How do we make Japan less racist?
How do we make Japan less racist?
500 kilotons
First teach them proper english.
What's the problem with them being racist?
They need to accept more immigrants in their society.
Once they start integrating and acclimating to them, Japan will become more tolerant like other first world western countries.
This, if they are xenophobic and want to keep to themselves, why should we force them to do the opposite?
Because, you know, savior complex and all.
Because racism is unacceptable in modern society you stupid fucking weebs
>savior complex
Yeah, bringing millions of complete foreigners surely will save them, what a pile of bullshit!
>love triangle
why do people hope that Japan is racist so much?
japan already take immigrants more than Canada these days
japan is just ridiculously strict to refugee applications
paco, there will always be people that do not want to live in "le multicultural world" because they are simply too closed minded.
*loves on u*
many people believe Japanese are very racist because they heard someone said Japan is racist
I legitimately don't know what goes on in the mind of those people after seeing what happened with England and Germany. And, to make matters worse, accusing everyone who wants to point out this problem as a Jow Forumstard racist of some sorts.
There was quite a big protest in South Korea a few weeks ago about Yemenis causing problems in Jeju Island. But you don't see Jow Forums threads about them being racist. Only Japan because Jow Forums users tend to like to talk about Japan.
Fuck this whole anti-Jow Forums bullshit. If people want to talk about the fragmentation of Western Civilization they should feel free to. Japan is not obliged to undergo a similar fate.
b-but why..?
We can't.
desu it was mostly about hating muslims rather than race, but yea, fuck muslims and fuck """"""refugees"""""
The spanish international superpower
what the fuck is this even?
East Asian cannot be brainwashed by you Whitoids.
We are race realists.
Now go suck some BBC you faggots.
>hurrrp Jap is raycist cuz i read it on the internet! xpD
Maybe try going there in the first place, you stupid sheltered retards.
Try Osaka instead of the meme city of Tokyo.
stay woke my fellow magapede and keep on praising kek
>The spanish international superpower
What Do you eve mean by this?
No they’re being completely normal
I don’t think they hate foreigners
They have strict society you will never get used to and understand
They’re just afraid to be like Europe that’s all
two nukes werent enough
I wouldn't change Japan, I can walk pretty much anywhere in the major cities there and not have any problems, even carrying a suitcase. Never been robbed in Osaka, infact I was never even insulted verbally by them in their native Japanese.
The work culture needs a transformation but everything else seems fine. It's clean, safe, and not a host for the religion of peace. They do best not to become like the US and Europe.
Don't take immigrants nip, they just want to pretend like they are living in a real-life anime. They don't know the true Japanese lifestyle of being a salaryman.
Being a native Japanese living in Japan must be a dream come true.
I think the closest thing would be living as a Pole in Poland.
Xenophobia doesnt always mean KKK or something you know
And those people wouldn’t actually “hate” foreigners they talk to
But just they hate the idea of immigration and multiculturalism
Japan is not racist or hostile towards foreigners. They just have a strong national identity, strict customs (extreme cleanliness, traditional culture, etc.). Most Japanese people are very friendly and polite, but their knowledge of English is limited. The crime rate is low and the country is very safe. Accepting immigrants would likely cause unnecessary cultural conflicts and raise crime rate, cause disrespect of public spaces, etc.
I think that in general, the idea towards foreigners is mostly that they are either visitors, and if they aren't, they really have some kind of reason to be here like work or study. They appreciate it when you make an effort to learn and speak Japanese to them and put effort into learning about the culture. I don't consider this bad... I actually consider it very logical and really appreciate this country. I'll be sad when my time here is over.
>muh Japanese ethno-state
Japan is an American colony filled with ugly pedophiles and people who look like they cloned their inbred offspring.
I honestly envy you. I could never live in a chinky country and listen to their rat language everywhere I went.
You dont, respect their lifestyles you burgerfaggot
stop with the cultural colonization you nazi pig
Japan will not survive Olympics.
I hope you guys are ready to clean up garbage left by the gaijin, have your women raped, and put up with loud fags on trains while you return home from work.
Make sure to put a big smile face when gaijin leave, and that is IF they actually leave.
Why tho? Poland is a shithole memehype'd by the internet.
Transylvania is the promised land,
Arudou Debito
Activist of unhappy breeded.
Make people concerned unhappy.
Stupid altright Jow Forums types want to believe that Japan is racist and doesn't allow immigration so they can use it as an example of an "ethnoestate".
In reality Japan is very accepting of immigrants. Something like 95 of citizenship applications are accepted.
David Christopher Aldwinckle
January 13, 1965 birth in State of California
>Accepting immigrants would likely cause unnecessary cultural conflicts and raise crime rate, cause disrespect of public spaces, etc.
But these days Japan honestly has no choice. There are too many elderly people enjoying their pension, while the young people have to work like slaves to still have a decent amount of money left after the big cut in their salary just to support that pension for all those people. It's either 1) Cut off pension (or alternatively just kill all people over 70 lol) or 2) accept more immigrants.
>alternatively just kill all people over 70 lol
why the
sounds like a good idea to me
>citizenship applications are accepted
There isn't it with negation of the discrimination.
The citizenship does NOT exist in my Japan.
However, this anti-Japan activist was naturalized.
Not an issue. Op is just a jew shill who unironically believes that he and his degenerate behavior should be accepted everywhere he goes
Yeah multiculturalism doesn't work very well, I've been to a few countries. Ones that were "diverse" had several issues. Including my own country, we have neighborhoods based on race for Christ sake.
Merit based immigration however, in some cases never hurts to let a highly qualified person into your country to work there if they can be an valuable asset to a company. But European immigration for example a lot of worthless people slip through and just leech of their new host countries never really working or doing anything valuable for any company.
japan is nomal! yeah! ho! kick off muslim invaderefuge!
>Germany and the UK
well, their economies skyrocketed, they rank as some of the best places to live and have achieved consistent growth. The UK has seen a dip ever since their senior population got manipulated by a massive misinformation campaign and ditched the EU, for better or worse
this. and thank god they don't
Just behave like a normal human being and less like a burger and they are pretty welcoming.
Shut the fuck up you bring nothing to the discussion you greek subhuman
>yfw that poster was made by an American Jew agitator
>I legitimately don't know what goes on in the mind of those people after seeing what happened with England and Germany.
>"We're aging but very economically powerful, shall we look at how our fellow 'old economies' are dealing with it?"
>"They've been importing immigrants and refugees and it just so happened that some were indocrinated by a religion-based political ideology that hates the West. Even if they have no stake against us and we can be picky on who we can let in, let's totally ignore this solution!"
>>>we can be picky on who we can let in
The whole problem is with foreign pressure and "local" traitors trying to erode controls, you stupid animal.
David is basically Chrischan with wealthy Jew connections and family money. The fact he was able to knock up a decent looking Jap girl is frankly embarrassing for Japan.
Can Japs not count properly?
I plan to go to Japan for a vacation. Maybe Okinawa, then Tokyo.
Is Tokyo full of racists?
by allowing them to unleash their inner samurais and behead every muslim or nigger that try to enter their country
no nigger/muslim = no racism
Americans need to stop meddling in other countries and mind their own fucking business
America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.
Time to get replaced, subhuman.
>belongs to Amerindians
to which tribe? ah yes, you're a leftist, for you they were all one group of civilized people
>be jap
>never have sex let alone kids
>fast forward 100 years
>island gooks start to die out
>africans flood japan because there's nobody to stop them
>island gooks start to die out
>there's nobody to stop them
then it will not be japan anymore