How well can Slavic languages speakers understand Czech?

How well can Slavic languages speakers understand Czech?

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i understand maybe 5% of what this motherfucker is mumbling

fiddy fiddy

Almost nothing, but I understand Czech quite well when written

Well, you're a speaker of a Slavic language, so tell us.

I can understand only Ukrainian, Belorussian in ok lvl. Slavic languages strange af.

I understand 99%

Roughly about 20%.

Because you're little Pepik

Also polska bretty good, but we have so much same words but with the different meaning :^)

Also, I understand Croatian and Russian almost perfectly

But I'm a Croat


We don't have anything in common with Russians

I don't understand any Slavic language to any real degree. I can sort of get written Russian and some Serbian maybe. But the others are babble

Ukranian here

Almost 100% but I study here 2 years now

Fuck dis I’m out.


Czech is by far the worst-sounding Slavic language there is.


>magazin, lavka - shop

this is full retard

Attached: Europa-oczyma-Polaków-3.jpg (720x600, 91K)

false and gay.

Nothing wrong with magazin desu.

Magazyn is "warehouse" in a normal language like Polish

Pretty close. For warehouse we have SCLAD.

Skład is also warehouse in Polish, but it's a bit obsolete

I can't get a single word of his speech. Czech is quite a different language and it is as different as English from Icelandic (same language family - yet different).

warehouse - skladišče
shop - trgovina

why don't you ppl try being 100% Slavic speaking for a change?

As I sad we have bretty good pack of the same words.

"Targ" is market in Polish

and "targować [się]" means to negotiate the price

another word for shop is prodajalna

PRO - dajalna, it's like as though we're Czech lmao

>why don't you ppl try being 100% Slavic
Russian language 100% slavic.

We have TORG and TORGOVL’A as well.

Russian is 70% Slavic, 20% Turkish, 10% French - German

>20% Turkish
Could be worse.

Still better than Ukrainian

It's your fault, you know!!!1!

trg - city square
tržnica - a market (a collection of stalls or stores)
tržišče - a market (in economics)
trgovati - to trade
trgovec - a merchant


>trgovati - to trade
>trgovec - a merchant
Same here.

btw I read Polish texts from 15-16th century and they're so similar to Croatian, especially in grammar, full conjugation of verbs in past tense was in use

"to see" in past tense:

>widział jeśm
>widział jeś
>widział jest
>widzieli jeśmy
>widzieli jeście
>widzieli są

just like in Croatian now

trgovati - to trade
trgovec - a merchant


+ aorist was in use too


Also dual number

1st person:

>widzę (singular)
>widziewa (dual)
>widzimy (plural

>jedna niewiasta
>dwie niewieście
>trzy niewiasty

15th century Polish was almost like a South Slavic language

Polish is just like other West Slavic languages in that it features certain words that are exclusive either to Slovene or to Serbocroatian but not both, Czech is just the same - in fact, I'd say Czech and Slovak both are more similar to Serbocroatian than to Slovenian tho they're equally as understandable to Slovenes and BSH speakers (supposedly around 60% when spoken and 70% when read)

*but are not found in both

Nah, no one beats Polish.

Sorry patuljko but it's true.

Polish is 90% Slavic, 5% French 4% Latin 1% German if I remember it right

at least we have our own language, not serbified Bulgarian, Vardarko

>BSH speakers

>B at the beginning

Alija pls

I think that Serbocroatian sounds atrocious because they pronunciation is utterly braindead, the most simplified out of any Slavic language

Attached: db4.jpg (600x439, 23K)

Croatian is the most beautiful language ever invented by mankind

Polish is 60% Slavic, 30% Latin 10% German

Also I'm 2 cm taller than you

This is very important contribution to this thread.

No way, do some research

Why do Poles understand Spanish so easily?

Croatian? More like Slovenian for beginners lmao.

Btw, few people know, that a certain feature called in Polish "mazurzenie", which is that consonants š ž č are pronounced as s z c exists only in some Polish and Croatian dialects.

Yet another proof that we're the same people.

Not much, I understand only polish and ukrainian.

Try Belorussian with кayбaca and other funny stuff.

Also, it's a very important feature, because that's how you can recognize a Mazovian peasant

>tfw you're from Mazovia and your whole family are Mazovian "petty nobility" (de facto peasants)

the Ć is also only a Polish and B(SH) feature

South Slavic languages are like this too for me.

Post your results

We have мзypкa. Only God know what does it mean.

Actually Russian and Czechoslovak t' is almost like ć, just less soft.

And in some old versions of latynka, based on Polish alphabet, Russian ть is written as ć

I got to 18

Your score: 13

Mazurek is a dance from Mazovia.

Mazur = a person from Mazovia

Also, "mazurek" here means either the dance or an Easter cake.

Attached: mazurek-alleluja-EN_90035977_0001.jpg (660x441, 54K)

consonant softening is not something that your average South Slav is able to comprehend

Montenegrins have a lot of softened consonants, not only ć but also ś and ź, like in Polish.

Your score: 123

you just reminded me of that Azra song that just can't be found on youtube that goes 'Poljska u mome srcu, u mome srcu mazurka' . It's such a shame cause it's a smashing song.

17 here. Fuckin insane.

Attached: image.jpg (750x181, 32K)


>it's a smashing song.

What do you mean?

Oт cлoвa "гacить" жe.

>(originally US, now Britain) Wonderful, very good or impressive.
>We had a smashing time at the zoo.

Хyй дoгaдaeшьcя нa caмoм дeлe. He знaя звyкoв-тo.

I do not understand a thing when it comes to West Slavic languages, it's just a garbled mess of czsczs to me.

Cyrillic alphabet was created specially for slavic languages. Prob me rong [spoiler]u cunt[/spoiler]


Btw, people usually underestimate Mazovia, while it has very rich history and culture. It was independent from Pooland for hundreds of years and was annexed just in 16th century, when the poolish (actually lithuanian) king poisoned our last Mazovian duke. Also the Mazovian dialect was the most distinct in Poland proper (so not in Lithuania/Ukraine/Silesia). Warsaw was our capital, but the poolish-lithuanian king stole it for himself after poisoning our duke.

Also, one of our first dukes was the one that rebelled against our first king, because he forced Mazovians to adopt christianity, while Mazovians wanted to stay pagan.

Pooles used to laugh at us but it's because they envy us.

pred očmi moraš imeti dejstvo da so Čehi samo Primorci, ki so zašli daleč na sever
>ma kej pa hwovoriš, mona

I know, but I didn't understand why you said that it was "such a shame".

But now I understand, because I didn't notice you wrote "CAN'T be found on youtube".


Пepвый дeнь здecь чтo ли?

гacич (h - фpикaтивнoe г, кaк y хoхлoв)

Этo элeмeнт ayтизмa.

A, oкeй.

Devki tut jest'?

da no bez proofs

the Czech word for girl seems too lewd

>holka = golka = gol = nude

to su bili Slovaci, Cesi imaju veze sa Hrvatima jer su Beli Hrvati ziveli u Moravskoj i u juznoj Poljskoj, a ja sam jedan od njih

Konečno net.


Ne pomaga, preveč hreščijo, da bi jih lahko zastopil.

Dolgočasen larp, kolega

Eto Slavthread?

Attached: 2454321.png (250x276, 47K)

гдe cиcки :dd

I wasn't being serious, I simply made fun of the fact that western Slovenes substitute all G's with H's just like Czechs (and Slovaks)

Ha этoм мoи пoлнoмoчия вcё.

Rate our beautiful Mazovian language:

>W kazdziornej tarapacie wrzescałem do Pana
>A septa moja zawse była wysłuchana.
>Kiedy na nas wciornastkich dybała Pocwara,
>Lub kreską lub ręcnikiem płosał mię ktoś Wara,
>A ja wnet ku niebecku wytrzesciwsy ocy,
>Sczebietałem jak ptasecek, ządając pomocy.
>A Pan wnet jak oganką posamotał muchy,
>Do scętu zdredy skaził bez zadnej otuchy,
>Iześ mię tak chęndogo Panie wyczwikował,
>Pokim zyw, poki łazę, będę odsługował.
>Tym ze cię łez trzęsiackim prosę duski mego,
>Wybaw ze mię z niewoli oscerka strednego.

this text is from 16th century