Why don't westerns like rice?

Why don't westerns like rice?

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Could you show me population size-adjusted chart? We have 38 million people here, not 1.3 billion, so it shouldn't be a surprise to you that we eat a tiny fraction of what our brothers in Asia eat.

I asked about western countries, Poland is not western.

not a bad attempt

I love rice.

i guess it's considered a cheap food ?

as a student i fucking love rice, it's the staple of my diet. I manage to spend ~10€ a week on food and eat a healthy diet thanks to rice

it tastes good, it's filling, you digest it easily, you can change its tastes will a different sauce everytime, it goes well with meat, veggies, everything.

god i love rice.

Yup, it's cheap and goes well with everything, but I always assumed europeans preferred a more 'fancy' staple food. What would you say is the staple food of France?

we eat a lot of rice here and still get massively outscaled by the chinks

A outra metade da nossa gororoba é puro feijão com farinha kkkk

i hope you're not trying to imply that Brazil is

Why Japan consumes so little rice?

OP put us with asian countries so I don't think he means that

You're the one saying it. Did I imply that anywhere?

Because pastas and potatoes exist.

We are not exactly western but I love rice, now more than ever. Until the economic crisis, say 10 years ago, rice was seen as the poor's, pasta was king. We don't produce much wheat and that makes pasta pricey at around 1USD/Kilo or as much as a monthly minimun wage, rice is half the pasta price usually.

I can tell you that those of European inmigrant background prefer pasta and any other kind of wheat over rice.

I think thanks to lifting culture its increasing with everyone eating rice+chicken+broccoli all week

So why spend money on internet when you could use it to survive a few more hours?

Speaking of Venezuela and rice, I just saw this today, recently you guys have been selling oil to China and using the money to pay back some money you owed us and buy even more rice: br.sputniknews.com/americas/2018072011769301-triangulo-amoroso-petroleo-venezuelano-arroz-brasileiro-china/

I like rice but it probably isn't as popular here because it's not a traditional food.

Rice contains only 1 percent protein compared to 15 for wheat.

That's why you add the chicken bress

We've got an saying when we're out of money "i've been eating pasta weeks ahah" so i guess it's that

But do people eat just plain rice? At least here we usually eat it with beans and beef/chicken/scrambled eggs.

Beans are fine. But meat is expensive. Compare north and south china. North chinese eat much more wheat and are much taller than rice eating southerners.

fallout effect
its still rad buddy

if they dont have cash, why would they add more?

I only eat rice when I order Chinese food

Come on, at least beans and eggs are cheap as fuck, even in third world shithole like ours.

Well in my country we eat rice with almost everything bc of chings living with us for more than 200y.
we adapted to them

I was raised with rice with Iranian cuisine. But i prefer wheat like what my ancestors ate. Especially emmer whole wheat