Finland... more like fuckland

finland... more like fuckland

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26yo kissless hugless handholdless homeless finnish virgin, ama

yet I'm a virgin
when will they invent a pill to cure the autism virus?

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same but 23 yo

you make me feel slightly better about myself

Shitty ranking, mostly fake.

a lot of people on this board make me feel better about myself but I'm still a loser

How do you do it? I'm ugly and autistic and still get pussy when I want it. I've never even had to go under 6/10.

My only redeeming qualities are that I dress well and am tall. t.

I don't get it, their population is still declining.

you're not as ugly and autistic as you think

>autistic and still get pussy when I want it
isn't everyone in finland autistic?

That doesn't account for all the cultural enrichment we got in the last 18 years

i'm uglier and more autistic, have zero contact with people outside my family thus no friends, don't study, don't work, don't participate in society. also i've never even tried. it's pretty easy.

>How do you do it?
in the past 30 days i've gone outside exactly 4 times. and that is my weekly trip to nearest grocery store. so, unless some 1/10 girl comes to my apartment by accident, i have 0 chance in getting pussy. but i stopped caring about women years ago, so it's fine


wtf zdaj ljubim slovenijo

is this what abstinence-only education does to your brain?

Might be true but I just hate they way I look so much. Can't probably be very objective about my own looks.

Also if someone calls me cute I take it as a false compliment.

We just have different standards for autism. I'm autistic even in local standards.

>check causes of death in Finland
>alcohol abuse and suicide among the top

what gives?

Every Fin virgin is free to come to my shithole and fuck me in my boypussi 24/7

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do you live near the exclusion zone? because i'll be going there in a year or two

>New Zealand ranked second
Can confirm, kiwi girls are sluts