOPHONIE
Our so-called neighbors and "greatest allies" refuse to buy our superior planes and instead buy overpriced amerimutt...
Italian food is overrated as fuck
Euro style of """negotiating"""
/deutsch/ Red nie wieder mit mir oder meinem Sohn-Ausgabe
You wake up in France, pic related
/African thread/
Post memes from your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do Americans stigmatize living with their parents...
God I fucking hate Italy
Average Swede
Reasons to love Israel
Cups and burger wrappers at American fast food chain In-N-Out Burger are inscribed with Bible verse references
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Which do you drink user?
Should we fight to secure the existence of redheads?
Mfw I see Estonian
Why do their neighbours seem to hate them...
Dutch is ugl-
What's the proper, *legal* way of a country acquiring new territory or land from some other country?
What country is your best friend?
Is mcdonald also the biggest fast food company in your country?
Sorry but jews and israel are our friends
All politics aside what do average people in your country think about this mumble rapper?
Stop calling us chink
There are almost 16,000 nuclear weapons currently on earth
My patotoes grow just right. Even its flowers are blooming
South brazil is kinda white you know
Is it possible for white girls to be this cute
I decided to reactivate my facebook and see what other people were up to
Whiter than you mohammad
Lonley? Need friends?
I've never had sex
What is Tunisia like?
Why do the japs use kanji as part of their written language if they hate chinks so much? And furthermore...
Post the most American city in your cunt and Americans will rate it
Kurva anyátok
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship