Today when i was on my way home from work, a brownskin walked up to me...

Today when i was on my way home from work, a brownskin walked up to me, i had headphones in and thought he would pass but he looked at me and spoke to me, i tried ignoring him but he then grabbed my arm.
At this point i was so scared i tackled him so he fell to the ground after wich i ran away with adrenaline going through my veins.
Immigration has really gotten out of hand in Sweden.
Fucking disgusting cultureless dogs who come here and they have the fucking audacity to act this way.

Attached: 1516030176769.jpg (500x600, 63K)

Why did you ignore him at first?

I don't want to interact with people i have no business with prior to our interaction.


Ja, nordvästra stockholm, mitt i skithålan

What if it was a matter of life and death and he was desperately trying to ask for help?

Jag behöver en stark man som kan beskydda mig när jag går i staden. Vill du bli min pv?

No, he probably wanted directions or help with somethingl.
None of my business but these fucking towelhead sandnigger goatfuckers just don't get it.

There’s zero need to be so fucking autistic about it though. Imagine it from his point of view. Pathetic.


>he probably wanted directions or help with somethingl.
None of my business

Why are Nords so unfriendly?

Yes it fucking does, these fucking pooskins come HERE and disturb MY DAY and interfere in MY personal space because they are about as dense as the fucking rocks their mother dropped them on to understand they have no fucking right whatsoever to interact with me.

That's a very unrealistic scenario tb.h and no one wants anyone to talk to you on the street unless it is a qt girl

Its the polite thing to do in northern countries.

You simply don't interact with people you don't know in the winter because they will want your winter stockpile.

most canadians naturally feel threatened by people walking too close to us, and will meekly say "sorry" for everything since they can very well steal our maple syrup harvest.

Sveriges befolkning är väldigt dekadent och en hel del förtjänar att dö. (jag är Svensk och inte dekadent(enligt mig själv))
Romarna dog p.g.a deras dekadent. Börja 1st med att kämpa mote dekadenten, sen mot invandrare/landsförrädare

>autism speaks

There’s really no need to be such a rude cunt about it, could’ve just told him you can’t help him instead of ignoring him.

Based, it should be legal to shoot people who talk to you without permission.
These animals have no concept of personal life and space.

Yes, i wish i lived in a stand your ground state.

cant blame you OP, sweden is a very dangerous country. I bet walking down the street in Stockholm is like walking down the street in any north american city with a nigger population of above 10%. Very dangerous.

You just need to look like a desperate ugly drug addict and no one will speak to you, I know it works

I need to look presentable for work

>talk to you without permission

How would someone ask for your permission without talking?

They send you an email or go through some other third party communication before initiating interaction with you like any other sane civilised human being.

We’re humans, not machines. We’re supposed communicate directly

sign language

>Excuse me, do y-
>*gets taclked*

How autistic can you be

Of course, i you already know a person you can speak to them directly, however speaking directly to a stranger is very insulting.
I have no interest to talk to anyone i do not yet know.

Ignoring him sounds ok, but tackling and running away sounds autistic as fuck

He grabbed my arm, what was i supposed to do, he practically assaulted me so i took to defending myself rightfully so.

You don’t know what he was trying to tell you and how important it was. Maybe you dropped your wallet or something

I did not, i have it right here

How do you even make friend then? Honestly I don’t see how that’s insulting at all, imo ignoring someone is p insulting

I don't, i have a handful of friends from childhood, they are enough.

You’re not a kid anymore, strangers will not eat you.

No, of course not, i am not afraid of them, i am 190 tall almost 95 kg, i can defend myself.
It's just respectless to infringe my personal space.

that's some incel shit

I guess it's just a difference in culture. People ask questions and have small talk with strangers in the street all the time here


>unless it is a qt girl
